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How Much Time Do You "Waste" On Cigars And This Forum?

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  • How Much Time Do You "Waste" On Cigars And This Forum?

    People of Planet UK Cigar Forum:

    This morning while multi-tasking – enjoying a fine puro, sipping on a cup-o-joe, and reading the UKCF - I suddenly realized how much time I had “wasted” on these fine activities and I came to the shocking realization... I'VE TURNED INTO A GEEK !!! You know the type, one of those techno-computer, glasses wearing dudes that I have been know to occasionaly tease. (Sound familiar, senor serious deano martin?)

    So I took a quick inventory of my “addiction” and came up with the following. During each weekday (M-F), I enjoy at least one puro a day. IMO, there's no better way to top of a day after slaving away for the Mexican government then with a fine puro and by reviewing the recent posts to this most excellent forum.

    Weekends/holidays are a different thing altogether. On these days, I enjoy at least three puros a day. I simply love to start a weekend/holiday by sparking up one of my favorite morning puros, enjoying fine Mexican java, and reading the UK Cigar Forum. Life is good, muchachos!

    Of course, this all comes at a cost (according to me bird) – the chores pile up, conversations wane, and sex is forestalled. So every now and then I will forgo my regiment and try to squeeze in a task or two before kickin' back with a nice relaxing stick. Truth is, it makes my enjoyment of smoking cigars that much better when I can sit back, puff on a big stick at the end of the day, satisfied with my accomplishments! This takes a tremendous amount of will power and discipline, however.

    So what about you, muchachos? How much time do you “waste" smoking stogies and reading this forum?

    Names TJ, TJCoro, and don't leave me hangin' out here, mates!
    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros

  • #2
    How much time I waste smoking cigars and frequenting this forum...

    Not as much as I'd like to. When I get more time I'll expound upon that thought...
    Business in the front. Party in the back.
    UKCF is now mobile friendly!

    The Mullet Dog is so on fleek!


    • #3
      Real simple man, I don't regard any of the time I spend smoking Cigars or on the forum as wasted.

      Life is too short and smoking a cigar relaxes me and since I stopped drinking seriously, it's my only vice.

      I love my time on the forum and as I don't have a huge circle of friends who I meet day in day out I love the interplay with you boys (and girls) and it's educating me all the time on Cigars. I also Iove the people I meet in the Cigar business.
      Last edited by nicwing; 21-06-2009, 06:24 PM.
      Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


      • #4

        I like to waste around 2 1/2 hour per day smoking cigars and checking the forum.
        Anything less than that amount of time and I feel seriously cheated.
        "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77


        • #5
          I only smoke at weekends but spends hours through the week researching and reading about cigars, comparing prices on-line, dreaming about them...

          I reckon I spend about an hour or more on here every day as well. I check in the morning, because the site's blocked at world I use my phone to check then in the evening I pop in at least twice, maybe three times....I'm an addict LOL


          • #6
            I'VE TURNED INTO A GEEK !!! I'm an addict LOL! 2 1/2 hour per day smoking cigars and checking the forum.Life is too short and smoking a cigar relaxes me
            When I get more time I'll expound upon that thought...

            This is my only true vise,And I totaly enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              As nic said, none! It's all good, and if I have something better to do, I'll do it.


              • #8
                Now I'm more of a STOCKMAN than I've ever been, I'm enjoying at least one fine cigar a day. I very rarely smoke over the laptop, I'm usually in my shack or in the garden.

                This is quite an addictive pastime, The more I cream over a great cigar, the more I want another. And another. And so on.

                So I try and pace myself.

                I log on here early in the day and check out the forum more often at work several times a day. If smoking a Havana is one of the ultimate escapes, then reading and writing on the forum when at smoke-free work is another.

                I don't consider smoking or visiting this forum a waste of time. I toke fat ones, and so do you. It's clubby.

                Sometimes I'm a compulsive poster on here, but I am amused here so that's why.

                I work mostly with women so like the laddishness that comes through here from time to time.

                I have four pit-stops every time I go online. This is one of them.

                I like it here. It's like a haven.

                And I have learnt a great deal about cigars by reading and interacting with folk on here.

                If there is an absence of a few hours, it's because I'm off with the band playing a gig.

                Well done, Deano. You know I love you anyway, babe, but you've brought brothers together from all over the place.

