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Kajagoogoo reform

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  • #16

    You couldn't be more right about Nik Kershaw and Howard Jones being great writers.

    One of the things I do with my band is a whole 2 hours 80s set and you're damned by the songs you have to leave out. The problem with the 80s is that everyone looks back and spends more time thinking about style over content. The styles (both fashion wise and musically) could be horrific, but some of the song writing was immense.


    • #17
      Agreed, Drew.

      I remember listening to Human Racing on cassette on my Walkman in my in laws' garden in Sheffield in 1984. (Local colour counts, possums).

      I was absolutely blown away by the new technology used in the recording - AND by the quality of the songwriting.

      He may have seemed like a man from a council estate in Ipswich with a gay mullett. He was all that.

      But those songs have great texture and structure.

      Howard Jones came to play in my town a few years ago. Just him on the piano and singing, with occasional acoustic guitar from another chap.

      I got the first two tickets. The hall was laid out with tables and chairs. (Always an Oi! Oi! sign about ticket sales, I reckon).

      There were about 35 people there. That is less than my band gets on a tombstone night.

      The music was brilliant. His keys playing is wonderful.

      My townsfolk were lobotomised in front of Crimewatch or some such twattery.

      I was ashamed.

      Nothing really happens here - But this was something else!

      Diddly diddly dee - Two Ladies.


      • #18
        Originally posted by nicwing View Post
        Hey hands off the Twins. I loved those three.

        Three twins, and they say mathematics teaching has got better

        ok, then. Fun Boy Three instead.
        Free the UKCF one


        • #19
          I knew the mother of Glenn Gregory of Heaven 17. Penthouse and Pavement.
          She was my father-in-law's PA.

          Phil Oakey and those two non-dancing birds were always on the escalators near the fabrics at Cole Brothers (aka John Lewis) in Sheffield.

          I once saw Marti Caine in a lift in the same store.

          It was good being a musician in Sheffield in the 80s.

          Now Bustabloodvessel (Bad Manners) reckons my band is the best band in Kent. Even if he sullies us as a mere pub band.

          Some of my band have backed Nik Kershaw and Howard Jones.

          And Toyah Willcox.

          And Rik Waller.

          And EastEnders Barry.

          Is it any wonder?...


          • #20
            We did a festival with Bad Manners and were put in a trailer with them. Helen (our singer) came in and Buster made a joke in front of the band: "Alright love I didn't recognise you with your clothes on!" to which she replied in a Preston accent with more edge than broken bottles but without much finness "F*&k off you fat c*^t".... it went very quiet and she continued to put her makeup on!

            I have to say I've never seen a more grubby, stoned and sickly looking band but, much to my surprise, when they went on stage they were awesome. It was before Buster lost all the weight and he could still shift for a fat lad.


            • #21
              Lives on a boat on the Medway or something.
              I've never met him.
              Made a sarcy remark on one of our videos last week.
              Soon taken off.


              • #22
                I don't know if they still do but the band used to get ?50 a gig and do over 200 gigs a year travelling round Europe in an old Ambulance that had at least a foot deep of take away packages on the floor and stank of beer and weed! Thats not a job I want!


                • #23
                  Sounds like a hard life, they probably decided to become MPs
                  Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                    Diddly diddly dee - Two Ladies.
                    And I'm the only man...yah!!
                    They like it. I like it. On my two for one...badum padum pum


                    I know that show inside out..myself and my cousin quote back and forward endlessly


                    • #25
                      Same here, my man.
                      I adore Cirque Des Clowns and often run it through my mind when I'm world-weary!
                      Love Cheeky Monkey and Alain Perdrix, too.


                      • #26
                        There were some incredibly well fleshed-out characters on that show..some of them only had a few minutes on-screen but I felt they were real. Forbes McAllister, Joe Beasly, Charlotte Fraser, Lt-Col Kojak Slap-Head III. Coogan, Marber et al were astounding

                        BALD BRUMMIES

                        The whole French episode was my favourite


                        • #27
                          Marber's photocopier moment. Sublime.
                          Jessica Tayn-dee.
                          Victorian DOGS.
                          Glen Ponder and Savoir Faire, etc etc.

                          They have become family words.

                          I love the old women on the Olympic track.

                          The fashion show bit - still get teaspoons of wee at that.

                          You need to watch The Day Today if you haven't, my friend.


                          • #28
                            I know I'm going to upset you but I'm not a big fan of....GULP!.....(dare I say it)....Chris Morris....(Runs to the hills)

                            He was pretty good in The IT Crowd but.....hang on, he was excellent in IAP as Peter Baxendale-Thomas...mebbe I need to go back and re-examine his oevre

                            Originally posted by Robusto View Post
                            Marber's photocopier moment. Sublime.
                            Jessica Tayn-dee.
                            Victorian DOGS.
                            Glen Ponder and Savoir Faire, etc etc.

                            They have become family words.

                            I love the old women on the Olympic track.

                            You need to watch The Day Today if you haven't, my friend.


                            • #29
                              Nathan Barley?

