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Just been called back from a game of golf for this !!

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  • Just been called back from a game of golf for this !!

    HM revenue and customs have just left my house after being tipped off that I'm buying/selling tobbacco, they came with a "search warrant"
    Now I have offered to get my pals a sample or a cigar at cards on Fri night, but other than that, I have not offered to sell cigars to anyone.
    I asked as they were doing the search, if it was regarding my cigars and purchasing from abroad etc, she said, "there is no problem getting cigars from abroad as long as you don't sell them"
    Anyway I'm wracking my brain here trying to work out whats just happened.
    I know my mates would never do anything like this to me, its just really strange as I have never bought to sell any cigars.
    Watch what your saying on here guys, just in case its anything to do with the [swapping] that we do.
    They said someone has given my name and address as a seller of tobbacco and alochol.
    Truly unbelievable.
    Anyway, they didn't find anything [as there was nothing to find] other than my humi and cigars.
    She left me with her calling card and said the case was now closed, due to not finding large amounts of tobbacco/alcohol.
    Crazy afternoon.

    The pencil is to hide my address.
    Attached Files

  • #2

    I have never heard of anything like this happening to anyone before Mr moore, and it seems very strange that they have managed to obtain your personal address etc, all seems a bit sinister to be perfectly honest.

    Either way it`s very dissapointing indeed and hopefully some of the other members can shed some light or give some insight.
    "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77


    • #3
      Big Brother (or Sister!)

      Holy shit, you look seriously brassed off in the first picture and I am not surprised.

      I have never seen anything on the forum that could have set this off.

      Even so, I will be more careful, search warrant!!!!! ......

      And to cock up a round of golf on a beautiful day like this, that's criminal!
      Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


      • #4
        Oh My! Who would do such a thing? Frickin ahole.


        • #5
          whisky my head is spinning as well. it does not make sense


          • #6

            That's lunatic! To be delivered such paperwork and all that shit.

            I feel for you, Sir. That's rubbish.


            • #7

              OMG! Total Shock

              Were they looking for booze as well or was that just standard, why would someone make something up like that and go to that lengths, I wonder how long if at all you were "under observation" for?
              Free the UKCF one


              • #8
                Only 2 peps on here know my address and they both live in america.
                I know its not you two guys don't worry.
                About a month ago I left a photo on thread for say 30 minutes of an order from a cuban cigar website, stogiedog I think pointed to the fact that you could see my address on photo, so I asked Deano to edit photo, which he done straight away, I think my address was up for about half hour or so, untill edited.
                Thats the only thing I can think of.
                Maybe a guest browsing thread thought it would be funny to get HM round to mine.
                I don't know, anyway it doesn't really matter now, it just ruined my day and was a bit embarrassing to come home to 4 HM officers searching my home, they are a bit like police, they have badges and stern faces.
                I dread to think what the neighbours made of it, knowing mine, a bloody lot. Can't help but sit here wracking my brains, never had anything like this happen to me.
                I only thought they did this to drug dealers.


                • #9
                  shit, dont they have to have reasonable grounds to search your gaff other than some pleb with a grudge saying your at it?

                  seems wrong to me this.

                  I remember a bloke on another forum bought some kind of toy gun off the internet and a week later had armed old bill kick his door in with machine guns ...


                  • #10
                    The search was by consent, I consented, I can't remeber how they worded it but I have nothing to hide and agreed that they could search. I think they said its called a passive search warrant, but they could get a whatever warrant if i decided i didnt want them to search my property.
                    She has left a calling card, I feel like ringing and complaining, I really do, she said it was not going to be pursued futher.
                    I don't know, sounds mad to me.
                    done my head in to be honest.
                    this is what it says above where i signed, iv'e folded over my address, not because i think your all dodgy, just cant be too carefull.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      I wonder what would have happened if no-one was at home? comeback later or bash the door in?
                      Free the UKCF one


                      • #12
                        I would be completely bent if someone showed up at my home with some horse $hit search warrant, accusing me of something I never did. I would be at a lawyers office, soon after they left my home, looking to take a pound of flesh out of someones hide. It sounds like you handled it very well. I don't think I would have handled that as well as you did.

                        Is there any way to find out who called the authorities and gave them the Bull$hit tip to search your home? I would look to sue who ever did that for harassment.

                        My hat is off to you Mr. Moore it sounds as if you handled yourself with real class.


                        • #13
                          Shit Mooro, you've got me really jumpy now, I just saw a Police car outside my house, turns out they were checking out a motorist but it had my heart going, I thought they had come for me so I can understand how it must have turned you over.
                          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                          • #14
                            Mick,I feel for U and to miss a round of golf on a beautiful day. If U have the dogs E addy get mine from him and forget the forum except for chats. Why would anyone go through all that trouble to break balls? Again sorry U had to go through that.Not cool!


                            • #15
                              Jesus, that's unbelievable. I can only imagine how gutted you must feel having something like that happen. I've never heard of this happening before either, I hope it's the first and last time I do.

