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There is a god... he smokes Party P2's

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  • There is a god... he smokes Party P2's

    I'm normally far from being a religious person given the number of times, especially lately I've been shit on from a great height.
    I do however believe that there is some higher level cosmic force that "nudges slightly" the way events happen in a complex chain of events.

    Heres why... and what happened this morning....

    On Monday my bank informed me that they believed my debit card had been cloned (again for the 3rd time, this time not serious as before.) and there was a number of transactions that were suspicious and they would refund. In the meantime they have locked out my debit card and will have a replacement send out to me. Now the only method of cash I have is via credit card.

    I recently made an order to a US based supplier which will be hand delivered by family on their forthcoming visit to me, paid for on my credit card.
    My wife is currently enjoying a girly holiday for a week with friends in Cyprus. She sent a txt to say she found the La casa de habano shop and what would I like bringing back. I hurriedly emailed a long list of possibles to her. For some reason here email was unavailable, so after a flurry of txt's I just said pick something and surprise me.
    Un-beknown to me and my wife at that exact point in the space-time continium she was paying for them I was also using our credit card at a tesco till, not only that but the payment from the US order was also being cleared.
    This immediatley flagged up with the c card company and the card was locked. I stood at the till, card denied with no other source of payment.
    Within moments my wife was on the phone saying she was in the shop and the card is asking for some sort of auth code but was not the chip & pin. In a panic with my own problems I said make one up and I'll call her back later.
    Seconds before admitting I had no other method of payment, a close family friend appeared at the til next to me which was unsual as they dont even live in my town and offered to pay.
    Upon arriving home there was an answerphone message from the credit card company to ring them asap.
    Here's what they said happened. The US order was cleared as my wife and I were trying to buy something, it flagged that is was being used 1000's of miles apart and locked me out. my wife's transaction was also blocked and refused. The credit card company said they didnt know what the auth code thing was and said they refused the transaction would not reprocess it again unless I went back to the shop.
    I then rang the wife who informed me that she had picked 4 numbers from her head as the auth code as far as she thought it had worked.
    She then told me she had got me a 10 box of Partagas P2's for 144 Euros and the man in the shop was very helpful. I bet he was at that price. puro do them for 67.
    Looks like I had the last laugh though!
    If anymore proof is needed that something is bringing this all together.
    While on the phone to her, the post dropped through the door one of which was my replacement debit card. As I sat back down to open my post at my PC an email arrived from the family stating a large parcel had arrived for me

    The wife doesnt get back until Sunday, so if theres anything left from this good spell of luck then tonight I'll be expecting a broken down mini bus of females outside my house on the way back from a lapdancing convention.
    Free the UKCF one

  • #2
    Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post

    The wife doesnt get back until Sunday, so if theres anything left from this good spell of luck then tonight I'll be expecting a broken down mini bus of females outside my house on the way back from a lapdancing convention.
    I could get to Welinborough in about 35 minutes at a push so if it looks like there will be any left over drop me a line Boss and I will be there.

    The credit card thing is a nightmare, I suppose we should be grateful that the banks are looking after our money but it always happens when it's important.

    I was on a business trip to the US and just paid for about 4 nights at my hotel when I visited the Montblanc shop to get my wife a pen for her belated Christmas present, I argued that I would get in New York in January as the exchange rate was so good. My card was refused (although they later told me the shop should just have put me on the phone ) and I had to buy it in the UK for about 30% more than the US price. So you have my sympathies.

    Now, about these lap dancers............
    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


    • #3
      Lifes Good ! What the hell else can I say.
      As for the vendor who tried to take your wife over the coals?
      Bend over grab your ankles cause Boss done just drove U home !!!!!!!!!
      No one,and I mean NO One messes with the Boss Man.

      Shop vendor askin for lube cause he is sore! LMFAO
      Great job Boss,see there is a God in this world.
      The Cigar gods have prevailed once again

