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Back from the London Cigar Walk
In Deano's absence (and in a bid to pip TJ to sooper dooper moderator status) let me try to explain.
Some of the walkers were looking to send their pictures to Dean to allow him to post all of them in one place to save having to Bu**er about looking at everyones individual albums and that.
What Dean has published here is the details of an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site and it's log in details, to allow those of a technical nature to load pictures for him to consolidate.
The fact that he said it is welsh is just to throw off the sapsNic
Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine
Like the other side of hell, mate!
Originally posted by Robusto View PostTJ
Getting ready for the office?
Is it all lovely there?...
Thanks for asking, mate. It's better than I thought, actually. No jet lag to speak of. Must have something to do with staying up past 3 am Sunday morning.
After Nadz showed me the way home, I hit the streets for a little while - Queens Blvd., I believe - just to get some fresh air and a feel for any "residual energy" lingering in the streets. Unfortunately, nothing out there get a feel of me. (no he di'ent)
Names TJ, TJCoro, and I left my wallet...I mean heart, in London Town.sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros
On the front page if you go to: http://www.ukcigarforums.com and don't go straight to the forum.
(Do a CTRL-F5 refresh on that page if the pic doesn't display under the news)
Name's Deano and I'm TJ's tech support bitch
I also get high with a little help from my amigos!
Originally posted by Deano View PostOn the front page if you go to: http://www.ukcigarforums.com and don't go straight to the forum.
(Do a CTRL-F5 refresh on that page if the pic doesn't display under the news)
Name's Deano and I'm TJ's tech support bitch
Your post seemed so serious and techy senor Deano, until the last line.
You truly deserve a a rare, but stupid TJ LMMFAO!!!!
( Feels good writing from the dark side, does it not, amigo? Just ask senor NicWing .)
Truly a Fabulous Picture, Sir Deano. Well done again, sir!
And thanks for being my Hi-Tech Biatch!!
Names TJ, TJCoro, and hey, sometime we all need a little help from our amigos finossigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros
What a bloody good day!!!
First of all, sorry for posting so late...
Not wanting to give a sob story, but got called out on Sunday whilst still in London...and had to get Kirstie on the train whilst muggings went to site...
Anyway, after a very long day (still on a very high Puro god cloud) got home at 2300, only to get the train back into to work this morning...
WOW!!!!! What a day... Guys, thankyou for a great day. Really Really enjoyed it.
Nic...your walk will be big...(ok, I still have not listened to it Sorry but it will) And thanks for all the extras that we all enjoyed.
Not wanting to single anyone out, but TJ....you Lama loving, man bag hugging, Atlantic hopping, State of mind Puro loving guy you....
So glad you made it....can't wait to converse again in the future...
Don't get this qoute tho???
Originally posted by TJCoro View PostMasterful narration, senor Robusto. I realize that my hispanic accent may make it hard to understand me sometimes, but my English-English is not as bad as that rubbish they speak up North, no?
Deano....what can I say?? This only happend because of you..(even tho you did wear a dodgy suit and went early...So many many thanks mate..
And to the rest of the Puro smoking forum members that joined us, many, many, Many thanks for you company and friendship.
Kirstie also sends her love and thanks for a great evening...
Man hugs to you all...
CIVLove Life - Love Cigars
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