A country is a region (defined by connecting borders or not.) that is inhabited by a group of people with a distinct political and social identity.
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales..... Now we may identify on many matters and will fight to the hilt to defend our combined identity...... But we will fight each other (And have done since time immemorial.) even harder to define our individual geographical and social identities.
Ergo, we are a commune of mostly likeminded individuals who rally under a common banner..... Who will be the first to fall out with each other to assert our individual thinking over the other.
Its not straight forward or even logical.... But that's how it is, over time we have been real brothers in many ways..... We love and hate each other in equal measures. Though the English being the (Self imposed) elder brother, were often the easy target of frustration.
Obviously this is a massively simplified rundown of my view on the matters here. But heck, your country as a society isn't even as old as my house. 520 years..... So you weren't to know.
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales..... Now we may identify on many matters and will fight to the hilt to defend our combined identity...... But we will fight each other (And have done since time immemorial.) even harder to define our individual geographical and social identities.
Ergo, we are a commune of mostly likeminded individuals who rally under a common banner..... Who will be the first to fall out with each other to assert our individual thinking over the other.
Its not straight forward or even logical.... But that's how it is, over time we have been real brothers in many ways..... We love and hate each other in equal measures. Though the English being the (Self imposed) elder brother, were often the easy target of frustration.
Obviously this is a massively simplified rundown of my view on the matters here. But heck, your country as a society isn't even as old as my house. 520 years..... So you weren't to know.