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How do you fund your cigars?

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  • #16
    Let's see, what have I done for cigars?
    I was an Automotive Tech for almost 20 years. After that I got into teaching young kids to do what I did for so long. I like the teaching the most, although I can't buy boxes of cigars like I used to. Teaching assistants don't make the pay of a teacher or a tech, but the rewards are so much better!


    • #17
      Always wondered about teaching, the missus is a teacher, but the plusses of holidays, good pay, and so on, against the minus of working with kids!


      • #18
        I completed a PhD in molecular genetics in the middle of last year. Now I work in Geneva Switzerland doing cancer research. Yes I've thought about the irony of my situation Haha cancer research and cigars generally shouldn't mix Before heading to university I worked at a bank and before that I worked in a factory running a machine which plastic wrapped and printed addresses on porn magazines for peoples subscriptions. Suffice it to say, my current job provides me with the best cigar buying ability!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by Zigatoh View Post
          Always wondered about teaching, the missus is a teacher, but the plusses of holidays, good pay, and so on, against the minus of working with kids!
          I love my job. The minus' aren't the kids (well 97% of them) - it's the bureaucracy and some of the other staff that can cause you the biggest headaches. Without the holidays we would probably all go mad (more so)...
          Last edited by RogMcDodge; 15-06-2012, 08:17 PM. Reason: Retarded overuse of the word holiday


          • #20
            Originally posted by Zigatoh View Post
            Always wondered about teaching, the missus is a teacher, but the plusses of holidays, good pay, and so on, against the minus of working with kids!
            Haha that's the spirit!


            • #21
              Aye, well done James; the hardest thing about working offshore is getting your first position, whatever your trade. They are not too hot on piece of paper qualifications (lowest ratio of degrees in industry I would think) but all about experience. Of course you have to get the first trip to get the experience. When I started 20yrs ago, I'd just left the RN after 12yrs which included plenty of sea experience & I had a couple of yrs experience of running my own Sickbay but still the question was how many trips had I done offshore? I started out covering Christmas & New Yr 90/91, when the normal medic took some leave. After that I had something to tell them, even 6 months later I still had to say I'd been offshore so many weeks.

              Being away from family has never been a problem after only having 6/52 leave in the RN & coming ot 6/12 leave a yr! I also had a pay rise of 20% immediately & after 18/12 was on 50% more than my RN wage & was earning now than my last Jimmy.

              The difficult times are missing birthdays, Christmases (too many to mention ) but being away when family are seriously ill is the worst. Unlike the Pusser your employer has to let you go if you cry compassinate but you can only do that once or twice. I only needed it once, 3/12 after I married my father in law was dying. It took 48hrs for the OIM to release me & I had to travel from Central field to Aberdeen to Belgium. I got to the hospital & he died within the hr. I think you he trying to hold on so I could be there to support my wife & her family. If you have sick children or a wife who can't cope with you being away then it's almost impossible.

              But although the pay has never been as much as Joe public seems to imagine it is, it allows me to have a modest home, an ancient car & an oversized fishing tackle collection & a few humis of aged smokes. No money in the bank to speak of but no debts either.

              So give it your best James, you never know where it will take you but keep an eye out for opportunities out on the deck, they pay a lot more & have real chances of promotion, with all the training you'll need thrown in for free.
              Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


              • #22
                Originally posted by RogMcDodge View Post
                I love my's the bureaucracy and some of the other staff that can cause you the biggest holidays
                "The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana cigar."

                Evelyn Waugh


                • #23
                  Originally posted by RogMcDodge View Post
                  I love my job. The minus' aren't the kids (well 97% of them) - it's the bureaucracy and some of the other staff that can cause you the biggest headaches. Without the holidays we would probably all go mad (more so)...
                  Getting that feeling from her too, oh and the hours when you're on aren't 9-4 or whatever school time is/used to be, for example she's 34 weeks pregnant and still at work on a friday night! (not the usual but still...)


                  • #24
                    I'm an intern sales operations project manager in a big (massive) IT company. Tis an interesting job (doesn't pay very well... the "intern" bit) as I get to work with people all over the world, but since I work from home I miss out on the social part of working in an office environment.

                    I finish my internship (which has been going on 23 months so far, odd for an internship) in August and hope to find a role within the company I'm in as I quite like it there.
                    "What is a cloud? It's water vapour."
                    Larry Ellison


                    • #25
                      Thanks Simon
                      A cigar is not measured by its cost - It is measured by how much it burns your fingers


                      • #26
                        I guess it's my turn, I work in VIP Aviation, in a support capacity I supply spare parts, uniforms, even crew on occasions, basically if you are a muli millionaire or Billionaire and your jet breaks or needs something then your people call me and I make it happen.

                        The hours are long and i'm often on-call meaning I miss birthdays Christmas etc also, it's a pain.

                        But it doesn't pay too badly so I stick with it.

                        I also get to travel alot, but it's a shame as I only ever really see Hangers, offices etc not much of the country i'm in....also the owner is stuck in the 1950's which is a real you wouldn't believe.

                        That's it really

                        Some good stories here
                        Sent from my Ouija Board.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Zigatoh View Post
                          Getting that feeling from her too, oh and the hours when you're on aren't 9-4 or whatever school time is/used to be, for example she's 34 weeks pregnant and still at work on a friday night! (not the usual but still...)
                          If you want to do a good, proper job, the days of the 9-4 teacher is over. I've averaged 7-4 with no lunch break every school day since 2008! And that doesn't include the 2 meetings a week I do after school...

                          Thats why a Friday night smoke is so enjoyable


                          • #28
                            Hey James well done landing a job.

                            I've moved from military to tech sales, to retail sales to b2b sales and account Managment and then back to retail to be nearer my young family, made redundant twice and moved country once- only one way old schoolers like me can pay for smokes and that's graft my friend.
                            I'm lucky enough to have a couple of very under appreciated buddies who arrange box splits and sharing etc spreading the wealth so to speak certainly cheaper than buying singles but most of my cash goes the family way I'm afraid.
                            Work hard my friend and take opportunities along the way, DO NOT leave yourself with regrets!!

                            God I got deep sorry I'll get my coat

                            Looking for Monte Sublimes if you have any?


                            • #29
                              It's surprising to see so many people working in education.

                              I am an engineer by Trade but have been working in IT for the last 5 years. I work for a non profit who work with schools to arrange work experience and other work related learning. We arrange 5000 placements a year for mainstream students, as well as working with SEN studentd and young NEETs.

                              I didnt choose to move to IT. It's always been something i was good at, and i found myself out of work one xmas eve from the garage I was at.

                              I now do engine and performance car work on the side.

                              My qualifications are in Motorsport Engineering


                              • #30
                                Hey Dan 23 months! Hope their not just taking you for a ride mate; they should be made to pay the minimum wage as the law requires, then they would either give you a job after 3/12 or let you go. This internship lark is one of the worst imports from across the pond (ask Monica). One of the worst abusers of this system, Parliment
                                Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.

