Originally posted by Alexw33
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Originally posted by smokey joe View PostThat’s the one with the shaky chair right? I love that stuff. IMAX by Waterloo is my favourite! They need shaky chairs in there to complete the experience... seeing Beowulf in 3D in the IMAX was unforgettable
Originally posted by Alexw33 View PostYeah it is, I loved it. It was in 3D and came with shaky chairs for the car chases and fight scenes, there’s air that shoots close to your ears during shootouts, fans, smoke and even water that sprays in your face at a couple of points. It certainly makes the experience unique and makes action films an adrenaline rush from start to finish.
I just hate putting on the glasses so generally watch 2d.
Originally posted by SHAMZ84 View PostI'll have to give that a go. the shaking shares and smoke sound quite cool.
I just hate putting on the glasses so generally watch 2d.
Watched Green Lantern again. What a pile of shyte. In fact most of these modern superhero movies are really disappointing. Excuses for visual extravagance at best.
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I think I may finally have this CAD under control...
Last night MLW was in a deep grump and nowt to do with me.... Flicking though Netflix and she claimed never to have seen The Birdcage.... So we watched it. She was giggling all the way through, she really has never seen it! Its a very entertaining film.... Robin Williams in another exceptionally well observed character. Bless him... Such a shame he felt he had to go."Dear heart, you're talking to a man- a real man- who drinks straight Tequilla, with lime and salt on the rim, and smokes cigars" (J Zavala)
I just watched The Night Comes For Us on Netflix. This is the latest action/martial arts film from Indonesia with a couple of actors from The Raid. It's a great watch with nearly non stop action if you are into films like this. I don't know if they still censor films in the UK like they did in the80s and 90s but this might be cut in the UK because it is ultra violent.
The only downside is that I would have loved to see some more Pencak-Silat from Iko Uwais but the final fight is pretty neat.
Other films that I liked recently are:
BuyBust from the Phillipines about a squad of elite cops who go into a ghetto to well, bust a drug lord. Non stop action as well but I had a problem with the non existant "don't leave you buddies behind" motto in this film. Otherwise it's 2 hours of pure action with the highest body count that I've seen in film in recent years.
Mandy with Nic Cage. The first 40 minutes are not for me but then it gets really f%@!ed up. I sincerly believe that the guy who directed this must have been on some weird drugs when he did. And I think that Nic Cage is batshit crazy. Either that or he is the greatest actor of all times because the madness one can see in his eyes is frightening, really!
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