Let me start by saying I do not want to start a political crap storm with this thread. I am in the US and I happened upon an article talking about the show. I got on youtube and watched the first 3 episodes of it. I wanted to know your thoughts since most of you are in the UK. Is the show being well received? Is it a hot topic of conversation over there? I also feel the need to give kudos to the police force in the UK in their handling of confrontations. If you are belligerent with the police here it normally ends with an expandable baton and/or 1,200 volts. Also I do not recall having a problem understanding people when I was in the UK. In some parts I was really wanting subtitles.
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Benefits Street
You can't really start a thread like this without a political shit storm emerging.
In my opinion all of this is "Welfare for the rich". Most people can only see as far as the people they depict on "Benefits street". It enrages most since they feel "Their taxes" are being misspent by the state and stolen by the "Benefit scroungers" on the television.
The truth?That changes depending on who you speak to. But I shall give you my truth since you asked.
Taxes are extracted from the citizens of this country through a combination of subterfuge and violence. First I'll point out the obvious, the government demands taxes and uses the threat of violence to extract them. You don't pay and they will freeze your bank account and take all of your assets by force. A force that ironically the tax payer funds. Depending on the sum in question your liberty may well be taken away, at the barrel of a gun.
The second method is inflating the money supply. This removes value from our bank account and assets, without you seeing it directly. They then spend the money.
Now they spend a fraction of the money on benefits.
On the surface there are a bunch of scumbags in Birmingham living the good life at tax payers expense. In reality the money is intended for the wealthy. Much of it goes to wealthy landlords, who live at the expense of taxpayers. Power corporations, private companies brought in to weed out benefit scroungers (such as ATOS). A massive bureaucracy is created to support this "Benefits system". Civil servants are employed, private companies hired and many wealth people with connections to the government make a hell of a lot of money.
Am I going to excuse the behaviour of those depicted on the program "Benefits street"? Certainly not!
However what gets my blood boiling is when I hear the mating call of the lesser middle class home owner with Stockholm syndrome. Now if you're stil reading this you've probably given your screen a funny look of bewilderment. I will explain,
Complaining about how the government spends "Your tax money" is like protesting outside a muggers home because he mugged you and spent the money on drugs. And you don't approve of drugs, so he should spend the money on something nice instead. When the mugger took your money he had a knife to your throat and took it through threat of violence. Why on earth would he spend he money on what you want? Isn't it foolish to suppose the money is still yours or that you have a say in how it is spent?
Yet so many do and it works every time when they televise shows such as "Benefits Street" or report on "Benefit scroungers" in the newspaper. And just lke good little propaganda loving fools we lap it up. Getting angry at the scroungers who actually are at the bottom end of the "Welfare racket" being but a drop in the ocean compared to those at the top.
Divide and conquer is one of the oldest strategies known to man. This is what the government does every time a "Benefits scrounger" story hits the media. They want to deflect from the real issue and keep you believing that the tax money going to those scum on "Benefits Street" is still your money.
A great man once said "Everything the government tells you is a lie, and everything it owns it has stolen."
So I don't get angry at those people in "Benefits Street" my anger is directed at those rich scum who are making billions from this benefits racket and trying to direct he public anger onto others.
I watched it expecting to get really angry, and I surprised myself by staying quite calm and feeling sorry for some of them. I felt really sorry for the Romanians who came over and were paid ?10 a day, the show has clearly been edited out to try and make a response from the public.
I actually prefer it to Made in Chelsea or The Only Way is Essex lol
Originally posted by mattyhall22 View PostI watched it expecting to get really angry, and I surprised myself by staying quite calm and feeling sorry for some of them. I felt really sorry for the Romanians who came over and were paid ?10 a day, the show has clearly been edited out to try and make a response from the public. I actually prefer it to Made in Chelsea or The Only Way is Essex lol
To end my rant i got sent to do a install in a crack den the other day and they were getting a ?70 virgin media package. And how you might ask they can afford this is by government payouts class this as a essential as by having the internet this will help them get a job ridiculous
Pheww and breathe
I get to see similar things in my job Sean, houses are crap holes but have the big screen TV's, full Sky packages and all drinking Stella and smoking expansive fags.
The people who are struggling to make ends meet but are working and trying need more help, its the ones that chose not to that get me.
Ah! the Romanians...
Shit happens doesn't it?
Probably illegal immigrants..that's why they don't claim benefits & have to work for other Romanian immigrants who are not worried by the Police because they just feck off back home if caught.....
Probably lured here by a Romanian gangmasters to work on English farms owned by absentee Dutch landlords....
I could name several local estate farms owned by English so called aristocracy that use the same cheap labour..except round here it's the Polish that mostly get exploited...just where does the buck stop?????
Agricola, an elegantly put argument.
But you berate the propoganda of 'benefit scrounges' yet succumb to it by labeling those at the top as 'rich scum'.
Surely not all on benefits are scroungers therefore it's also probable that not all rich landlords are scum.
I'm afraid that although you have put your thoughts across well it still strikes me as something I'd read in the Daily Mail, but with an obvious different slant.
apologies to any DM readers.
?Any cigar smoker is a friend, because I know how he feels.? ? Alfred de Musset
Benefits account for only 23% of all public spending and 47% of that is spent on state pensions. As for benefit fraud it only adds up to 1%.
If you want to worry about something I would suggest tax avoidance a very common practice used by those who can afford its methods.
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