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  • Originally posted by BullittBoy View Post
    Apologies in advance - and this is a proper noob question..

    I really enjoyed fishing when I was younger and my son (less than 10 y/o) is keen to have a go - but I don’t know where to start in regarding kit and want to get something that will last at least a couple of years.

    Any recommendations for a new starter? - sorry I know from the posts above you are veteran anglers!

    Thank you in advance!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Best advice is to head to a local independent tackle shop and explain your budget and the type of fishing you / son want to do.

    A youngster will get get bored very quickly if not catching so I’d recommend finding some local lakes to fish on first. Your pretty much guaranteed to catch (carp) and it will keep him interested.

    The glory of fishing these days is there is a budget for everyone and £50 could probably get you a starter kit. YouTube is your friend here.

    There are two main approaches of fishing which are Pole and Rod / Reel, my preference is the latter but I spend 90% of my time on the rivers which don’t lend themselves to pole fishing.

    Pole fishing:
    Mainly on lakes and canals where the water is calm
    Easy to use
    Normally need a seat-box to sit on as you tend to stay in the same peg all day

    Rod / Reel:
    Can be used anywhere
    Can either use with a float or feeder (lead weight)
    Easy to use with practice (underarm flick is all you need)
    Easy to be more “mobile” as you don’t have as much stuff to carry

    Main things are:
    Fishing License + rod + reel or pole (or both)
    Terminal tackle - hooks, weights, line, rubbers, floats, leads + box to put it all in
    Must haves - Disgorger, plummet, landing net handle, landing net, chair or seat-box
    Nice to have - Keep net, unhooking mat, bite alarms

    Halibut pellet
    Boilies - mainly used when feeder fishing

    Where to fish:
    LAKES (typically carp, tench, bream, perch) - normally have to pay a small fee but guaranteed to catch. Can normally fish all year around
    CANALS (all species) - Free to fish, could catch anything, can fish all year around, boats will drive you mad in the summer
    RIVER (all species) - Normally have to join a syndicate, could catch anything, dependant on location could have specimen fish, can only fish June 16th thru March 15th

    Brands that shouldn’t break the bank:
    Preston Innovations
    Drennan (some stuff can be expensive)
    Advanta (Angling Directs own brand)

    Drennan is my preferred brand mainly because it’s bulletproof and I like stuff to last.

    Too echo, find a local tackle shop and get some advice, most will price-match agains the bigger online companies. I like to use local tackle shops as if we don’t support them you’ll have nowhere to get your maggots / worms from in years to come.

    My prediction is in a years time you have a shed full of all of the above 🤣🤣🤣


    • Originally posted by gav_sw20 View Post

      Best advice is to head to a local independent tackle shop and explain your budget and the type of fishing you / son want to do.

      A youngster will get get bored very quickly if not catching so I’d recommend finding some local lakes to fish on first. Your pretty much guaranteed to catch (carp) and it will keep him interested.

      The glory of fishing these days is there is a budget for everyone and £50 could probably get you a starter kit. YouTube is your friend here.

      There are two main approaches of fishing which are Pole and Rod / Reel, my preference is the latter but I spend 90% of my time on the rivers which don’t lend themselves to pole fishing.

      Pole fishing:
      Mainly on lakes and canals where the water is calm
      Easy to use
      Normally need a seat-box to sit on as you tend to stay in the same peg all day

      Rod / Reel:
      Can be used anywhere
      Can either use with a float or feeder (lead weight)
      Easy to use with practice (underarm flick is all you need)
      Easy to be more “mobile” as you don’t have as much stuff to carry

      Main things are:
      Fishing License + rod + reel or pole (or both)
      Terminal tackle - hooks, weights, line, rubbers, floats, leads + box to put it all in
      Must haves - Disgorger, plummet, landing net handle, landing net, chair or seat-box
      Nice to have - Keep net, unhooking mat, bite alarms

      Halibut pellet
      Boilies - mainly used when feeder fishing

      Where to fish:
      LAKES (typically carp, tench, bream, perch) - normally have to pay a small fee but guaranteed to catch. Can normally fish all year around
      CANALS (all species) - Free to fish, could catch anything, can fish all year around, boats will drive you mad in the summer
      RIVER (all species) - Normally have to join a syndicate, could catch anything, dependant on location could have specimen fish, can only fish June 16th thru March 15th

      Brands that shouldn’t break the bank:
      Preston Innovations
      Drennan (some stuff can be expensive)
      Advanta (Angling Directs own brand)

      Drennan is my preferred brand mainly because it’s bulletproof and I like stuff to last.