                It's gone from screen posts about punch cutters to sending Jane Macdonald gay anthems down the phone line.

                It's a public service, innit.


                • #9
                  I agree with Nic, anything i want to do is time well spent, none of it wasted, Habanas are one of lifes great pleasures, to enjoy. I still cant understand people who dont enjoy the smell of a Cuban aroma drifting past there nose. However i spend 1 1/2hrs per day mon-fri 2 1/2hrs at weekend on average. Much more time on the golf course and not enough in the gym these days. Regards


                  • #10
                    i have to agree with some of the other guys here, the time spent here is well spent because i,am speaking with other gentleman and women of course who enjoy a good cigar or 2 or 3 like i do. and of course i learn more every day


                    • #11
                      It's early morning again and I'm plugged in.

                      Just want to quantify the 'clubbable' comment I made yesterday.

                      If there are women cigar smokers who come on here, I want to make it clear I am not a mysoginist!

                      Statistically - just by opening your eyes - there are more male cigar smokers around than women.

                      I LOVE women who smoke fat-girthed cigars. I will say no more than that.

                      We relate to each other on here in a very male way. I bet most women would just see us as bloke prats when they read this.

                      I love women to death and prefer mixed company.

                      But I work in an environment which is mostly women teachers buying bangles, hairbands, pink trinkets for rewards for good kids... and it ain't my scene.

                      So I enjoy here - and herfs and meetings through here - because I can't take my Bolivar to the pub five minutes away and smoke one off with mates over a beer any more.

                      I was never a permanent feature propping up the bar - and I am a very light drinker.

                      BUT I did like to do that from time to time because it was relaxing, sociable and civilised.

                      Now it's all banned, I prop up the bar through this screen, sometimes.

                      I am NOT sexist - such a bad start line (shit) - but I am really pleased this is predominantly a MALE space because I can "misbehave" better without ladies hanging around. (I presume lol).

                      You can probably discern I'm a well-behaved guy and not a rogue. I just like being on the periphery of badness.

                      In the band, it's filth, sex, jokes, insanity, escape. Just as it should be. That's what bands are, in my experience.

                      I'd hate to be serious all the fucking time. I have to be so often.

                      But I've always been the guy who gets his pissed mates home and into their beds rather than the one squirting Fairy Liquid into the fountain in the town square.

                      The site lets me - lets us - up my rogue just a bit, and it's harmless.

                      If it was not so early. I'd put some slow Springsteen on - maybe I'm On Fire - and rub my hairy chest against the lounge window.

                      We all create web personae - or we choose to stay off-screen and watch.

                      I just get excited - often through frustration or boredom, especially in breaks from teaching classes at work where no in-tray task seems thrilling - and post twattery from time to time. Most of my colleagues try to escape from kids in the odd hour off because their mids are kiddie-carked.

                      Hey. No confessional.

                      It's just that, rather like Aldous, I'm beginning to enjoy gigs more if I assume a different character or mind-set.

                      So as the Freemasons get tinkled for from my tuxedo'd torso, in my mind I'm stepping into the toilet on a New York Dolls album cover.

                      You know the one.

                      It's much more fun playing music as someone else.

                      Like it's much more fun walking around with a fat bastard Edmundo belching smoke in a cowboy hat.

                      Thanks for your time.

                      Monday calls...
                      Last edited by Robusto; 22-06-2009, 04:45 AM.


                      • #12
                        Well said Robusto, straight to the point . Av a good un!


                        • #13
                          Whenever I can and none of it's wasted I can assure you. It's at least 2 or 3 times a day.
                          It's like having an illicit affair only the wife knows about it!! which makes it even more pleasurable.
                          Free the UKCF one


                          • #14
                            Most evenings are spent catching up with posts, but its time well spent

                            Some times smoke every day, some times just weekend, all the time looking for cigars, reading about them and thinking about them...

                            My names Dale (Cohiba IV) and I am a CIGAR GEEK
                            Love Life - Love Cigars


                            • #15
                              My work has me on the laptop for hrs at a time, so I periodically check back to the forum every couple of hours.

                              When it comes to smoking, about 1-2 hrs a day, no set time though, sometimes I get a hankering for one at my desk or else I have one at the end of the night to chill me out. I tend to get one large smoke in a day, some times two small ones...I need my daily fix.
                              Lover of fine Cubans since 2006

