I've nothing against cyclists, (though they do look ludicrous in their lycra), as long as they follow the highway code and stay off the pavements. Pavements are for pedestrians, which include the blind, old and infirm. If they hit anybody with their bike and injure them, since very few cyclists have public liability insurance, do they fancy paying a personal injury claim for years?
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Get It All Off Your Chest!
I can't stand that whiney bas##rd Chris Martin.
His music is shi#e and apitimises everything that is wrong with the music industry as a whole !
"They span a web for me la de da"... Do me a favour mate !!!!!!!!!!
Can't you just f##k off Mr Martin and take all those crap sounding whiney mushy bands with you... In fact I heard you have a large following in a lovely place called the helman province, so look it up in your sat nav and get on your bike !!
Wow, now thats off my chest I feel much better.
Sorry about that.If..
Phew Mr Moore, I felt the draught of your ire all the way down here in Arkley on Sea.Nic
Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine
Why does this government insist on funding the lifestyle of scumbags, immigrants and chav kids and letting the anyone into the country for free plus medical expenses but turn away men who fearlessly fought in one of British Armys bravest regiments.
Who are they? The Gurkha's
They have shown utter devotion to serving this country and preserving it's freedom in all of our conflicts for the last 200 years, yet they are denied the right to settle on british soil. The fact they have served should give them automatic right to live here, after all they fought for it more than any snivelling lazy chav on free benefits and a house ever would.
That's better.
Plus their cigars arent bad either!!Free the UKCF one
You are so right Boss, what is it about Politicians that they can get it so wrong?? 3 or 4 houses paid for out of my taxes for sitting around smoking in the House of Commons and drinking in bloody subsidised bars (also paid for out of my taxes) and they make a commitment to men who have fought and died for this country and then when they think we are all looking the other way, they go back on it.
It makes my blood boil.
And well done Ramon, I have signed up and I hope everyone else does too!Nic
Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine
Bloody hell, I just got an email from Joanna Lumley for signing up, there's lovely!Nic
Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine
Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine
Love it that he thinks the whole episode is like Coronation Street.
He's got that wonderful toff's weak R.
As in kanga-woo court.
For US members: The UK is having a right old time at the moment over politicians with their feet in the trough.
You'll be none the wiser there...
Evan loses it over the duck house...
Poor old Anthony Steen, funny though.
Apparently some MPs are going to be committing suicide over the next few weeks.
Somehow I think that statement is slightly off center, we all know MPs are all for self preservation.
It must be a little scary being an MP at the mo and knowing the pitch forks are being sharpened and the torches lit.
The Witch hunt, or should we say;
Night of the long knives.If..
Question Time last night was like watching bear baiting, if you didn't see it go find it on the iPlayer. There was one women in the audience who would not let them get away with ignoring her question, and spouting the usual clap trap and the chairman just let her go and she came back again and again, they looked like rabbits caught in the headlight.
About time too self riteous b&?!@?)S
See my web site www.iwouldliketoseeanmpstuffedlikeaduckandrentedou tinsoho.comNic
Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine
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