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It works

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  • It works

    Whilst I didn't disbelieve people who said that Boveda packs can be recharged you never really believe something will work until you try it yourself. Well one week after going into a Tupperware box with a pot of deionised water my little wafer of a Boveda pack is rejuvenated and spongy again like new. It may have taken less time but I forgot it was there! Another two are now in for the treatment. Any other doubters give it a try.
    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'

  • #2
    Oh wow. Forgetting about boveda you owned must be like finding money in your winter clothes you forgot about

    Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk
    Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
    Marc's a Fat Molly
    Click here for a fun, relevant song!


    • #3
      Originally posted by butternutsquashpie View Post
      Oh wow. Forgetting about boveda you owned must be like finding money in your winter clothes you forgot about

      Sent from my Q10 using Tapatalk
      More like finding a dollar down the back of the sofa Jeremy, it was only a little one.
      'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


      • #4
        What is the deionised water all about? I've not had to refill any trays before and my Boveda's have always gone in the bin so I don't know the score here. I always thought that if you're relying on evaporation the water that evaporated is in its purest form. Does anyone know if you can just fill the water container in the recharging Tupperware with council stock (tap water)?


        • #5
          That's a very good point Tom that I'm sure one of our experts will address. Don't throw them away again! Just pop them in a sealed Tupperware with a pot of water and they will absorb the moisture and be reusable. You should use deionised or distilled water to refill your trays though as there is no bacteria in it that would rot your crystals/oasis or infect your precious cigars.
          'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


          • #6
            Ahh bacteria, I was thinking maybe minerals but that's stupid lol.


            • #7
              Surely when the water has evaporated it wouldn't take any bacteria with it anyway would it?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Edamski View Post
                Surely when the water has evaporated it wouldn't take any bacteria with it anyway would it?
                Spot on, though for the cost of deionized I would just stick to that anyway. .

                I will have you all using Boveda before long! Mwahahaha
                Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

                Originally posted by PeeJay
                I get longing looks from guys walking past

                Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
                A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View Post
                  Spot on, though for the cost of deionized I would just stick to that anyway. .

                  I will have you all using Boveda before long! Mwahahaha
                  Haha I'm gonna start along you skynet


                  • #10
                    Pregunta, por favor!

                    Why deionized water instead of distilled water, which I think is a lot lot cheaper?

                    We've been using distilled water in don TJ's massive unit for years with no ill effects....except for a perpensity to overuse emoticons, on occasion.

                    BJ Coro
                    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                    • #11
                      ?1 carplan big bottle in most supermarkets cant complain for reassurance of your cigars

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                        Why deionized water instead of distilled water, which I think is a lot lot cheaper?

                        BJ Coroo
                        Because we just can't find distilled anywhere. I went to five pharmacies looking for it, one said they had to order it.
                        'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                        • #13
                          Dry Island!

                          Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                          Because we just can't find distilled anywhere. I went to five pharmacies looking for it, one said they had to order it.

                          That's amazing! It's readily available over here for only a few pesos in most grocery stores. I always have a few liters around awaiting a "call to duty."

                          They sure make things difficult for you lads in the UK.

                          El P
                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                          • #14
                            They sure do, but I might just start making it in big batches at home.
                            Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

                            Originally posted by PeeJay
                            I get longing looks from guys walking past

                            Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
                            A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


                            • #15
                              It works

                              Try this:
                              Get your biggest pot with a lid, lay a plate in the bottom, put a collection container like a Pyrex bowl in that, add tap water to the pan (not the Pyrex). You then invert the lid giving you a hollow on the top, fill that with ice and turn on the hob. You now have a MacGuyver still. You can use that make your own distilled water, the water in the bottom steams, collects and condences on the cold lid and drips into the Pyrex leaving all the nasties in the pan. If you bottle it into a glass wine bottle that you have sterilised in the oven while both the water and bottle are still hot you won't get any bugs in there. Clean hands are also a must. Butters, you can use your latex sex gloves instead [emoji12]
                              I use this method to make a tincture of botanicals when I make homemade gin but the process is the same. It sounds involved but it isn't at all and only takes ten mins to accomplish. It's also fun, if you have a shit bottle of wine do the same with that on a lower temp to get a few shots if au de vit.