      Too echo, find a local tackle shop and get some advice, most will price-match agains the bigger online companies. I like to use local tackle shops as if we don’t support them you’ll have nowhere to get your maggots / worms from in years to come.

      My prediction is in a years time you have a shed full of all of the above 🤣🤣🤣
      Thank you so much for taking the time and writing this - a brilliant guide and just what I was after!
      “Life’s too short to drink bad wine or smoke poor cigars”

      Don Johnson


      • Originally posted by BullittBoy View Post

        Thank you so much for taking the time and writing this - a brilliant guide and just what I was after!
        No worries. I used to fish as a youngster but then found football and beer so gave it up for 20yrs but then returned to it again about 10 years ago, best thing is ever did and it’s a great way to relax after a mad day / week at work.

        Just remember the fish only ever sees the last few inches of all the tackle you own so there’s no need to spend a fortune on gear and become a “tackle tart”. Bargains galore to be had on the used market too as people change their stuff quite often.

        The “Big One” fishing shows are due in March / April and you can get some really good deals there. It’s at Farnborough and Stoneleigh (near Warwick).


        • Belated additional notes:
          You indeed need a National Rod Licence but your son won't (under 13yo). You can get this online from the Post Office Website. Even though you probably won't go that often to start with I'd suggest buying an annual one, to save the chance of forgetting to get a weekly one ect & being unlucky to get checked, potential fine £2,500!!!

          For your son I'd suggest buying a 5mt whip & having the tackle shop put elastic in it, just incase he hooks something bigger. Then make up a 4 or 6lb nylon line, with a loop to go into the tip, they'll attach at the end of the elastic & another loop at the other end to attach the terminal nylon of 1.5-2lb nylon to an 18-14 size barbless hook. Barbless hook will solve any snag problems in clothing of even fingers, you won't notice any lost fish.

          The hook has to match the bat so single maggot size 18, dble 16, small worm 14, sweetocrn 12. Watch Youtube video on how to use a disgorger. Really easy, especially with barbless hooks.
          Don't bother with keepnets, put them straight back. If catch small stuff, you can retain a short while in a bucket, they like to see them swimming around.

          Most important tips:
          Go on good weather days initially, not so good for fishing but he'll be interested longer.

          Best keep sessions short 2-4hrs max to start with. Especially if not catching. If catching, they may be interested for a little longer.

          Go to a commercial fishery near you, that way, you'll both be sure to catch something & going a few times, you'l get to know the water.

          If costs are an issue, then a local canal is as good as anywhere. Remember they are not interested in the size of fish to start with, just numbers & frankly just catching something.

          Play the long game, short sessions & concentrating on him, getting him out of tangles, unhooking his fish to start with ect will likely keep him interested enough & can lead to a life time hobby, & stop him ever getting interested in drugs (he won't have any pocket money left!) & delay distraction form girls (same reason).

          Good luck & let's see some pic's!
          Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


          • Fished the Dorset Stour yesterday, my a friend from the Sottish Pike Club! Big surprise, hopefully we can arrange to fish together in future.
            Today, on the Hant's Avon. 1st Belinda Princess 2000 & 2nd axwonderful JLPC 2001. Mildxafternoon after this recent c freeze & the river is finally back in it's banks.
            Fishing the swim I caught a 14lb05 & 18lb 08 last Feb. Some dbles caught recently, let's see if I can get lucky by 17:00, with the lowering light, as the water is crystal clear.
            P.s. Imo low alcohol beats alcohol free every time!

            Sent from my SM-A536B using Tapatalk

            Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


            • Would upload originally.

