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What a dfference this site can make

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  • What a dfference this site can make

    I'd just like to say
    To a newbie like me who has only seriously been into cigars for the last 6 months and to all the other people like me who have joined this site, I'd just like to show what a difference this site can actually make.
    I started off with a small humi, a reasonable little selection in it, only ever experiencing NC's. Then I stumbled upon this site. Which opened up a whole new world to me and made me realise some of things I was missing out on especially in the cuban department. Fast forward 2 months and I've got a new bigger humi, new stock which are lovingly attended too. It's helped me after a intensely stressfull day as I now take time out to smoke one in peace at the end of the day. I think I'm at the beginning of a very long and exciting new journey.
    See for yourself with the pics below of my original and new box and contents
    Cheers everyone
    Attached Files
    Free the UKCF one

  • #2
    Another One Joins the Club!

    Welcome to the addictive world of fine puros and stogies!!!

    I started the same way many years ago when I joined a cigar club because it included a free 50 ctn desk top humi. Several years later and after mounting a fine collection of humidors, I now own a very large cabinet humidor that has a very nice electronic humidifying system.

    It's amazing, actually, how much a fine humidor adds to the pleasure and appreciation of fine cigars.

    After you have some more smokin' time under your belt, I'd be courious to know if you develop a preference between cubans and non-cubans.

    Names TJ, TJCoro, and I love my puros!
    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


    • #3
      Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
      Welcome to the addictive world of fine puros and stogies!!!

      After you have some more smokin' time under your belt, I'd be courious to know if you have a preference between cubans and non-cubans.

      Names TJ, TJCoro, and I love my puros!
      I'm getting there slowly, how much smoking time do I need to clock up. Is it like air miles?
      Free the UKCF one


      • #4
        Ditto, Im getting a cabinet humi very soon so I can age some cigars in the bottom drawers.
        Rewind three months ago and I'd been smoking tesco cigars once a day for ages and now............................................... ...........where did it all start and where is it heading !!


        • #5
          Each in his own time.

          Originally posted by Boss Hog View Post
          I'm getting there slowly, how much smoking time do I need to clock up. Is it like air miles?

          Good question senor BH,

          Each addict is different, I suppose. I smoked N/Cs for a number of year before I became hooked on find Habana Puros - around 2002 when the quality control over the production improved significantly.

          I recently introduced a workmate to the world of stogies, and he immediatly went for the very best N/Cs and Habanas. So it depends, but I suspect most start with the milder cigars and overtime develop an appreciation for the finer - and more expensive - puros.

          Names TJ, TJCoro, and each hombre is different when it come to fine stogies and puros.
          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


          • #6
            Nice post Boss. I'm in a similar situation, but with even less experience than thou: got bitten by the bug whilst honeymooning in the motherland at the turn of the year. It's very infectious isn't it: the sticks, the humidor, achieving a balanced environment for the lil devils to rest in, not to forget the smoking experience! It's an area that you just seem to be able to throw yourself into.
            Great stuff.
            "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


            • #7
              Amen to all this!

              Great post, boss. There's always something different to smoke and try, too.

              My time on this site has made me decide to get a cab humi ready for the 200 Castros (gss!) I'll be able to bring back from Havana. I have bumped along on low-ish numbers of Cuban stock for years. I've had a 50 stick desktop humi since the early 1990s and always made sure I tried new cigars in each order whenever possible.

              Without the web, I felt like a bit of a puro-smoking UK loner with the cigar habit through the 1990s, really, so I'm glad we can connect about our enthusiasms on here more easily.

              It is an amazing improvement, especially as this site mixes the serious and the not so serious very well.
              Last edited by Robusto; 10-04-2009, 08:33 AM.


              • #8
                My sad tale can be found here:

                Humis Across the Water


                • #9

                  As the Newbie on this forum I think the points raised in relation to having a proper humidor raised by TJ Coro are valid, as ultimately you will want to expand on you knowledge and enjoyment of cigars, and the number of cigars you want to age for your own enjoyment.I invested in a large cabinet humidor around 6 years ago and although it seemed like a lot of money at the time it was money well spent as i can now age my cigars as long as i see fit and smoke them when i feel the need.
                  In relation to the improvement in quality control among both Cuban producers and also the factories is also a very good point as some of the quality control in the late nineties was poor.
                  Getting back to Boss`s point, cigars can end up playing a big part in your relaxation and your general enjoyment of life and it is good to find people like yourselves who have an similar interest and are passionate about cigars.
                  "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77


                  • #10

                    You're expansion is quite lunatic, but I'd love a tour of the caverns if there's a pensioner on tea and Victoria Sponge duties at the entrance. The whole thing is very Peak District National Park.

                    Thinking about your cigar storage issues helps me stop being depressed, and I think I love you for it.

                    It's a fabulous and enviable story, my man.


                    • #11
                      Well, I'm glad it's become so popular between you all, and that's it's taken off quite as much as it has. Great community here, keep it up chaps.

                      Looking forward to meeting a few of you next Saturday. Should be bloody good fun!


                      • #12
                        Humidor Limitations!

                        Originally posted by whisky77 View Post
                        .I invested in a large cabinet humidor around 6 years ago and although it seemed like a lot of money at the time it was money well spent as i can now age my cigars as long as i see fit and smoke them when i feel the need.
                        I couldn't agree with you more, senor Whisky. It took me awhile to pull the trigger on a cabinet humidor, due to the the expense. Pre-meditated buyers remorse, I guess.

                        However, soon after I bought my first end-table style cabinet, it was quickly filled to capacity with fine puros. So I sold it to a fellow BOTL and bought one that was twice the size. I'm happy to report that it too, is filled to capacity with some of the world's finest puros, comfortably resting 'till the moment is right.

                        TJ's Rule No. 5 - The hight of your stogie pleasure is limited by the size of your humidor

                        Names TJ, TJCoro, and I'm a puroholic!
                        Last edited by TJCoro; 10-04-2009, 05:33 PM.
                        sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                        • #13
                          Post some pics up of your humi TJ if you can.


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
                            Post some pics up of your humi TJ if you can.

                            Will do soon, Mr. Moore, will do. As soon as I master the art and take the time!

                            I will have some to dispay during the walk, however.

                            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                            • #15
                              I'm after a cabinet humidor myself, I'll get one sometime, but they don't come cheap. Well not the 80+ box size anyway that I want.

