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Back from Cuba

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  • Back from Cuba

    Well I'm finally back from Cuba so I thought I'd post my views on the country. First, let me say DO NOT TRAVEL WITH THOMAS BLOODY COOK - 10 hour flight back with no heating and charged ?2 for a coffee to heat yourself up, no customer care skills and even managed to Pi** off Mrs Anfield (very difficult thing to achieve).
    Cuba itself was wonderful from the moment we arrived to the moment of leaving. Stayed in Varadero about 2 hours from Havana. Nice enough area but designed with the tourist in mind - checkpoints to keep 'real Cubans' out of the penisula (evidently has cut out prositution). Lovely hotels and the staff could teach many a European country a thing or two about how to give good service, a nice smile and a pleasant day (are you listening France/Spain).

    For those into diving the sub aqua was awesome but the south of the country was better than the north. Did a great dive (35m down a wall where ocean depth was 1200 m) and saw a shark. Stupid me believed the dive instructor when he said we may be lucky and see a whale shark - this one was a bull shark - a bit more dangerous to divers (note to self, be more wary of shark shaped objects in waters).

    Havana was very interesting and could have spent several days there but it was a rushed trip. Club Tropicana was a spectacular show, the girls got a flower each on arrival and Mrs Anfield thought this was wonderful. The men received cigars which we thought was even better. However, I vow never to touch another Guantanamero again in my life, it was bad and reflected the price they sell for in the shops.

    Following Havana off to the cigar region (Pinar Del Rio) which is a must for anyone interested in geology. Fantastic scenary and got some of Farmer Benito's hand rolled for 5 pesos (taste much better than Guantanamero's).
    On the downside, there are those out for a quick buck but that happens everywhere. Outside every toilet someone wanted a peso for cleaning it regardless of whether they actually did anything or not.

    Money exchange was not an issue and we haven't been ripped off on the exchange rate either. The trips were expensive and Mrs Anfield spent much time reflecting on whether we should do another trip. However, even she said the money was well spent.

    Much time was spent pouring over cigars in shops and I have come back with some to enhance the coming summer evenings. Yes I always got pestered by people who had very cheap cigars but managed to resist the temptation. To be fair, when I said no they didn't seem offended or chase me down the street (are you listening you bloody Moroccans).

    Will we go back - YES and before the country opens itself up and the ambiance is ruined.

    Hope I've given you all a flavour of this wonderful country. If you have the opportunity to get there please do. It two hours back in the day/night job (NHS) before I wanted to end it all - usually it takes three !!

  • #2
    sounds great mate, I really want to get over there soon


    • #3
      May PM you with a couple of specific questions, Sir, for a forthcoming trip.

      TRANSPORT - Were you on an organised trip to Pinar del Rio or did you find your own transport?

      I think Guantanameros are the Castellas of Cuban cigars. Really ropey. Hints of King Edward-like 'additives', I think.

      Sorry for my spellings at this hour, folks.

