Originally posted by cigarmo
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MRN 2nd Edition
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Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Originally posted by cigarmo View PostOk i will stop being silly.
on a serious note when the original was released in was only around ?80 so why is this one so much?
I understand that a lot of things we buy are priced at more than the sum of the parts, i also have nothing against people charging what ever they want for what they sell. After all its up to the buyer to make the choice.
If a person thinks a black line painted on canvas is worth millions of pounds, buy it!
i was just intrigued why this book has caused so much debate.
Originally posted by Stevieboy View PostI just don't know mate.... The price doesn't reflect the cost of the materials but of course that doesn't take into account what is known as intellectual property ie the authors ideas, thoughts, opinions, designs, effort, costs etc. Let's face it the canvas and the materials used on any megabucks, famous painting is probably only a few quid but it's what the artist has done with the paint that counts..... Still, the price is frightening me though!!
The Min Ron Nee books, are a sterile list of records.... Admittedly records that interest us... Yet still records that anybody with the funding, time and dedication could have made... There is no skill and there is no beauty, it could be said that Min is making money from photographing and recording the work of true artists..... Struggling artists at that.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Min is the Simon Cowell of the cigar world.
Watch this space, next will be his website.... Cigar idol, you will be charged for leaving votes for your favourite cigar.
..... To be clear, just incase anyone was wondering.... THIS IS A JOKE.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
for me personally, i think the definitive reference is Trevor's website for us average smokers, its on going, its up to date, its useful and is open to all! MRN's work is more a collector's collector item, created using only the best, a money no object project for the money no object buyer. very limited production. its great that we see both avaiable in the cigar world. As good as free can get and as good as money can buy !
and honestly speaking.....tho....i have not seen the quality of the photo of the book, i doubt large format film are really needed to reach truely great prints? I used to be into photograhpy a lot back 5/6 years ago, after going through all the film and digital formats, i think digital has truely replaced film for colour works. I only use film for black and white photograph and with photoshop, i think even for B&W, you can do just as good on computer nowadays.
Originally posted by seanbeer View Postfor me personally, i think the definitive reference is Trevor's website for us average smokers, its on going, its up to date, its useful and is open to all! MRN's work is more a collector's collector item, created using only the best, a money no object project for the money no object buyer. very limited production. its great that we see both avaiable in the cigar world. As good as free can get and as good as money can buy !
and honestly speaking.....tho....i have not seen the quality of the photo of the book, i doubt large format film are really needed to reach truely great prints? I used to be into photograhpy a lot back 5/6 years ago, after going through all the film and digital formats, i think digital has truely replaced film for colour works. I only use film for black and white photograph and with photoshop, i think even for B&W, you can do just as good on computer nowadays.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
I've avoided mentioning the cost because it's irrelevant, if someone wants to spend their life savings on a collection of Station Masters Fly Buttons then it's their choice, I may not agree with it, but if it makes them happy what they do with their money is their business.
Is this book any good? No idea, Frankfurt will be unforgiving if it fails to live up to the technical hype, but BOTL are looking forward to it's publication with anxious anticipation and for them, because the subject matter is close to their hearts, I hope it meets their expectations.
All credit to Ron Min Nee for his creative endeavour, but from what I seen so far — and in fairness I have only seen pdf Test Pages — I think he's overgilded the lily, and weither that's due to a lack of confidence or bad advice from his cadre of associates I don't know. The Test Pages are to my mind dull and ugly and the photography appears forensic rather than artistic, I hope they aren't a reflection of the real book, but if they are, then the book will have limited aesthetic appeal other than to committed cigar collectors. I hope I'm wrong, but I will say what I think and if flyingcigar or anyone else objects .... tough!If you want to, you can.
And, if you can, you must!
Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View PostIf not why are we bothering to do the reviews? Or is it more of a case that whilst we are happy to read other peoples reviews, we wouldn't want to pay for them?If you want to, you can.
And, if you can, you must!
Originally posted by tippexx View PostSpeaking for myself Simon I write them for fun. I don't expect them to be taken seriously, at best they're subjective and I hope anyone who takes the time to read mine takes them with a pinch of salt.
But it's most certainly all subjective opinion.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
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