Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
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Much Ado About Something!
Originally posted by oskihen View PostOut of interest how many members are there altogether and how many of you have met in person and know each other out of the forum
Originally posted by PeeJay View PostThink of it as an exclusive little clubTJ first introduced a set of new rules, most of which were criticized, ignored and never implemented. One suggested rule was to close the doors immediately and limit membership to a "exclusive" group. Fortunately (or not), the doors remained open and now we have over 3,000 (ugh!) members!
SO PLEASE...DON'T think of this place as exclusive club where members stand around with their fine brandies and puros and call each other by their secret names (hurumph-hurumph!).
Originally posted by butternutsquashpie View PostMark!! you still owe me a review on that Hoyo LE '11!!
Originally posted by Trickle View PostNeither does Butters but he still sticks his oar in!! [emoji38]
Originally posted by tippexx View PostOr perhaps they sign up to discuss cigars and then discover that 99% of postings have little to do with cigars whatsoever...
Hurumph! If this weren't the case, the Coros would have little or nothing to say...apparently a good thing according to many former and current members.
But honestly, the diversity in topics is what gives this place it's personality - it's charm, if you will.
If I may, let me digress with a little story from the past (since you are about to be subjected to a bunch of Coro Crap, all normals may skip ahead to the next quote). Now, if memory serves, it was few years ago whenRay Jay decided to venture out and join another, bigger so-called "cigar forum" because he believed the "winds of change" were blowin' through the UKCF and it was time to look for greener pastures. So he joined this Most- Respected forum and after a familia Coro introduction, his second post was in response to one of the more upstanding members. Well, as some of you can imagine, the Coro brand of posting did not go over very well at this "fine" place and Ray Jay's post was considered to be "unacceptable" by a mod who deleted it. So after two bloody posts on this "most respectable" and well establish forum, Ray Jay returned to the loving arms of the UKCF never to seek greener pastures again.
The moral of the story? Well, it could be "seek and ye shall NOT find," or "sometimes the things we are searching for are right under our nose." But I prefer to think that the UKCF is a fine balance of serious puro/cigar discussions and not-so-serious banter! Remember Dorthy....errr, I mean, Ray Jay, "there's no place like home!"
Now, I'm sure many of you are asking yourselves "what's the name of that forum and why can't the UKCF be more like that?" Well forget it! I aint' sayin'. But the fact that we don't concentrate of puros and cigars alone and often the topics drift into nonsensical babble, this is what makes this place fun and attractive to those who join. Quite honestly, while I dip my toe in to those other, more serious forums (harrumphs!) from time to time, I spend the majority of my interwebs time at this fine place.
Originally posted by mr_lovegood View PostHi, as a new comer to the forum the first thing I noticed was the fact that lots of members call each other by there first nameslovegod. As mentioned before, this behavior is viewed by some, including the Coros, as a bit snobbish and how-you-say....cliquish. As ol' don
TJ proposed in the New Rules he tendered back in '09, calling each other by the names your mums gave ya' should be outlawed. Its confusing to the
knewbees and quite frankly, quite boorish. I you love your mum-given name over your god-given forum name, than make it your forum name and be done with it. Otherwise, stick to the name that at the top of each post so other can attempt to follow your threads. The key word being "attempt" since so many of you use your secret names and fail to quote the posts to which you are responding.
Originally posted by mr_lovegood View PostAlso using terminology like " MdO4 LGC MdO2's" new comers do not know what any of these smokes are, so they could not possibly comment?
Yeah, it's a bad habit some of the so-called "aficionados" have around here. A bit of showing off if you ask me. While acronyms (look it up, chico) are easier to use and understandable to the experienced BOTL (Oops! I almost forgot. BOTL - Brother(s) Of The Leaf), occasionally it would be nice to spell out the acronyms to help the knewermembers learn what they mean.
Originally posted by mr_lovegood View Post...if they go onto a tobacconist website to try and decipher exactly what there smokes are, then they see the price tag on all these cigars and think "there is know way I can afford to buy ?300 ?400 ?500 cigars"! Then I think it scares a lot of newcomers off. I may be wrong but it's just my opinion and trying to participate in the forum.
Well, that's what I think, anyway!
NamesPerro, el Perro, and thanks for letting me get that off me chest.
Last edited by TJCoro; 09-11-2014, 04:13 PM.sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! -don TJ and the
I'm not going to quote you TJ (and WTF do we call you anyway?) because your post is so long and would take up too much room. However it was all eloquently put as always and whilst I don't agree with everything you said its all worth reading. The problem with names I think stems from the fact that if you're not an experienced forum user you feel obliged to come up with a nom de clavier which may or may not relate to your name.'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'
Originally posted by PeeJay View PostI'm not going to quote you TJ (and WTF do we call you anyway?) because your post is so long and would take up too much room.
