How many times a week or month do we hear that bit like playing the same record well getting a bit fed up with it
don't know if you chaps feel the same way.
Ok lets say we did stop smoking wether it's cigars ..pipe smoking ..ciggies like the government wants us to how much do you reckon
they would loose on tax any ideas i woulden't have a clue but i bet it's pretty high.
Tobacconist's would also be affected no point being open 6 days a week if smokers are not buying.
Other people effected after tobacconist's would be the makers of humidors no point making them if no one is buying cigars to put them in.
I personaly think the government keep saying them same words STOP SMOKING so it kind of looks good on them
if you are on a very good high income and it stopped how would you feel.
I think the government would rattle their brains and think of something else to tax us on to make up the lost revenue.
This is just my personal opinion.
Believing the government puts so much tax on tobacco because it's unhealthy is a load of bo####ks
if every one stopped smoking the government would loose a massive amount of money, yes that might save some money from the NHS
but according to what they would have us believe all us smokers would live longer there for then would cost them a fortune in paying pensions.
I can just see it now we all stop smoking and everyone's taxes would have to go up to offset the loss in revenue.
Wll guys you might disagree with what i've just said or agree everyone has their opinions i suppose.
don't know if you chaps feel the same way.
Ok lets say we did stop smoking wether it's cigars ..pipe smoking ..ciggies like the government wants us to how much do you reckon
they would loose on tax any ideas i woulden't have a clue but i bet it's pretty high.
Tobacconist's would also be affected no point being open 6 days a week if smokers are not buying.
Other people effected after tobacconist's would be the makers of humidors no point making them if no one is buying cigars to put them in.
I personaly think the government keep saying them same words STOP SMOKING so it kind of looks good on them
if you are on a very good high income and it stopped how would you feel.
I think the government would rattle their brains and think of something else to tax us on to make up the lost revenue.
This is just my personal opinion.
Believing the government puts so much tax on tobacco because it's unhealthy is a load of bo####ks
if every one stopped smoking the government would loose a massive amount of money, yes that might save some money from the NHS
but according to what they would have us believe all us smokers would live longer there for then would cost them a fortune in paying pensions.
I can just see it now we all stop smoking and everyone's taxes would have to go up to offset the loss in revenue.
Wll guys you might disagree with what i've just said or agree everyone has their opinions i suppose.