He is rich.....we don't deport rich people here! Just sit back and enjoy the slow downward spiral. We are not even at the booze/cocaine/crack whore binge stage yet.
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Benefits Street
Originally posted by PeeJay View PostAs I read the other day, a lot of talented musicians fall foul of the law and get arrested and so has Justin Bieber.Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell leads up to light. ― John Milton, Paradise Lost
Benefits Street
This is a great article that debunks some of the tabloid myths (multiple generations claiming, disability benefits and large families) that keep us from focusing on the real problems facing governments. I feel like government and taxes, benefits are the best worst option.
Last edited by Joncon; 26-01-2014, 11:58 PM.
Originally posted by Joncon View PostThis is a great article that debunks some of the tabloid myths (multiple generations claiming, disability benefits and large families) that keep us from focusing on the real problems facing governments. I feel like government and taxes, benefits are the best worst option.
Originally posted by Joncon View PostThis is a great article that debunks some of the tabloid myths (multiple generations claiming, disability benefits and large families) that keep us from focusing on the real problems facing governments. I feel like government and taxes, benefits are the best worst option.
Well I know nothing of your background or your station in life so I don't wish to accuse you of blindness, but please believe me when I say that it is no myth.....
It is real and vast in certain sections of society, I have seen it with my own eyes. I have worked hard to help people like this, I have attempted to provided guidance to children who's parents were trying their damnedest to keep in their own mind set of take what is given and take a bit more because there will likely be little or no recourse.
Not all of these people are "bad", I like to think that many have a misaligned set of morals...... But by and away the vast majority of them will take what you hand them, they will then take what they think you can't see them taking and if they get caught they will ask for your help only to take your generosity so they can move on to start the cycle again.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Benefits Street
Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy View PostIf I read this correctly, then I understand you feel that the multiple generation issue is a tabloid myth?
Well I know nothing of your background or your station in life so I don't wish to accuse you of blindness, but please believe me when I say that it is no myth.....
It is real and vast in certain sections of society, I have seen it with my own eyes. I have worked hard to help people like this, I have attempted to provided guidance to children who's parents were trying their damnedest to keep in their own mind set of take what is given and take a bit more because there will likely be little or no recourse.
Not all of these people are "bad", I like to think that many have a misaligned set of morals...... But by and away the vast majority of them will take what you hand them, they will then take what they think you can't see them taking and if they get caught they will ask for your help only to take your generosity so they can move on to start the cycle again.
The article again as I left it off the last post.
Originally posted by Joncon View PostIt would be foolhardy to believe these people don't exist. The point is that they are the <0.5% of claimants and as such should be dealt with but not used as some sort of standard by which to make policy.
That article again.
We all know figures can be made to paint whatever picture you want, I will stick to believing my own life experiences.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
I haven't watched it and have no intention of doing so, the whole country is going to the dogs from the top to the bottom. I am retiring to the country to enjoy wine, the odd cigarand golf ( if helping the wife gardening gives me enough time) enough said.
Originally posted by romeos View PostI haven't watched it and have no intention of doing so, the whole country is going to the dogs from the top to the bottom. I am retiring to the country to enjoy wine, the odd cigarand golf ( if helping the wife gardening gives me enough time) enough said.'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'
I am sure your time in policing has, like many of my friends working in the met, given you an an opinion based on some of the worst members of this society. But I would suggest as does most studies of crime that it is committed by the minority so we should not paint the majority by there standard.
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