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I find it hard to disagree with this man
hmmmm very interesting to listen to indeed.I think that some would find it all too easy to stamp it "Daily Mail" and assign it to the scaremongering drawer.But I think it'd be foolish to ignore out of hand the sobering possibilities in what he's saying.........very interesting listening indeed."The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana cigar."
Evelyn Waugh
I have yet to agree with a single thing that Nigel Farrage has ever said. In the space of that speech, he warns us of the risk of a fascist rise to power caused by Europe's financial troubles and civil unrest, and then applauds the electoral successes of far-right groups such as the 'True Finns', which have all the hallmarks of (deliberately watered down) fascism. Am I the only one who finds this completely self-contradictory?
I must admit to being a little out of my depth on all this but The True Finns are not far right,are they??.What little I've seen,heard or read has had me thinking that they were much more central.Certainly however,gaining some support in social policies from more right sided thinkers.I don't know,again I'm not exactly sitting with my finger on the pulse of all this"The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana cigar."
Evelyn Waugh
Like many far-right parties trying to maintain a respectable image, they tend to avoid explicitly fascist rhetoric. Nonetheless, in 2009, the True Finns refused to sign a pan-European anti racism appeal, on the basis that it was trying to influence its choice of members. They are opposed to same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption and IVF for unmarried women, and to the 'introduction of Sharia law' (a bit of a strange policy for a country with such a small Muslim population). In 2011 their leader (Teuvo Hakkarainen) publicly made a mocking imitation of the Muslim call to prayer, compared immigrants to thieves, and used the Finnish equivalent of the 'N word'. To my mind, the True Finns therefore belong to a new breed of populist far right parties that are desperately trying to gain respectability (another good example is the French Front National).
What more can be said, the euro simply doesn't work unless countries like Germany the UK and France outsource their profits to the lower tiers like Greece, Spain etc. The strong countries have basically wiped out the weaker countries ( go to Latvia or Poland and ask the people what they think).
It will never work, Europe has been the Dream of Germany and France since 1900 and Germany has it finally, however it is teetering on the brink of absolute failure.
Greece back with their original currency would actually be just fine, yes they'd have huge inflation but of a low denomative currency, they would become very cheap, people would flock ot Greece on holiday....meanwhile at the Legion of DOOM, Germany out of the Euro would fall to pieces, exports would become totally disproportionate and they would fall apart with their huge labour bills.
For me, I say let the Euro fail and if the result is most countries forming a ultra left or right wing government then so be it, i'm sick of taking orders from Brussels, sick of criinals going unpunished, deport those who need to be deported and as for the political correct state, to hell with it.
I would like to see more undergrounds for Badgers thoughSent from my Ouija Board.
I personally do not like politicians of any persuasion, ( an evil we have to put up with), my opinion is that they bullshit to get in power then do as they please, usually with no idea of how to run a country.
Anyone who has read 1984 will see the comparisons with todays world, we are all expected to be state snoopers, part of my job description as described to me is to look in the kids lunch boxes and report unhealthy items to the senior management and put a letter in the box for parents telling them they are not allowed to choose what the kids eat.
I could write pages but here is what is important. Don't let raciest's justify their position because other self-serving idiots (Franco-Germanic Socialist Imperialists) got it wrong and got found out.
As most three year old'd know 'two wrongs don't make a right'.Originally posted by Simon BolivarLittle medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these
Originally posted by RyanI think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes
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