So been waiting at the hospital from 7am for a minor surgery. Was told that it would be done this morning now this afternoon. This is after being here all last evening from 5 till 10 when we got told that we were missed from the list. What a total shambles. Whilst I am on a rant whats the point of private health insurance if it doesn't cover emergency surgery. And why do piss heass with a police escort get to jump the que what the f $#@
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rant time about the waste of space NHS
Originally posted by cigarmo View PostSo been waiting at the hospital from 7am for a minor surgery. Was told that it would be done this morning now this afternoon. This is after being here all last evening from 5 till 10 when we got told that we were missed from the list. What a total shambles. Whilst I am on a rant whats the point of private health insurance if it doesn't cover emergency surgery. And why do piss heass with a police escort get to jump the que what the f $#@
The irony is that private healthcare is expensive because of state subsidised healthcare. The state holds the system in an iron grip with a monopoly on the choice side and a monopsony on the price side. Since they get to set the market price of medical treatments, appliances and labour private hospitals are stuck paying those prices.
The NHS is just another in a long line of welfare for the rich scams, played on the tax payer. They extort money from you and use it for the betterment of mankind by setting up a universal health system. Who gets the contracts to supply the drugs and medical equipment? Who gets the contract to hire labour? Who gets the contracts to build hospitals? Who gets the contract to provide linen? Who gets the contract to provide ambulances? I think you get the idea, and in there are hoards of middle men brokering deals and making a fortune. Along with lobbyists placing large quantities of cash in Honourable member's back pockets.
Prices are jacked up so that everyone gets a cut and they make money and have their medical treatment done abroad in a decent hospital. The rest of us are sat on waiting lists while George Best jumps the queue and someone dies because there's one less liver to go round. Little of the money pumped into the health system reaches those who paid in.
Though they always talk about cutting back on the NHS they never will. Oh they'll shut down hospitals and cut care to us but for some odd mysterious reason ... drum roll ... the NHS budget gets bigger and bigger!
I wonder where that extra money is going when they're constantly closing hospitals and cutting back on staff every year? I remember talk, since I was a kid, about getting more for less and making it more efficient. **** me, the NHS budget should be less than Boris Johnson's tab at his barbers by this point should it not? Even if there was one hospital with one nurse left in the country, the bill would still be rising. It's just a scam, nothing more.
You are forced to use it, not because you want to, or because it provides great healthcare but because the government has run everyone else out of town and you have to pay for their National Holdup Scam on pain of imprisonment.
People will say how the NHS is the cheapest option, sure because they control the price of everything you need to run a hospital and their customers have no choice but to use them.
People will say we have the best healthcare in the world, actually we don't. Maybe when Churchill was Prime Minister but not today. I've been to countries with private healthcare that was actually a lot cheaper than paying National Insurance. Their doctors were motivated, nurses attentive and I was treated as a valuable customer.
Well I hope your Girl Friend gets her treatment. But until they privatise the NHS we'll remain on this downward trend.
Just my opinion, and my rant!FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS SMOKE NC'S!
The worst thing about the NHS in my experience is the Apathy shown by the large majority of the workers, it closely followed by the terrible lack of communication.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Firstly, really hope your GF gets sorted and sooner rather than later.
It's really annoying when that happens - the NHS can be utter shite at times. We have a lot of contact with them in all sorts of areas and I have to say that although they can be shite, they can be awesome as well.
The main problem seems to be with consistency. That and the fact that it's not moved with the times.
There is no consistency between areas. What you can have in one area, you can't in another.... Which is ridiculous. Even down to care pathways being different - which can mean a massive difference in quality of life for the patient.
Pisses me off tbh.
*rant over*
Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View PostThe worst thing about the NHS in my experience is the Apathy shown by the large majority of the workers, it closely followed by the terrible lack of communication.
Originally posted by Pandyboy View PostI'm going to say that it is hospital dependent. Nurses ate generally helpful and have a good attitude to patient care. It's the managers that create bad vibes. As an emergency services worker (I think peejay and mattyhall will agree) you get pissed about by those above you. Pissed on by the government and have so much policy and regulations that doing your job is soul destroying. If you saw what emergency service workers were really like you see a very dark sense of humour and a passion to help those who really need it. O got fed up with listening to life's eternal whingers.
She is finally in surgery I was told to goto ward 35 just got there and a nurse tells me they know nothing about her coming to there ward I ask well can you find out no cant do that go to front reception ask there go all the way across the hospital to front desk and guess what they tell me to go back to ward 35. I also had the pleasure of some idiot handcuffed to a wheel chair tell me how he was going to cut my head off and eat my heart this while being guarded by four yes four police men.
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