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Just been called back from a game of golf for this !!

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  • #31
    Well I had put in my postcode.
    No, obviously nobody is doing anything wrong/illegal/immoral/etc., but I'd certainly like to avoid a similar experience.


    • #32
      Just put in your home town and leave it at that.


      • #33
        I honestly dont think its anything to do with anyone on this forum dave.
        Iv'e gone full circle in my thinking.
        Prob my good natured gob, trying to help a pal out in the earshot of a snake.


        • #34
          Mr Moore

          First, can I say what a shit thing to have to come home too....totaly crap.

          But I would like to add that if people think that our Customs and Excise have the resource or even the time to read and search small Forums like this for what ever reason that may come into your head, are very much off the mark.

          We all need to be very realistic about this....

          It seems to me some one that Mr Moore knows has a very bitter sense of what a laugh is or some one is trying to put the wind up people and stop them from buying there cigars from abroad - of which is legal!!!

          So, even tho it was a bad day for Mr Moore lets not all start getting jitty and thinking about big brother and spys looking for the next big great Cigar haul....this isn't America you know....

          Love Life - Love Cigars


          • #35
            Aye they would never look here, they'd only do it on a 'tip off'. Maybe you've contridicted someone and they didn't like it?..........


            • #36
              Originally posted by cohibaIV View Post
              Mr Moore

              First, can I say what a shit thing to have to come home too....totaly crap.

              But I would like to add that if people think that our Customs and Excise have the resource or even the time to read and search small Forums like this for what ever reason that may come into your head, are very much off the mark.

              We all need to be very realistic about this....

              It seems to me some one that Mr Moore knows has a very bitter sense of what a laugh is or some one is trying to put the wind up people and stop them from buying there cigars from abroad - of which is legal!!!

              So, even tho it was a bad day for Mr Moore lets not all start getting jitty and thinking about big brother and spys looking for the next big great Cigar haul....this isn't America you know....


              I agree mate.
              I was just a bit perplexed the first couple of posts, as I said, I don't think its anything to do with this forum, and you know what, no ones doing anything wrong anyway, so no harm done.
              I'm not going to let it ruin cards night, I know that much.


              • #37
                I'm just in from work and turning round to go out. I know this was said before but you have every right to know why people turned up at your house like that. This isn't 1984. You need to pursue why these people were alerted, and who is the pointing finger.

                What were they concerned about?

                I know it's easy to say across a forum... but I'd be banging tables.


                • #38
                  Well thanks for the tip anyway,
                  I shall be trying the same next time I'm losing at golf.
                  Free the UKCF one


                  • #39
                    Jeez mate! Gobsmacked

                    Can't imagine anyone on the site would shit on you....we're brothers FFS!

                    Sounds like you kept your head and played it cool. Nice one Big Lad!!


                    • #40
                      Bryan has a fair point, and as I was saying earlier Mick, you'll have the right to some info. Sadly, it may end up an 'anonymous' source which ol' Stickfinder General can legitimately withhold. In the long run, that might frustrate you more mate. After some simple enquiry, put the baby to bed and try (easily said I know) not to let it ruin the rest of your weekend mate.
                      "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by cj121 View Post
                        put the baby to bed and try (easily said I know) not to let it ruin the rest of your weekend mate.
                        Ye!!!! Get to work Biatch....what you doing not working tonight anyway???
                        Love Life - Love Cigars


                        • #42
                          I didnt play cards, nothing to do with this, just felt knackard.
                          I did ring Miss stamp earlier and asked for info regarding who had put my name forward, why was it acted on the way it was etc.
                          She said something about all tip offs are investigated, she never knows who source is, they only act on info passed down, etc, and due to my co-operation and the fact no large scale tobbacco enterprise was in place she was happy to let the matter close.
                          My Mrs is fumming about me not taking it furthur. but like I said to you guys, there is no way I'm going to be given a name, so whats the point.

                          I actually think its someone in earshot from my local, I say this because I have mentioned a couple of times past week or so as I sat in back patio smoking a cigar, "that if anyone fancies a box, I could sort it out blah, blah, etc."
                          I know it sounds stupid in hindsight but I didn't mean anything by comment, just I could get some of the chaps cigars etc, and I think someone has blad'ed me.
                          I'm more peeved at causing a cafuffall on here now to be honest.
                          As I say, no ones doing anything wrong on here.

                          The golf course got a lucky break today with me leaving and all, but I will be back to pepper those flag positions.


                          • #43
                            Sorry to hear that mate. It seems to be a sign of the times now.

                            Several years ago my son rang me at work to say he'd found a purse (He was with a bunch of his mates) in the local park with ?65 in it, and where's the nearest cop shop so he could hand it in.
                            I wasn't finishing work till late that day so said 'leave it till tomorrow and I'll finish early and we'll hand it in'.
                            Next day I got a call from the filth saying we were in posession of stolen property and to go to the station immediately.Someone had rung them.
                            They put my wife,myself and my son in seperate rooms and grilled us for an hour.
                            They accused my son of spending the money and I had apparently replaced it in the purse to get him out of trouble.
                            At first I couldn't believe this was happening, then I got angry and told them what I thought of them (It didn't help, but made me feel better)

                            Nothing came of it of course,but I've always had a distrust (Even hatred) of anybody in a position of authority, and the antics of our politicians merely strengthens that feeling.
                            The real crooks are out there. Not on this forum.



                            • #44
                              Fuck me. Surely they have better things to do. Fucktards.


                              • #45

                                I have to take my hat off to you Mr Moore, i think you have handled the whole situation in a calm and professional manner.I think there would be a few lads on here (myself included) who would have gone off the deep end if the same thing had happened to them.As you rightly stated there is no use getting upset over it because you will never know who it was.

                                Best to forget about the whole thing and get on what we do best;smoke some fat ones!!
                                "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77

