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Do any members here play the guitar?
Great find, those tutorials.
Currently deciding which guitar I'd go for still, whilst my funds are on hold at the mo.
Fingers crossed my work bonus comes through at the end of the month...
What has caught my eye since researching more and more is:
A Jackson Dinky still, a Jackson Warrior, or an Ibanez…
Will leave the Floyd Rose trem for now I think.
Still liking the thought of the ?89 Blackstar Core 10 amp.
Will update the thread as and when things develop
FYI, a great guy who shows how to play most rock metal songs: Mike Gross
You can search most rock metal songs on his youtube channel. He gives tutorials on how to play
✝✝✝ Mike endorses Schecter Guitars & D'addario Stringshttp://www.Schecterguitars.comhttp://www.mystringking.com (Rep: Chris)Website: http://patreon.com/rocki...
How are you getting on with your new Jackson Budgie Smuggler?
Been checking out more and more reviews.
Decision now seems to be leaning toward a Jackson Warrior.
Love the extreme shape. Found it at a bargain price too!!!
Almost ?60 cheaper than most stores who have it priced at ?227.
?169 new from Red Dog Music:
Shop musical instruments, equipment, accessories and a lifestyle selection at Dawsons. Providing an inspiring range of products for all musicians.
Last edited by Simon G; 07-01-2015, 12:25 PM.
Would agree, i just remember i could never work out some of the fingering, especially on riffs/solos etc, seemed to learn a lot quicker just watching someone doing it, and being able to pause/rewind etc. I tend to look at the tab when the video isn't so clear!All just for a it of fun though!
Hi Simon
Sorry I've come to this one late but been playing since '73. There are some really good, cheap guitar/amp deals you can get but be prepared for pain. The finger tips will get very sore and only by working at it regularly will the tips harden. Like everything, practice is the key to improvement and don't expect to be Slash in a week. There are some really good YouTube learning sessions but I would highly recommend finding a local jam pub and going along to talk to fellow players and learn the tricks and tips of playing and to experience live playing without being ridiculed - learning 3 chords will get you along with most jam sessions.
It can get quite expensive and take a fair bit of real estate in the house (7 lead guitars and 2 basses need a whole room to themselves)
Thanks v much for the feedback Fratton! Appreciate it bud. Yes, I am just awaiting funds to permit my purchaseI have in mind a guitar and amp, the additional extras should bring it all to around ?300. I'm planning to practice daily, for 30+ mins where possible. I totally understand too that it'll take time. I have a few other hobbies in the background that have taken time & dedication over the years, which have been a labour of love, so I can totally appreciate dedicating time etc. As soon as things develop for me I'll post an update here.
I was planning to self teach myself and learn the CAGED system first, and then learn the additional chords, as well as the fretboard itself as a whole. Applying this to beginner songs, and then dabbling with songs that really interest me will keep me on my toes
I think also that there are local places to me where guitar players meet, classes etc, so this too would be something I'd like to experience at some point, to ensure I'm on the right track and not picking up any bad habits etc. I will be doing it purely for self pleasure in the comfort of my home to start. Playing out the songs I love. Who knows, maybe it could lead me to joining some kind of band or jamming with a few locals
I started playing at the age of 13 with a few lessons at school- i hated it! I quit after 6 months and never touched a guitar again until i was 18 and taught myself. I didn't read books, I learnt from watching MTV (when they showed music videos) and listening to tapes and CDs over and over and over again.
I dont know what the CAGED system is, I cant read music, have no idea on the name of the chords i would play, I DID learn scales- scales are your friend- but remember you can always think outside the scale (call it Jazz if you hit a bum note) but I had fun with it. I played in a few bands- mostly covers, but also in one original band that got me playing in venues all over London and in various different parts of the country.
I stopped playing about 5 years ago as the meds i was on was causing to much pain in my hands- and when i came off them i lost all inclination to play.
The advice i would give: is don't become too structured, play when want not when you feel you have to. Don't get caught up in the latest gear, find a tone that feels right to you.....And just have fun with it.SilentBob is quiet no more, name change to VocalBob?
Great advicemany thanks for your input!
Sorry to hear you've had to stop due to meds etc.
Yes, CAGED is just the chords C,A,G,E & D. I think these are the most used. I'd go on to learn B, F and G afterward. I'd tinker around in-between learning, so to keep me interested and not get too bogged down. I love the sound of the electric guitar… being a fairly good player, enough to play my favourite songs confidently is where I want to be…
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