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  • Oh Dear, far be it for me to tell you how to conduct splits and buys, but elsewhere this wouldn't have got past the first post, because VTG wouldn't have had to make the first post.

    Profiteering is NOT in the true BOTL spirit of things. That said, if I were a Mod and with Ross & Co gone, I would clean start you all and delete this thread.
    If you want to, you can.
    And, if you can, you must!


    • And leave no warning to others that there are well established people on the forum who think its okay to take a "cut" on box splits and to be aware of this?


      • I think everything has been said now, all that remains is to be vigilant when it comes to trades and google is your friend

        Let's all sit back, light a smoke and contemplate why we are so into this hobby.

        As Deano said earlier, be careful when newer members are so keen to start selling, the pm ruling is there to protect people, but as has been shown, some work around it.

        Overall this is an isolated incident, whilst it is painful for those caught up in it, remember 99% of trades here go very well, lets keep perspective and enjoy what parcels the future brings
        Exploring the world - one smoke at a time.


        • You've posted up the Rules Wigan, there's little much else you can do matey .... everything and everybody has to be trusted until there's the need for a Thread like this again .... which I hope is never.
          If you want to, you can.
          And, if you can, you must!


          • We have 2 or 3 well established members admitting to breaching these rules and not thinking anything of it!

            How the hell can anyone be trusted?


            • stop it!

              Honestly, I think we need to draw a line under this, its really getting out of hand, the person who seems to have caused it is gone (or is going)

              As has been said, the vast majority of trades/sells/splits go very smoothly and everyone goes away happy. I don't think people feel ripped off by most deals, although I may be wrong, but its only if this is the case that I think it warrants more discussiom

              My final point would be if you're not sure on a deal it will never hurt to ask for advice from someone you know and trust before agreeing to anything rather than let things build up to the point where we get a similar thread to this


              • I should clarify I have been very happy and satisfied with every trade I have done on here. Grateful for the chance to try some quality aged sticks. I just don't like the idea of having to research every trade to check people arnt braking rules that they think don't apply to them. If people are taking a cut however small its crossing a legal line we are already teetering on the edge of without any profits being made. Even if I don't partake in anymore trades its a place I enjoy hanging out anyway. I don't want to see it being shut down. Something which really is an extreme possible outcome but still possible if people are using it for grey market trading. Hence why I presume its clearly stated in the rules. Rules that apply to everyone regardless of how long they have been on here and there personal views that its okay to make a couple of quid it the process for there trouble of organising the split or trade. Having long standing members saying it doesn't apply to them is very bad.

                Tommy you seem a top notch guy and from your scary selfies someone I don't want to get on the wrong side off() but you have taught us all a lesson on not circumventing the rules on communicating outside PM for trades. I thought it was a bit draconian about waiting for PM when I first joined but it has certainly been made clear to me now. This rule of absolutely no profit on trades seems to have become blurred and could have similar consequences.


                • I couldn't agree mor weigh your point on PM's Wigan. Seems outdated but this debacle has proved its worth greatly


                  • Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                    Oh Dear, far be it for me to tell you how to conduct splits and buys, but elsewhere this wouldn't have got past the first post, because VTG wouldn't have had to make the first post.

                    Profiteering is NOT in the true BOTL spirit of things. That said, if I were a Mod and with Ross & Co gone, I would clean start you all and delete this thread.
                    Arf: But this isn't elsewhere and your point is moot. You're not a mod so your point is moot. If you have little to add the discussion it's probably not worth adding anything. It wouldn't have got past the first post here either if people had stuck to the rules. Neither would it have happened elsewhere because newbies can't join up can they?

                    Wigan: You keep saying that long standing members keep admitting to profiteering; I haven't seen that, I've only seen them agree that the seller sets the price and the buyer pays what he's willing to pay. We have no way of checking; it's down to trust but if we know of definite upselling we'll clamp down on it (as per the rules you've pasted). Trust is generally built over time - trust those you know.

                    That's the sum of the discussion and while I agree we have to have a thread discussing this stuff, the same conclusion has been reached by all and it's worth closing down the conversation before repetition (and the almost definite probably of deviation) drives us all mad.


