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Next Time on .... "When Herf's go wrong"

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  • Next Time on .... "When Herf's go wrong"

    Well, I was so looking forward to a relaxing afternoon herf with Mr Moore.
    I'd finished work early,I was 5 mins away from a lovely country pub where a fellow BOTL was waiting with refreshments.

    Then while stationary on the A4097 indicating to turn right at a junction, everything suddenly went black and a very large bang ensued, next thing I know I'm being pushed down the road by a very large lorry. I limped the car to the side of the road, fortunatley there was a little side lane next to me.

    A call to Mr M later (who originally thought it was a wind up.) who quickly arrived on the scene to survey the damage. A calming cigar ensued which I must say saved the day for me.

    It doesnt end there.
    After phoning the RAC who then put me as a priorit,y a recovery vehicle came to what I thought was to take me home and the car to a garage near my home. This recovery vehicle didnt tell me that it was only taking me back to their depot there would not be any garages open by the time I got home. The car was also not safe to store on my drive due to leaking petrol. Car Insurers said I would have to get a taxi back home and the RAC did their best to talk the recovery people into taking me. Drive Assist would not send a car for me until I had been seen by a doctor. By this time I was stuck at the recovery centre not knowing where I was or how I was going to get home.
    Then the recovery centre said they were closing soon and would have to leave.
    Stuck out on the street in a industrial estate I didnt even know where I was I phone RAC again who gave me a taxi number in tamworth. Luckily they agreed to take me home at the cost of ?150.
    Although an ambulance checked me out at the recovery centre, a trip to the docs is needed tomorrow as I think it's all catching up now I'm home and the aches and pains are comming through now the adrenalin has gone.

    Big Big thanks to Mr Moore for his speedy arrival on the scene. I would have been deeper in shock without his calming tones.
    We will share a cigar soon my friend.
    At least I got one cigar in as you can see below.

    A very unhappy but alive Hogg
    Attached Files
    Free the UKCF one

  • #2
    Jesus, mate!

    What a bloody story!

    Don't know what to say except glad you're OK and not more seriously shaken up.

    Hope you are fine at the doctor's tomorrow and that you get the car hassle sorted out.

    Smoke another one or two off this evening.

    Herfs - What a bleeding nightmare!


    • #3
      Holy fuck!! Made a right old mess of the back !! Glad you're okay though Big Lad

      Nice one Mick for the Florence Nightingale duties


      • #4
        Blimey, good to see you're in one piece. Take it easy, that was one hell of a bang the motor took.


        • #5

          Glad your OKish mate, that looks like one hell off a shunt....!

          Well done Mr Moore with the first aid cigar... Bravo mate..

          Make sure you let us know tomorrow that you are still ok mate..
          Love Life - Love Cigars


          • #6
            Glad you're OK after that mate.
            Take a week off to recover from your injuries
            And well done Nurse Moore.


            • #7
              Whoa Boss, sorry to hear and see all that. Make sure you take it well easy bud. Like you say, the aches and pains will be creeping in. Make sure you get to the quack and get your neck checked out, there's going to be an element of whiplash fo sho!

              Credit to Mick for getting over to you too. Top marks mate.
              "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


              • #8
                Glad you got back alright Mark.
                Just one of those things mate, at least your ok and in one piece.


                • #9
                  Dude !!!!!!!!!!!
                  Holy shitskies mate. Did anybody survive! Oh thats right U were driving. I guess U showed them whos the Boss! U are 1 lucky M F. 1st Mr. Moore gets raided then your car get totaled. Well at least U both came out of your ordeals safe and sound.
                  Dude now what maybe a sports car.


                  • #10
                    Blimey! Glad you're ok Hog, nice work Moore.

                    Any excuse for a mid-motorway-wreckage-herf!


                    • #11
                      shit! , at least in the face of near death you manage to spark one up though
                      Last edited by Pantomimehorse; 30-04-2009, 10:08 PM.


                      • #12
                        Hey, really glad to hear you got out OK, good to have your angel of mercy on hand with a calming cigar!

                        The 5th emergency service!
                        Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                        • #13
                          Mark, why didn't you ring me back, I could of dropped you back home !
                          That was the original plan anyway, you should of rang me Mark when they informed you they was not taking you home.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
                            Mark, why didn't you ring me back, I could of dropped you back home !
                            That was the original plan anyway, you should of rang me Mark when they informed you they was not taking you home.
                            Sorry, by the time I got dropped off in god knows where, and the ambulance came with a very nice paramedic to check me over, it all got of kinda hazy.
                            Thanks anyway, you did more than enough.
                            Free the UKCF one


                            • #15
                              Christ man! Glad you're OK. Your car looks fucked, though I guess you've probably worked that out yourself.
                              Glad to hear Mick came to your aid.
                              I'm getting nervous about moving to the Midlands with the escapades you two get up to!

