So a few people have suggested I blog some of my stories & in fact Deano was the first, ref My Falklands story that I wrote two yrs ago. However at the time I couldn't figure out how to do it but this evening I think I finally sussed it out. Although due to poor comms I seem to have repeated my first post, if a mod could delete the first blog entry that would be great. Anyway as we have quite a few members who weren't around then & quite a few interested in history, planes & things military, I thought maybe it was worth collecting them together in the blog format. I will continue to publish epsiodes over the next few weeks & will be interested to hear your comments.
Once this series is done I will add my Cuban holiday, which despite beig a little out of date now, the main points of interest are still there & it would still be useful reading prior to taking a holiday of your own there.
Once this series is done I will add my Cuban holiday, which despite beig a little out of date now, the main points of interest are still there & it would still be useful reading prior to taking a holiday of your own there.
