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Susan Boyle

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  • Susan Boyle

    Opinions on this lady and her 'plight', if you have time, folks.
    Larrysputnik posted a picture of her from the States before I knew who she was.
    She was all over every British newspaper yesterday. I couldn't believe it.

    To support?
    Or to mock?

  • #2
    I have no immediate thoughts on the matter. That said, perhaps she will not have to claim unemployment benefits from this point onwards although I doubt it.

    Britains got what................

    Another Simon Cowell production to fill his coffers..................
    I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
    Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
    Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
    Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

    The Dawg.


    • #3
      Mentally she’s not all there, bit unfair the grief she’s been given but then that’s what we do isn’t it, mock the less well off.

      On a side note I don’t think shes that great at the singing either


      • #4
        I saw a youtube clip of her first appearance, which was good, but I don't watch TV so don't really know much more about her. Why should she be mocked?
        Mark me up as a "don't care".


        • #5
          Gervais summed it up perfectly:

          Susan Boyle,
          Could Britain
          be shitter?

          He's a genius!!


          • #6
            She can sing,though ive seen the shows and heard better, she's made headlines for her looks or lack of them, i wish her well.I guess from the show BGT the best act won.


            • #7
              couldn't care, but she ticks all the boxes for a fairytale, that cowell will milk dry.

              not my cup o tea, wish her the best though.
              Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


              • #8
                She's not my idea of talent, I prefer my women a little lighter and not like Bagpuss. If possible a full deck of cards in the thinking department as well.

                However... she does go for a big pearl necklace so she gets my thumbs up.

                Free the UKCF one


                • #9
                  LOL!!! You're such a dirty b*stard!!!

                  Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
                  she does go for a big pearl necklace so she gets my thumbs up.


                  • #10
                    OOOOH, She's hot.
                    Business in the front. Party in the back.
                    UKCF is now mobile friendly!

                    The Mullet Dog is so on fleek!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
                      She's not my idea of talent, I prefer my women a little lighter and not like Bagpuss. If possible a full deck of cards in the thinking department as well.

                      However... she does go for a big pearl necklace so she gets my thumbs up.

                      Fantastic, BH!


                      • #12
                        Don't you think we have a thing about looking at odd-ball 'losers' in the UK?...


                        • #13
                          Top marks Mark for the necklace

                          The attention some get from the press is nothing more than a playground mentality that exists: if you're 'different', you're going to get ripped. Red top immaturity at it's best, which ultimately does sell papers as the rest of us still have that playground mentality to varying degrees. Coverage started off sla99ing the 'hairy woman', due to her pits, then backslid to tepid empathy. Look at Jade Goody as a classic example, going from Press Pig to People's Princess in her short life.
                          "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                          • #14
                            That's kind of what turned me off the mass media cj... It ain't just the tabloids, it's everywhere. Britain has turned into a celebrity-obsessed, soundbite-oriented, shallow society that gets told what it should be interested in, and (used to) pay for it on cheap credit and mortgage equity withdrawl.


                            • #15
                              Not good, is it?
                              I agree with you both essentially.

                              Trouble is it's very hard to be APART from all the media bread and circus slop.

                              Amy Winehouse was doorstepped to near-death.
                              I don't get it at all.
                              Let the biatch sing because she does it well.

