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  • #91

    Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
    I'll get my coat.

    To be clear I am not saying it is nice or brotherly to mark up cigars nor am I looking to encourage it, just for me a free market. People normally find out the market sets its own price when nobody buys.

    We all know roughly what cigars cost (UK and Duty Free) and it is our choice if we choose to buy, that's all. Not sure why anyone would be talking about quitting the forum over my comments? ...and I sincerely hope you don't!

    blueballs, jugglerboy, senior nerd etc
    As strange as those who know me may find it, I have to agree with the monkey boy!

    Nothing wrong with marking up a sale/split/what-have-you (whatever that means), but it should be clearly stated and known to all up front. Now, I don't think most of you would make a profit off fellow forum members because it's not within the spirit of the forum, I guess. But if someone wants to assess a "commission" for arranging a sale/split/or whatever, then that should be allowed as long as it's made clear up long as there are no misrepresentations.

    As the monkeyboy said, we all know (or should know) the market price of the sticks.

    One Final Note: Let's leave blu-balls, bag boy, and all the Coros out of this. You got something to say it to me!

    Names Perro, el Perro
    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


    • #92
      Clearly Speaking!

      Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
      That's the most sensible post I have seen from you lately Jezza, totally agree.
      Since you choose NOT to quote the referenced post and because this post is the start of a new page, I have no F'ing idea what the hell you're talking about, muchacho!

      But that's just me, I suppose.

      Perro, el Perro

      Haha! I say we go back to calling him se?or simplesimon!
      Last edited by TJCoro; 19-01-2015, 02:19 AM.
      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


      • #93
        Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
        Haha! As you no doubt are learning, senor CIV doesn't post much anymore, but when he does. he doesn't PUSSY FOOT ABOUT!

        Jay, Ray Jay
        The shadows are alive!!!!
        Love Life - Love Cigars


        • #94
          Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
          I'll get my coat.

          To be clear I am not saying it is nice or brotherly to mark up cigars nor am I looking to encourage it, just for me a free market. People normally find out the market sets its own price when nobody buys.

          We all know roughly what cigars cost (UK and Duty Free) and it is our choice if we choose to buy, that's all. Not sure why anyone would be talking about quitting the forum over my comments? ...and I sincerely hope you don't!

          blueballs, jugglerboy, senior nerd etc
          Woh, I ain't leaving over your comments. Just expressing that if this place became the wild west of cigar trading it wouldn't be the place for me any longer.
          And as I suspect probably not just me (Pure conjecture.)

          I feel far to invested in this place to go anywhere and my efforts hopefully show I'm here to help the place grow.

          I suppose we just see this differently, I don't see this place as a free market.... or any market at all in fact. Any trades or splits done here are between friends and not from a trader to a punter.

          In fact, I think the idea that this place could be any kind of marketplace is dangerous, are you going to be there to enforce trade laws? Because surely someone making a proffit is now a retailer rather than part of an equal buying agreement.

          That would give me consumer rights, I think we should leave the business to the actual shops like our sponsor and mysmokingshop.
          Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

          Originally posted by PeeJay
          I get longing looks from guys walking past

          Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
          A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


          • #95
            Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View Post
            Woh, I ain't leaving over your comments. Just expressing that if this place became the wild west of cigar trading it wouldn't be the place for me any longer.
            And as I suspect probably not just me (Pure conjecture.)

            I feel far to invested in this place to go anywhere and my efforts hopefully show I'm here to help the place grow.

            I suppose we just see this differently, I don't see this place as a free market.... or any market at all in fact. Any trades or splits done here are between friends and not from a trader to a punter.

            In fact, I think the idea that this place could be any kind of marketplace is dangerous, are you going to be there to enforce trade laws? Because surely someone making a proffit is now a retailer rather than part of an equal buying agreement.

            That would give me consumer rights, I think we should leave the business to the actual shops like our sponsor and mysmokingshop.

            Yeah totally agree with everything said there. Even how far this has gone already is putting me off investing anymore time in this place. People making a "commission" however small or even in the form of a couple of free cigars is not what I thought it was about. People getting to sample some of a box they wouldn't want to buy a whole one of is what they get out of it. The people buying the rest of box are doing the person taking point on the sale as much of a favour as the person taking point is doing the people buying the rest of the box. It being done at cost makes it an equal trade, any extras is ripping people off.