Unno moe mentho, por fabore
A Coro by any other name?
Originally posted by PeeJay View PostI'm not going to quote you TJ (and WTF do we call you anyway?) because your post is so long and would take up too much room. However it was all eloquently put as always and whilst I don't agree with everything you said its all worth reading. The problem with names I think stems from the fact that if you're not an experienced forum user you feel obliged to come up with a nom de clavier which may or may not relate to your name.TJ hasn't been seen around these parts in some time. I suspect many of you have never actually seen a bona fide don TJ post. So I suggest using the first name at the bottom of each Coro post - in this case "el Perro"
Now, regarding your second point about inexperienced forum members coming up with a "nom de clavier" whatever the hell that means. Regardless of it's relations to the so-called "real identity" of the person makes no difference. Whatever name someone chooses, they should stick with it so we can follow them or change their name to something else (ie. Ross & Co. fka, Robustos). Again, using names given by your mum is very confussing to those who aren't party to the so-called clique; the "in-crowd," if you will.
It's sorta' like being on the outside looking in; pressing one's nose against the backery window knowing that your pop is too poor to afford the goods inside.
Perro, el Perro'
Haha! Slow down there, el P! Way too much of a look at the inside of your soul.
sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! -don TJ and the
So to answer the part of the question about how many members I have actually met? All those that came to the Watford herf, 22+ & nearly 20 members from the previous club, of which I have had the pleasure of meeting half a dozen several times & Martyn the most. Still in touch with some from the old group. Once you make the effort to get to know members (as well as you can over the net) & exchange smokes, friendship certainly can form with people we would probably just walk past in the pub or town but we have this interest, which perhaps due to it's scarce nature can bond us together. I have always said, you only get out of any club only what you put in, work & at it & look to swap cigars rather than expect freebies straight away.Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.
I see your Antiqua and match you a Gothic!
Originally posted by TJCoro View PostSO PLEASE...DON'T think of this place as exclusive club where members stand around with their fine brandies and puros and call each other by their secrete names (hurumph-hurumph!).[/FONT][/SIZE]
Originally posted by TJCoro View PostRight! And you still owe us a photo ID!And I suppose you with the masquerade of being in the right 'State of Mind' don't!?!
Originally posted by TJCoro View PostBut according to the birds who met him, young butteredballs only WISHES he could stick his "oar" in, as the kids call it.
Live and let die, innit?
Originally posted by TJCoro View PostIf I may, let me digress with a little story from the past
Story removed for the sake of simplicity
Jay Ray I don't belong in this quote!
ya. tahts the 1 rihgt theer
Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
Yeah, it's a bad habit some of the so-called "aficionados" have around here. A bit of showing off it you ask me. While acronyms (look it up, chico) are easier to use and understandable to the experienced BOTL (Oops! I almost forgot. BOTL - Brother(s) Of The Leaf), occasionally it would be nice to spell out the acronyms to help the knewermembers learn what they mean.
But seriously: I encourage people to ask what an LGC MdO 4 is. We can tell them and engage in discussion on that in the 'What are you smoking now' thread and they may find a new winter smoke. That is how I got hooked on the LGC MdO 4s. Granted, what works for me may not work for others. But I feel like there are pluses and downsides to using those abbreviations.
And in the end, I just get lazy and find myself typing out ERdM DT or SCdH. When asked, I always respond - mostly because I can then shoehorn a comment about the cigar to the person inquiring. I find that is a large plus.
Originally posted by TJCoro View PostWhether you call it by the acronym or correct name, you will still have a "hair-raising" experience when you visit you local tobacconist and learn the price....especially if you live in the UK!
Trading, bombing, and exchanging information, it'll soon cost much less than you think! (or sometimes more)
Originally posted by PeeJay View PostAnd it is exclusive, it excludes non cigar smokers who would have no interest in why we're here and so would not bother to register in the first place!
Would we really ban someone if they came and just took over the 'What are you reading thread' and only posted there?? I don't see why anyone would do that... But they are welcome to, no?
French Toast!
Originally posted by PeeJay View PostKeyboard name as opposed to 'nom de plume'
Haha! You crack me up, se?orPeaJayWay! I do do google....but what the Hell is Nom de Plume, you french snob!
Jay, Ray Jay
Hey RJ! You said "do do!"
sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! -don TJ and the
Originally posted by butternutsquashpie View PostDespite reasons, all are welcome here as long as they play by the general guidelines of respect.
Would we really ban someone if they came and just took over the 'What are you reading thread' and only posted there?? I don't see why anyone would do that... But they are welcome to, no?'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'
Originally posted by PeeJay View PostPerhaps 'esoteric' would be a better adjective.
We largely agree. But we're just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point(not that there's anything wrong with that, naturally
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