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Ask TJ - The Forum's Agony Aunt

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  • #46
    ?Se?or Robusto, t? bastardo!!!

    Comme WANK, je ne comprends pas.


    • #47
      Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
      TJ....Please Help!!Getting married next Saturday, and the new Ball 'N' Chain does not want me standing out side all night smoking Cuba's best cigars???
      If if she has to endure the herf Dale, you could always get her a nice chair to sit on whilst she waits mate...

      "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


      • #48
        Donc vous dites. . .

        Originally posted by Robusto View Post
        ?Se?or Robusto, t? bastardo!!!

        Comme WANK, je ne comprends pas.
        J'ai pari? vous ne faites pas, mon ami, j'ai pari? vous ne faites pas!

        sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


        • #49

          what can I say???

          I'm F**Ked
          Love Life - Love Cigars


          • #50
            But in a nice way mate, I'm sure
            "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


            • #51
              Try a little tenderness!

              Hi! It is Catalina Joy here....

              Senor, marriage is about compromises - Sometimes you give in a little and sometime your lovely bride does.

              Remind her how import puros are to you and well being. And in exchange, show her kindness when she wants something that you may not like - like visiting with her family, or taking her our to her favorite restaurante every now and then.

              Remember, we all have are vices and in a life-long relationship it's import to allow each to indulge a little in our favorites. Tolerance for each other's little pleasures is a cornerstone of a strong and healthy relationship.

              I am Cataline Joy Coro, and the Coros wish the happy couple all the best!
              sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


              • #52
                Boy, I gotta get me some more fruitcakes....................
                I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
                Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
                Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
                Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

                The Dawg.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Stogiedog View Post
                  Boy, I gotta get me some more fruitcakes....................
                  You aint gotta look far Paul
                  "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                    Hi! It is Catalina Joy here....

                    Senor, marriage is about compromises - Sometimes you give in a little and sometime your lovely bride does.

                    Remind her how import puros are to you and well being. And in exchange, show her kindness when she wants something that you may not like - like visiting with her family, or taking her our to her favorite restaurante every now and then.

                    Remember, we all have are vices and in a life-long relationship it's import to allow each to indulge a little in our favorites. Tolerance for each other's little pleasures is a cornerstone of a strong and healthy relationship.

                    I am Cataline Joy Coro, and the Coros wish the happy couple all the best!

                    And, if Antie TJ doesn't mind me cutting in here, I think this would make an excellent first dance number at the reception, have the granies in tears, then slip out back and spark up a phat one! Job's a good un!

                    Check out the hair cuts on that horn section!
                    Last edited by nicwing; 31-05-2009, 08:49 PM.
                    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Stogiedog View Post
                      Boy, I gotta get me some more fruitcakes....................
                      LMFAO, Paul!


                      • #56
                        what kind of aunt are you tj? I'm still impatiently waiting for your guileless advice???
                        Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


                        • #57
                          ?T? que hablas sobre mi hermana?

                          Responding to senor stogiedog, senor CJ121 carelessly wrote: You aint gotta look far Paul

                          ************************************************** ***********
                          Senors CJ and Purodog,

                          Be cautious what you say about TJ's lovely but lonely sister CatalineaJoy!!!

                          He is VERY protective of his family, ESPECIALLY his only sister!!! Not to mention Ray Jay....he is muy loco .

                          Hello, my name is BJ, BJCoro, small brother to TJ, and I will hide your posts from TJ as long as I can.

                          Last edited by TJCoro; 01-06-2009, 08:29 PM.
                          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                          • #58
                            First One, Senor Nicwing.

                            Originally posted by nicwing View Post

                            And, if Antie TJ doesn't mind me cutting in here, I think this would make an excellent first dance number at the reception, have the granies in tears, then slip out back and spark up a phat one! Job's a good un!

                            Check out the hair cuts on that horn section!
                            Nice job, senor Nic. TJ and I often reference songs in our posts, but you are the first to one, to our knowledge, to actally make the connection and find the link.

                            I agree with you that this would be a GREAT first song/dance at the wedding.

                            My name is Catalina Joy, and I'm impressed by senor Nicwing's resourcefulness.

                            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                            • #59
                              Provide the Puro.

                              Senor Kdot writes:

                              Originally posted by Kdot View Post
                              Dear Auntie TJ,

                              I'm a long time reader, first time writer and must start by saying I love your column.

                              here's my dilemma, There's a nice girl that moved round my way last week, not too flabby and from the lack of skid marks on her underwear on the washing line, she appears relatively clean.

                              She's newly single so I think I should make a move, but don't know quite how to go about it. Should I offer her a few puffs on my cigar???
                              Sorry for the delayed response, senor Kdot, but TJ, BJ and sometimes Ray Jay have been keeping me busy here in the state of mind, Grand Cayman Island - "get me a beer CJ, bring me my puros CJ, who stole my underwear CJ"

                              Now, to your inquiry. Yes, by all means, offer her a puff on your puro and then later, offer her a cigar.

                              Good Luck!!!

                              Last edited by TJCoro; 01-06-2009, 08:30 PM.
                              sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                              • #60
                                May I just say that catalina joy sounds like a position.