            A definite statement from any of the site leaders and a clarification on the rules about this may be needed to prevent the loss of more than just myself.


            • #96
              Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Overall the trades here are great. Let's not let bad apples spoil barrels. I think we're talking hypothetical stuff here because other than the accusations against Ross's side trades there isn't even anything else On the table.
              Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

              Originally posted by PeeJay
              I get longing looks from guys walking past

              Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
              A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


              • #97
       stop it!

                Lets reign this in for a minute, no-body is talking about the forum becoming a market place, the way it works currently I think we're all happy with, no-one here has a mini-business going on or anything like that and if an item for sale is too much for you, you don't buy it

                We seem to be making a mountain out of a mole hill


                • #98
                  Oh deary me.

                  There are no 'rules' about trading, trading is intentionally minimised because of this sort of debacle and due to the various nanny states we live in.

                  The person doing the selling sets the price, it's up to you if you want to pay it. I'm not going to start asking to see receipts and validity before people put a sale up. Generally those who've been around long enough will trade with little profit and open honesty about what it's costing them. It's up to you whether you trust this person enough and are willing or not willing to pay any premium, for example on aged cigars.

                  Trading with people who've not been established will leave you much more open to being burnt, as people have found out.
                  Last edited by Deano; 19-01-2015, 09:08 AM.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by sheppsea View Post
                    Lets reign this in for a minute, no-body is talking about the forum becoming a market place, the way it works currently I think we're all happy with, no-one here has a mini-business going on or anything like that and if an item for sale is too much for you, you don't buy it

                    We seem to be make a mountain out of a mole hill
                    Summed up nicely.


                    • Ross.Co has left. I do feel some of us were a bit quick to put the boot in, but ultimately I think it's best for everyone; I don't think his reputation could've been restored.

                      I'd suggest everyone isn't so quick to jump to trade with non-established members going forwards.


                      • Originally posted by sheppsea View Post
                        Lets reign this in for a minute, no-body is talking about the forum becoming a market place, the way it works currently I think we're all happy with, no-one here has a mini-business going on or anything like that and if an item for sale is too much for you, you don't buy it

                        We seem to be making a mountain out of a mole hill
                        Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                        Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                        Originally posted by Ryan
                        I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                        • Your now saying its within forum rules to purchase cigars with the intention of selling for profit, even though its for a small profit?


                          • As I want all this agro to just go away I won't linger on points much longer in the hopes of forgetting this whole event.

                            My parting though... It's fair enough to say it's a mountain out of a mole hill, but do the people who are left feeling ripped Off and bitter going to see it the same way?
                            Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

                            Originally posted by PeeJay
                            I get longing looks from guys walking past

                            Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
                            A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


                            • THE END.......I think this thread should be locked and deleted. Wiped from the archives of UKCF and history. Lets get back to service as usual guys, some silly ebay posts, new in the humi, what I am smoking today and a bit of Butters bashing. This has always been a fun forum lets keep it that way.


                              • Copied this from the rules:

                                To post a thread OR be active in the trade you must fit the following criteria and abide by the rules below and the Forum Rules located here.

                                1) Have posted more than 100 posts within the forum and have PM privileges. This is all requires a period of time on the site (e.g. 3months+) and good behaviour!
                                2) You should have been active in the last 3-6 months.
                                3) Accept questions via Private Message or in the thread itself - don't list your email address or web-site.
                                4) Do not bad mouth a seller, leave constructive feedback. If you have issues with legitimacy contact an admin (like me) or a moderator.
                                5) If you are a retailer or a 'seller' you should not comment on other sites advertising, nor their services. If you feel they are illegitimate please PM me or a moderator
                                6) It is illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18.
                                7) UK Cigar Forums is only for the use of people aged 18 or over.
                                8) Cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco may not be sold or traded on UK Cigar Forums.
                                9) Only one or two For Sale adverts should appear from one person in any given month - this isn't eBay.
                                10) No grey market trading. This means selling for profit or buying for the reason of selling and passing on the cigars.
                                11) No mention of Paypal. Paypal do not allow it's services to be used for tobacco goods.

                                People who do not adhere to this will be:
                                1) Banned.
                                2) Have their posts deleted.

