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Mobile Phone Insurance / iOS vs Android

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  • Mobile Phone Insurance / iOS vs Android

    So, thought I'd post some positive insurance news for a change. Nationwide's FlexPlus account includes mobile phone insurance, which I had to use this week. A friend's birthday last weekend precipitated the loss of my much loved phone. This afternoon, a brand new (not refurbished) iPhone 5s was delivered. Pretty good, given that it took me a few days to get the insurance claim started whilst i re-visited the various hostelries we'd visited that night to see if it had been found.

    That, thankfully, brings to an end a week of hell. I have some friends who have been telling me for years that I shouldn't be using an iPhone because Android is so much better. From using friends' phones using that OS I could never quite work out why they were so evangelical about Android. However, I put that down to it being different. I'm afraid to say, however, that familiarity does indeed breed contempt. Or at least it did for me and Android. Having spent a week using my father's old Android phone I grew to detest it even more than I ever thought I would. It seems to have been designed by children - cartoony and illogical. It's sole purpose seems to be to make things more difficult for the user, not easier, all whilst looking like everything's been launched at the screen as part of a GCSE abstract art project...

    I disliked iOS9 when I updated my phone a couple of weeks back, but by God, I'll be glad to go back to it...

    Hopefully that's stirred the hornets nest for a bit of lively debate. Haha.
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  • #2
    I'm with you on that one, I'm an apple user through and through, I do use Windows for work as its company supplied but that's a different thing. As for a phone, I get the whole 'customisable' aspect of the android if you can be bothered doing that. It's horses for courses, I want a phone that takes a half decent photo, lets me send it and allows me to phone, text, browse the net (I also run my business through it half the time too).

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • #3
      I actually feel the oposite on phones. I find iOS cartooney, childish and simple. I find it's lack of customise ability compromising too. I like how I can set up my Android phones to look and work how I want. Though my partner is happy with an iOS phone as she only uses very basic stuff.

      I think hardware wise Apple is about 3 years behind the Android curve too.

      On Tablets however I prefer iOS in the main for myself. I think Apple have pretty much mastered bigger screen optimisation, I only really use Tablets for browsing, Media consumption which Androids lack of one touch AirPlay implementation is an annoyance, and very basic video / audio editing.

      In short I don't ever see me having an Apple phone but my partner is completely open to an Android.

      I see me likely sticking with iPads (even though my current one has crashed 3 times while writing this, I have never had my LG G4 crash even once. Rachel's iPhone became completely unresponsive the other day and needed a hard reset too.) However I think Android tablets are getting better all the time and there's a good chance I could yet choose to go this way.... Or even a Windows Surface, but the slick AirPlay implementation is a big seller for me as it's how I control 100% of the music through my HiFi, so I will probably always have an iPad even if it's only an expensive remote for my HiFi, but let's see what happens with Amazon Echo.

      A few things that bug me or have bugged me about iPones are:

      No NFC (Though the latest ones do)
      Cant replace batteries
      No multi tasking (Multiple layered apps)
      No micro USB (proprietary USB OTG "camera connection kit" does my nuts in)
      No micro HDMI
      No touch less voice control
      No micro SD slot
      Last edited by ValeTudoGuy; 07-11-2015, 03:14 PM.
      Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

      Originally posted by PeeJay
      I get longing looks from guys walking past

      Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
      A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


      • #4
        I have owned various Android devices and Iphones over the years and have found that Android gives you the greatest flexibility to get what I want. I am a web developer/ IT consultant and I have seen the shift of people using predominately Iphone to view web content to android devices being the front runner. It doesn't suprise me at all though as the Iphone is a high price/ high design product, however it is a few years behind the technology of latest android phones and is lacking some basic functionality (Expandable memory). However I will give it to apple on creating a custom NVME storage solution for super fast speeds on their latest phone, takes a lot to create something like that!


        • #5
          My Galaxy S3 died last week, by a miracle I salvaged my contacts but lost precious photos.I upgraded to the NEO Galaxy 5 for ?300 as I have a good sim only deal in place. So far so good