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              Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


              • Busy week fishing both tge Stour & the Avon. Caught jacks on both, nothing bigger caught by anyone on the days I fished but day before upper dbles were taken.
                Yesterday met 3 salmon anglers, hadn't caught this season or several before. One chap caught x2 in his first season & nothing in the 5 seasons since. Doesn't make me feel so masochistic, enduring the odd blank.

                Hoyo Epi No1 2005 cab x50. Yum 😋

                Sent from my SM-A536B using Tapatalk

                Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                • F57C3FD7-CD64-4AD7-9E47-CAAF1A5C4875.jpg Been struggling lately on the Warks Avon but went out today as conditions were good.

                  Sadly no Barbel but this 4lb+ Chub took a piece of meat the size of a matchbox about 2-mins before I was due to pack up.



                  • Times are tough out there, fished all day Thurs & Fri for one jack. A 15lb 15oz barbel was caught! And a few 7 & an 8lb Chub, to a Pike Angler, just not me!
                    Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                    • Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
                      Times are tough out there, fished all day Thurs & Fri for one jack. A 15lb 15oz barbel was caught! And a few 7 & an 8lb Chub, to a Pike Angler, just not me!
                      Agreed, been a funny season all around on the river. First it was to low and clear with zero oxygenated water, then the floods came and you took life into your own hands getting near any swims. Hopefully we have a mild Feb / March.

                      Jeez that is some Barbel / Chub they’ve had at that weight !!! Definitely piling the pounds on for spawning.
                      Last edited by gav_sw20; 13-02-2023, 03:02 PM.


                      • Morning fellow anglers! I have found a new water, that takes me back to the start of my fishing career, at my Grandfather's farm pond 54yrs ago, catching small carp & roach.

                        This one is called The Fruit Farm, in deepest Dorset & is 2-3acres. Con t Ainsdale mostly carp, from 1-2ozs, to low dbles. Roach, annoyingly tiny yet taking 4 maggies or sweetcorn. Goldfish, clearly visible chasing any crust is thrown in.

                        My best carp so far only 1.5lb, which happened to be my pb from GF's farm. Carp of 3-4lb clearly seen taking dog biscuits but swerve away at the last minute from one with a hook in & fluro- line attached. They have been surface hammered over the last few weeks so next visit, I'll try keeping their heads down & trying red corn. BTW I only got takes from artificial corn, it I added a real maggot too.
                        Belinda Princess 2000. Feeding a pr if robins. Nice to be the only c a r in the car park! Strawberry jam scones for afternoon tea!

                        Sent from my SM-A536B using Tapatalk

                        Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                        • Back to the same swim again, this time using the 5m pole, for 90mins, then lost the elastic! Carried on with the waggler.
                          Managed 75 roach & carp (approx 20 carp), in 3hrs 55m.! Surely a PB for me.

                          To busy to smoke there but enjoyed these in celebration back home, pre & post BBQ.

                          Sent from my SM-A536B using Tapatalk

                          Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


                          • Absolutely devastated - thunderstorm this week has de-oxygenated my local river and killed thousands of barbel / chub / dace.

                            3 out of the 5 syndicates I fish have suspended fishing.

                            Last week I was feeding double-figure barbel and now they’re floating on the surface.

                            Simon Bolivar


                            • Originally posted by gav_sw20 View Post
                              Absolutely devastated - thunderstorm this week has de-oxygenated my local river and killed thousands of barbel / chub / dace.

                              3 out of the 5 syndicates I fish have suspended fishing.

                              Last week I was feeding double-figure barbel and now they’re floating on the surface.

                              Simon Bolivar
                              According to the article, locals are saying it's a pollutant, and the EA come across as trying to pass it off as deoxygenaton to cover up for their lack of response. Huge inpact one way or the other...


                              • Originally posted by grumpybaldy View Post

                                According to the article, locals are saying it's a pollutant, and the EA come across as trying to pass it off as deoxygenaton to cover up for their lack of response. Huge inpact one way or the other...
                                I’ve just been down there to one stretch and it’s a mess.

                                IMO it’s a combination of low water, heavy rainfall over two days, heat, water company discharge.

                                Saw two big barbel and six chub without really looking and that was only in one small meadow.

                                There were some (idiots) people fishing as it’s the first day of the season but I wont be going down. It stinks too.

