You must have seen that advert where they spray a public toilet with Febreeze and bring in blind folded members of the public who don't realise where they are because it smells so sweet, what a load of b******s. My lovely wife let me smoke in the conservatory on Sunday afternoon and I sprayed all the fabrics with Febreeze afterwards and it smelt sweet, till the next morning. Gave it a second spray and that made little impact at all. Personally I quite like the blend of cigar smoke and sandalwood but as far as she's concerned? Back to the garage!
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Cigars 1 Febreeze 0
One solution is to minimise the fabrics in the conservatory, as you discovere that's where the smell perminates. Smoke with window open & leave open afterwards also helps. We haven't got a conservatory ourselves but our friends do & we do smoke there if it's too cold/wet to smoke outside. They have a door seperating it from the dinning room & it's pretty acceptable in both. On Christmas day we can smoke in the living room, next to the open fire. The open fire pulls the smoke up & out so it's not unpleasent to the other revellers.
I never smoke in our house but on my birthday we will smoke in our sunk garage, which is around 10oC before the two bar heater goes on for a while & makes it most pleasent. The smell does linger there for several days & does go up the stairs & can be smelt in the hall but it only happens once or twice a yr.
The next option to to upgrade your garage, increase heating ,light & comfort & it shouldn't be so bad. Here's a couple of shots in the conservatory & one in the living, fire doors open. Perhaps the ultimate solution is to smoke in your best friends house & then neither you nor the wife get to smell the stale smoke in the morning! Boli.BBF.2008.10.04_1049.jpg.PL.Pan.2008.05.17_0741.jpgMonte.No4.2008.03.14.Ext.Monte4cup_0615.jpgSimon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.
Mates got a mancave with an air filtration system set up.
We have a surplus of these from old Businesses that installed them to escape regulations from indoor smoking. 3-6 months after installation, everything was shit down (typo seems appropriate) and each business lost many-a grand.
Alas I digress. The filters for $1000 work great for smoking indoors. Run it over night and it sucks it all out of everything in your room. Make the door as airtight as possible though!
Might be a tad more than you're willing to pay inn the UK.. So Simons guiding hand is probably the best idea now..
(Imagine all the sticks you could get instead of the filter!)
Sent from my BlackBerry 9100 using Tapatalk
Not a lot of help I know but an American site I was browsing had a cigar air filter on offer at $599 if you want to go browsing or check out which advertises them for the same sort of price.'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'
Originally posted by TJCoro View PostDo you have a picture of the air filtration system, Chico? What is the brand/name?
my mate refers to Sentryair..... it's sort of industrial that i've been looking into for chemical and solvent fumes. they have the ones for smoke too because they really go balls out.
rabbitair was one i know too but never heard of them used for smoke. maybe it's just brand loyalty within the toronto botls, but maybe it is that sentryair is better.
I used to know a woman who's family were perpetual living room smokers, the room smelled disgusting.
One Christmas she got a strange little desktop air purifier that was like a spinning sphere in a bowl of steam... It sorted the room out by New year, the room stayed nice too!
I'm struggling to find them on the net at the moment but will post back when I do, I think it was about ?50.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
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