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Family Cigar Smoking

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  • Family Cigar Smoking

    This is just a bit of a chatty thread, really, but a subject I'm interested in.

    I'm interested in the relationships you have/had as a cigar smoker within your family past and present.

    I'll start.

    Both my parents and my sister and my brother were heavy cigarette smokers. My Dad also loved cigars which he was given by business contacts. I am eleven years younger that my brother and sister, so they were leaving home as I entered the smoking zone.

    I've written elsewhere how I took up cigars at 14 undercover, as it were.

    I once had my Dad over to my house and lit up a Havana to 'bond' with him - and he didn't like it. He was shocked that I was a smoker and his disapproval was strong. I didn't smoke again in front of him, and he died about a year or so after this. My parents split so my Mother never saw me smoke. My brother is lost to shit and Frank Zappa. He wouldn't even notice if I smoked a cigar, to be blunt. My sister is in the middle of New Mexico and we have never talked about this. This week I have posted full-frontal pictures of me smoking cigars in my shack (which you've seen). That is the very last taboo I have about smoking. To talk about it with my sister. I don't know if this happens to you, but with her I go back to when I was the bad schoolboy at 14. It's very weird - but I have rationalised that I am a mature adult and a Dad to two boys. I am allowed to do this.

    Totally relaxed about it with my wife and son. I can smoke indoors if I've been a good boy. My missus and I sat in the shack together yesterday afternoon and she's totally comfortable with my smoking.

    My boys have known Dad likes cigars for a long time, although when they were younger I used to do that sad thing of holding the cigar behind my back or behind a bush in the garden. Now that I'm a funky out stogie swinger, I wouldn't mind if they wanted one off me. I'd probably hide the best ones.

    In conclusion, I suppose I'm saying I'm more at ease with my own boys than my family were with me - and that's a fucking good way to be, in my opinion.

    Any stories on this topic, chaps? Please share!

  • #2
    Dad smokes a lot of odd tobacco (no, not the funny fags Rodney). He'll pick up quite a few pre-rolled fags from Turkey and the like, and has always been a heavy smoker. He also dabbles with cigars, and I've bought him some a few times - and recently vice versa.

    My Uncle (Dad's brother) is a keen cigar smoker, and has been for many years - he knows the ins and outs of most cigar vitolas it seems. Asked him to visit the forums but don't think he's that keen.

    My mother is a staunch anti-smoker (split with my Dad many, many years ago) but for some reason doesn't mind about the cigars at all. It's very odd. She even likes the smell.

    Other than that, it matters not - I'm single with no kids so there's noone else to care!


    • #3
      Interesting, Deano. I thought my Dad would be pleased that I declared. Maybe as a heavy smoker he would have wished me not to be enjoying the weed. Looks like your Dad is quite different.

      My growing-up family life was like The Best Of Reservoir Dogs a lot of the time. I've tried hard to create my own take on family life in a much more calm way.

      Actually it hasn't been hard at all. It's been balanced, loving and sane.

      I hope most people have an easy ride in their home lives as well as in their smoking lives.


      • #4
        My old dear sees me smoking all the time but I still don't want to let my dad see me as he's very anti-smoking and I'd feel I'd be letting him down.

        I've only just started letting my kids see me smoking big fear is that they start on the ciggies and blame me for influencing them. They're 9 & 7 so for their sake's at least, the anti-smoking culture will probably help them to never start in the first place


        • #5
          Interesting Stevie, my kids have just cottoned on to my humidor and find it fascinating. They are young (11, 9 & 7) and I am concerned not to let them see me smoking. They notice if I have had a cigar as no one in the house smokes.

          My wife was a heavy smoker when I met her but gave up about 15 years ago suddenly and doesn't mind me smoking cigars because I only smoke 3 or 4 per month at the most.

          My Dad used to take a cigar when offered at business dinners and I was aware of him having them, never aware of him smoking them. My paternal grandfather smoked like a chimney, mostly capstan untipped and died as a result (at a fairly old age it has to be said)

          I really don't want my kids smoking ciggys.
          Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


          • #6
            Same here Nic. Stevie.

            I don't want my lads (16 and 21) taking up cigarettes, so I tell them if they do anything, then they should do good cigars and nothing else.

            My younger lad hasn't smoked anything at all, I believe. My older lad has had a few dodgy moments on weed at Uni - quelle surprise - and really didn't like it, so never again He put it that way - not I. He's a good lad and I'm pleased that has passed.

            I feel they are old enough to see their Dad smoking stogies, and they seem to like the slipstream and the silliness of the big stick.

