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Do any members here play the guitar?

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  • Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
    I get your point but musical theory is not for everyone. I know many great players who have almost no academic understanding. The reality is everything you learn influences everything you play. I'm damn sure if RJ, Keith, Muddy, Freddy, Duane, Albert, Carlos, Django, Wolf, Stevie and Jimi all attended GuitarTec we would be short a lot of seminal music.
    I'm of course not dismissing the acedemic study of music, but simply suggesting as with most artistic expression there are many potential paths
    Bob and you shared a similar point. Now I better get what he meant by "being bogged down" by the study.
    "I guess it's very true that those who start instruments don't really want to be bothered by the formal instruction - life's too short for things like that." That point is very understandable.
    In the same breath, formal instruction and musical theory is a great method of learning if one is incredibly serious about the instrument. Maybe there exists a pretty good median...
    Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
    I always played my best with my eyes closed and my heart and gut telling my fingers where to dance.
    I like this discription... You did guitar. Did you do poetry as well?
    Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
    Marc's a Fat Molly
    Click here for a fun, relevant song!


    • Hi guys, apologies for the late response. I've read through the posts and appreciate both of your feedback, and appreciate the info of both your experiences. I always intended for this thread to have contribution RE experience, no matter how small or great. I also totally understand that in life there are many different methods of approach, and arguments can be made as to which is most effective. I also realise that there are guitar greats that studied the conventional way and others who learnt the unconventional way. For me personally I am aiming to approach it step by step, just so to save time on not having to back track later on, seeing as I'm in my mid thirties, and not exactly a youngster as such with more time on my hands. I've researched and am self teaching myself, but am trying to do so with structure. Practical, theory, technique, my aim is to learn slowly and get a feel and sense of it all in my own way, you could say: the conventional way. So yes, I honestly take both experiences on board and thank you for sharing with me (and others), but please don't argue or fall out over what was intentionally meant for different experiences to be brought to the table and shared. By no means was this ever set out to have any negatives. Appreciate your feedback chaps and take it all on board.


      • Just to add, obviously I tried to read up and gather info on experiences of fellow players, prior to buying and setting out to take up the hobby. And something that saddened me was to read how some had said how they'd been playing for a few years but never really got anywhere. And then how they'd gone and taken a few lessons and learnt more in a couple of wks than what they'd self taught in a few years!!
        A friend of mine in Spain, he mentioned how he's been playing for about 6 or 7 years (self taught). Yet when he sent me a video of himself playing, he actually came across a bit amateurish... Then he explained that he'd played for 7 yrs, but on and off. It was more like a consistent 6+ months it had in fact equated to...
        Me personally, I intend to keep at it consistently. I have free time in the evening, from around 8pm onward. More than enough free time to practice daily for 30mins to an hour+. I've basically given up TV to learn a new skill. I've listened to rock and metal for a good few years, and my love for it has brought me to the electric guitar now


        • And another thing!
          Thanks Butternut for apologising and clearing up any misunderstandings with your posts. Wanna keep us all on good terms here. Many thanks chaps.


          • Originally posted by butternutsquashpie View Post
            Hey Paul - glad you're chipping in around here. Didn't mean to piss off SBob but perhaps I was a tad too blunt on my side...
            Hoping he'd come back to the discussion with my apologies...

            I understand the "unique sound" aspects on this... But does it have to happen with a slight trepidation of the hand? Or ignorance on the music?
            Perhaps I'm just applying the scientific aspect towards the thing we call art. Maybe that's where the downfall is... but if Robert Johnson understood what "mode" he was playing in, would it have made him a less influencial player?

            My argument [of basics] wasn't solely on techniques. It applied to theory as well. If you can play a Led Zeppelin song, does it sound more or less beautiful when you understand the mechanisms/ genre-specific influences?
            Apology accepted
            SilentBob is quiet no more, name change to VocalBob?


            • With the 'pivot finger', I was thinking about the term on the train on my way in to work this morning, and it's actually referred to as an 'anchor' finger. The idea being that with say for instance the index finger - it stays on the same string when playing A, D or E. Likewise with the index finger when playing a C or F chord, the index stays on the same string: the B string. Although saying that - some players may use other fingers for playing chords, etc. There are many ways to play chords, but what I'm reading up on is playing chords in such a way, the idea being that you don't play a certain chord, and then lift certain fingers up - only to put them back down in the same place. More of a thing for beginners like me to note.


              • Originally posted by SilentBOb View Post
                ...if it feels good, and sounds good you doing great!...
                Nice advice - thank you! I have the digital tuner on the head of the guitar at all times, to ensure when I play notes - they ring correctly. You can hear though when a bum note is hit. And more often than not the string may need more pressure added, or better positioning, or it may even be muted slightly by another finger accidentally touching it. All technique, and still v early days for me. Good fun - learning. But yes, never realised how repetitive it would be. But it's nice when things 'sink in'.


                • I'll just leave this here..... Well worth a watch.....


                  • Will defo check this out in my lunch break


                    • Originally posted by Simon G View Post
                      Will defo check this out in my lunch break
                      Earphones are a must ;-)


                      • Hah hah, v good. Nice to see the stars making an appearance!


                        • Just spent a solid hour on Rocksmith and saw my "streaks" (consecutive correct notes) increase from 9-10 per song to 25+, with 37 on one song.

                          Consistency is the key...

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          • Originally posted by Simon G View Post
                            Hi all

                            I'm really in to my 80s/90's rock & metal.
                            I happened to come across a few electric guitar covers on the old Youtube that players posted,
                            and they've got me REALLY inspired to try and learn the guitar?

                            I'd be learning my favs to begin with.
                            But ultimately I need to start from the basics -
                            having ZERO musical instrument experience.
                            I'm a hand's on guy, not afraid to get stuck in manually.
                            I know it'll be a time thing, but does anyone play on here?
                            Any advice on what to start up with, guitar and amp wise?
                            What is your history & experiences?

                            Many thanks
                            Bass is my main instrument although I really enjoy dabbling on the six string acoustic as well. Been in various bands all my life and it was all I really did in my twenties when I was part of a band called 'Killers' with the original singer of Iron Maiden, Paul Di'Anno. More recently last year I was playing with a band called 'Rage Of Angels' and played a festival in Sweden on the same bill as headliners Europe, TNT & House Of Lords. Over the years have also played and toured in bands with the likes of ex-MSG singer Gary Barden and Magnum vocalist Bob Catley. As this thread was started some while ago, how's the playing coming on?
                            Livin' the pipe dream.


                            • Flipping eck Seegar! Wow, great to hear your background, and especailly the bit about Paul D

                              It's going well thanks!
                              Learn't all the open chords, and can change between them.
                              Just picked up and learning the minor pentatonic scale, and have started with the A minor/pent.
                              Can play it up and then down, without looking (in one place starting from the 5th fret/A' root on the E low string).
                              Although looking to spend more time on it, and dabble with a few riffs using it.
                              In the background to the above I can play She Sells Sanctuary, by the Cult,
                              as well as a few intros - just to try out something new.
                              But yes, now the focus is scales and becoming familiar with the fretboard.


                              • Just googled Paul DiAnno, he grew up in Chingford.
                                That's where I reside

