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  • #16
    Good use of RSI signing there, Sir.
    I'll get on to it right away, Sir.


    • #17
      Think so?

      Originally posted by Robusto View Post
      Good use of RSI signing there, Sir.
      I'll get on to it right away, Sir.

      You noticed...

      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


      • #18
        You told me that you didn?t smoke
        That it smells bad and makes you choke
        (Candice-Marie ? You have a lot to answer for)
        You told me that you love the Kings Of Leon
        That you ride horses on a Saturday and have a pool
        You told me maths is boring and that your teachers are too strict
        You like The Inbetweeners, and that woke me up at last because I do, too
        You have a cat called Mark and you think Bridgewater is boring
        You told me you had a job on Saturday at Waitrose
        > >
        And all of this several hundred times over
        > >
        But this year you didn?t make me laugh very much
        Summer 2009 was not the best
        And I can?t say the bad things
        Lest I get arrest
        > >
        So now I?m knackered
        Stuck in front of The Bill
        And its PCP
        Wondering what to do with all that Roger Daltrey
        Til next year when I meet you lot again


        • #19
          A Plea to the Big Man!

          Correct me if I'm wrong, senor Robusto, but you haven't been posting much lately (for obvious reasons). But senor, I implore you, return to your regular posting pattern.

          I drafted a lovely prayer, chanted a billion "hail Marys" (don't really know how ) and have been posting my lil' brown pinkies off try to entertain, distract actually, the young bloods that keep showing up in boat loads yearning to hear from the forum elders

          But dude, I'm running out of steam!!!

          So I beseech ye'... please come back soon!!!

          Names TJ, TJCoro, and I'm your bigest fan!
          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


          • #20
            I have been very busy with my Cash For Questions and am still trying to find my way out of my brain full of FRANGLAIS.

            There is so much going on at work. Yesterday - with hardly any warning - I was entertaining 65 pensioners in a ghastly church hall with community singing of songs like Consider Yourself - AT home... I had to go commando because the kiddie choir bowled up late.

            I had to do two songs from Les Miserables.
            Between us, this musical makes me heave. The pensioners seemed oblivious.
            But very grateful.

            This is called something like Community Links for the government and the internal powers that be. It's actually a bit of singing and clapping and dancing with a strawberry tea, but it has to have King Dong terminology to MEAN SOMETHING so it ticks the right boxes.

            Shit. I think I spoke to the wife for the first time in three days just now when I was spraying on the Armani. She's off to Centre Parks (Center?) with some gels from Fri thru Mon so I am my own man.

            Throughout the Cash For Questions, I've been blitzing away with quality stogies. I'm waiting for 50 RA Small Club Coronas so I can lay off the more serious smokes and let them sleep.

            I'm polishing my shoes for the band's showbiz frottage on Saturday night.

            I've seen how clever my 16 year old is on some music software/mixing package called Nuendo. He has mixed a track for the Cigar Walk video incredibly well, and now I want him to "record my album" lol over the Summer.

            So I'm writing shit - like that nonsense above - but I will try it more seriously than that.

            TJ - I'm on here most of the time, my friend. It's just that work life is feckin busy, my personal life is feckin busy, marking was aural Mogadon - done professionally mind, possums - and band life is feckin busy because of Summer gigs.

            I finish on 17 July for six cigar-chomping weeks and have plans afoot for a very special bit of pairwork I'm looking forward to soon after that.

            The thing is... If you're busy and you suddenly stop, you can get very depressed. Or borderline catatonic.
            Well, that's what happens to me!

            So I shall keep running, senor.
            Last edited by Robusto; 25-06-2009, 06:19 AM.


            • #21
              Finger In the Dyke!

              Okay, okay senor Robusto, I'll continue to do what I can to protect the honor and integrity of this fabulous fourm while you are away tending to other business.

              So I pledge to you and the other fine members of this forum that I will get it up each morning, drag my arse to work, log onto UKCF, throw down a few keystrokes and, with any luck, irritate the hell outa' a newbie or two before the day is done.

              After all ...I'm TJ, TJCoro, keeper of the fucking flame!

              Balls Up, Boyz! Time to go to work!!
              sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros

