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MRN 2nd Edition

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  • #31
    Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
    Don't get hung up on a piece of wood.
    And to his credit neither has Nino, he's positioned it where it would come in the most useful, close to an open fire!
    If you want to, you can.
    And, if you can, you must!


    • #32
      Originally posted by tippexx View Post
      And to his credit neither has Nino, he's positioned it where it would come in the most useful, close to an open fire!
      And I thought I was direct.
      Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

      Originally posted by PeeJay
      I get longing looks from guys walking past

      Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
      A purge follows a rapid puffing session.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View Post

        At $5k never mind $10k a really special piece could have been made using high quality wood and other desirable materials.... But no, they use Bamboo, one of the cheapest building materials known to man. It's almost like making the statement "you will buy this regardless of what it is, just because of who I am!"
        Originally posted by tippexx View Post
        And to his credit neither has Nino, he's positioned it where it would come in the most useful, close to an open fire!
        No problem, I am happy that MRN has other priorities and motivations more important than caring about those bitching about the pricing.

        Here's an information from the author that was sent weeks ago to all interested in the book and that well applies to all so directly bemoaning this project here and elsewhere on the boards - not neccessarily bad people or bambinis ... just ...

        Put directly, I am sure the shoe fits well ...



        Hi Nino,

        You can send this YouTube link to people explaining why bamboo wood is green.

        Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

        No video of my bamboo plywood can be found as it is specially commissioned.

        The carbonisation process makes it look more brown and “warm” in colour, but weakens the structure of the fibres.

        My type of bamboo has not been treated in any way and is 100% natural.

        The bamboo of “vertical” piling bamboo plywood is all hand sorted by human eyes for uniform thickness and flawed bamboos are discarded.

        The older the bamboo, the stronger, my bamboo wood is the strongest because these are 6 to 7 years old bamboo, the lifespan of a bamboo tree is 5 to 7 years.

        These are all hand picked.

        Everything is done by hand.

        Not only I go green. I also created jobs for the poor people in Sichuan. The Sichuan people are now living in extreme misery after the big Sichuan earthquake 2 years ago.

        Unemployment levels there are high.

        I feel good doing this.

        You can tell the fuckers who complain of the high cost of production is not because I am pompous, because I need to feed people in China who are hungry.

        I do not care about whether people who smoke cigars can afford the book or not. They have never tasted the feeling of hunger. They only complain about a cigar tasting bad.

        You can forward all my words if you like.

        The fuckers are not necessarily bad people. This is something those fuckers have never thought about.

        Best regards,


        I also feel good doing this ... now back to regular bitching please
        Living well is the best revenge
        Life is a journey - not a destination


        • #34
          Altruistic beyond belief
          'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


          • #35
            OMG...quick chorus of "Nearer to God than thee"..down to the river for a some more "po boys".....then back home for cognac & bridge...

            Pompous Ass.


            • #36
              What an Arrogant fucker...


              • #37
                Originally posted by Flying Cigar View Post
                Everything is done by hand.

                Not only I go green. I also created jobs for the poor people in Sichuan. The Sichuan people are now living in extreme misery after the big Sichuan earthquake 2 years ago.

                Unemployment levels there are high.

                I feel good doing this.
                And I couldn't care if they were made from Gopher wood re-cycled from Noah's Arc, they're still fucking ugly!

                And don't feel bad about telling you!
                If you want to, you can.
                And, if you can, you must!


                • #38
                  See what happens when you shake up your Tippex!
                  'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                    See what happens when you shake up your Tippex!
                    Yeah, I got so agitated I spelt Ark wrong!
                    If you want to, you can.
                    And, if you can, you must!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                      Our cigar world is far richer for MRN and his like and i won't ridicule the output.

                      Nb - many a great cigar has come in an inappropriate/controversial box or custom humidor ...still smoke great
                      Agree 100%. You can only congratulate Min Ron Nee on his dedication.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                        And I couldn't care if they were made from Gopher wood re-cycled from Noah's Arc
                        hmmmmmmm... didn't know he was so vain that he built a victory symbol afterwards

                        And then God said: "Build me a wooden symbol symbolising Triomph over sin!!"

                        Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                        Yeah, I got so agitated I spelt Ark wrong!
                        damn. beat me to it........
                        Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
                        Marc's a Fat Molly
                        Click here for a fun, relevant song!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by SteveGriff View Post
                          Agree 100%. You can only congratulate Min Ron Nee on his dedication.
                          Possibly Steve, but not on his furniture design.
                          If you want to, you can.
                          And, if you can, you must!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                            Possibly Steve, but not on his furniture design.
                            Haha I agree the design could have been a little more thought out

                            Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


                            • #44
                              Nino. I think from my first post you know where I stand on this particular debate ...but I do respect it is a debate.

                              You must reslise there simply cannot be such a reaction without two sides. This will not change regardless of how aggressively we shout. I was surprised to see you post such a reply. I feel your frustration but profane language will never help.

                              Gents please keep it civil.
                              Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                              Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                              Originally posted by Ryan
                              I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Flying Cigar View Post
                                No problem, I am happy that MRN has other priorities and motivations more important than caring about those bitching about the pricing.

                                Here's an information from the author that was sent weeks ago to all interested in the book and that well applies to all so directly bemoaning this project here and elsewhere on the boards - not neccessarily bad people or bambinis ... just ...

                                Put directly, I am sure the shoe fits well ...



                                Hi Nino,

                                You can send this YouTube link to people explaining why bamboo wood is green.

                                Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and sh

                                No video of my bamboo plywood can be found as it is specially commissioned.

                                The carbonisation process makes it look more brown and “warm” in colour, but weakens the structure of the fibres.

                                My type of bamboo has not been treated in any way and is 100% natural.

                                The bamboo of “vertical” piling bamboo plywood is all hand sorted by human eyes for uniform thickness and flawed bamboos are discarded.

                                The older the bamboo, the stronger, my bamboo wood is the strongest because these are 6 to 7 years old bamboo, the lifespan of a bamboo tree is 5 to 7 years.

                                These are all hand picked.

                                Everything is done by hand.

                                Not only I go green. I also created jobs for the poor people in Sichuan. The Sichuan people are now living in extreme misery after the big Sichuan earthquake 2 years ago.

                                Unemployment levels there are high.

                                I feel good doing this.

                                You can tell the fuckers who complain of the high cost of production is not because I am pompous, because I need to feed people in China who are hungry.

                                I do not care about whether people who smoke cigars can afford the book or not. They have never tasted the feeling of hunger. They only complain about a cigar tasting bad.

                                You can forward all my words if you like.

                                The fuckers are not necessarily bad people. This is something those fuckers have never thought about.

                                Best regards,


                                I also feel good doing this ... now back to regular bitching please

                                What a truck load of horse sh1t! How does anyone know the hunger another human they have never met has felt? Or know the thought of another person?

                                Perhaps if his heart is bleeding that badly then the millions that were spent producing this work would have been better spent setting up sustainable businesses rather than commissioning 2000 bamboo stools that are going to "feed a man for a day."

                                Wow, I bet it takes a whole village of poor bugger months to sort through bamboo staves to make such few pieces..... Or not.....

                                I for one am not complaining about "High production costs." I'm in fact not complaining at all, I'm making a statement that I believe he's pedalling a piece of work at an extortionate price.

                                I would rather he just came out and said, "honestly guys, it's worth about ?800... But I know some of you have deep pockets and there's some poor folk that really could do with our help, so I'm putting stacks on stacks and all profits are going to the people than need it the most".... Rather than talking it up like it's the next coming of Christ.... When in reality it's a small volume of encyclopaedias and a cheap wooden chair/box.

                                Final thought, if history has taught us anything about charity... It's that getting a little from a lot tends to beat the pants off of getting a lot from a few.
                                Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14

                                Originally posted by PeeJay
                                I get longing looks from guys walking past

                                Originally posted by butternutsquashpie
                                A purge follows a rapid puffing session.

