Tonight is a celebration night, so I'm going to smoke something good!
Today my daughter Lily managed to make her first ever attempt at crawling, she only moved a couple of inches but it's possibly the most important bit of movement for me and her mum.. You see Lily will be 1 on the 5th May and Up until now she has shown a complete inability to support any weight with her legs, she has never been able to adopt the standard hands and knees posture or sit up unsupported and never even had the leg push reflex that is expected in every baby. For the last few months, she has been on an ever extending waiting list to see a consultant paediatrician. So left, with the knowledge that she has lax ligaments and very low muscle definition in her legs... The only other knowledge we had was speculation of health visitors with their worrying records of "child failing to thrive." Words that I can assure you, no parent ever wants to hear.. Because even when you assure your partner and they assure you, there is still the worry deep down that you could be doing something more but just don't know what it is. We have been expecting that she will be spending some time in a lower body cast to right a potential issue with her hips, but here's fingers crossed that now she realises she can move a few inches she might just be determined enough to keep going. Smoke well my brothers!
