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  • NetBook

    Yo Amigos,

    Has anyone tried one of the mini laptops?

    I'm thinking of getting one to take with me to London. They are quite small - about 1/2 the size of a normal laptop - and very light (under 3 lbs.) I understand they work very well.

    Names TJ, TJCoro, and I do love the toys!
    sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros

  • #2
    why not just a normal laptop TJ ?
    save on expense, by the way I like your aviater, I assume thats the real you.

    The names Moore, Mr Moore and laptops don't come cheap this side of the pond seno~r.


    • #3
      Because it easy to pack in carry on!

      Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
      why not just a normal laptop TJ ?
      save on expense, by the way I like your aviater, I assume thats the real you.

      The names Moore, Mr Moore and laptops don't come cheap this side of the pond seno~r.

      I already have a regular laptop that I use in my work and it's a bit of a load to lug around when you travel as much as I do.

      I recently discovered the mini-laptops which are designed for the traveler who wants to keep up with e-mails and the latest posts on UKCF!

      I figured this would be perfect for my trip this week to London, expecially since I will be traveling light - carry on only.

      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


      • #4
        well it is practical reasoning behind the idea and they do look smart as well !!
        Go for it TJ.


        • #5
          Behave Yourself!

          Originally posted by Mr Moore View Post
          well it is practical reasoning behind the idea and they do look smart as well !!
          Go for it TJ.

          I pulled the trigger, Mr. Moore. Looking forward to viewing the UKCF while on a 7 hour lay-over in Amsterdam. Any ideas what else I can do there?

          Names TJ, TJCoro, and I looking for trouble in Amsterdam
          sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


          • #6
            I tell you what TJ, it sounds like your going on a brilliant journey, I wish I was coming !!
            Watch out for the pick pockets in the dam, they had me over a few years back in a after hours burger stall, mind you I was ripe for the taking, red eye'd, slurring, wobbling on my legs etc.

            Sounds a good trip though TJ, where are you going on this journey other than uk and the Dam.


            • #7
              In and Out Only!

              That's it Mr. Moore - Amsterdam, London, then back to the State of Mind, Mexico.

              I gotta' be back at work on Monday. Won't even have time to adjust to the time shift. Should be a hell of a trip, though! I'm looking forward to meeting up with some of the UKCF mates. Sorry you can't make it.

              Thanks for the warning!

              sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


              • #8
                Why don't you buy a Blackberry, TJ? You could check emails and this site on one of those.


                • #9
                  My band has two tiny Asus PC901 laptops for running click tracks and backing tracks on at gigs. the 901 is the one with no hard drive, they work on SD cards and USB sticks. I think there is 8gb of SD storage hard wired and then two USB ports and an SD reader. With 20gb USB keys its more than we need. The Battery life is really good too. It even has a camera built in and I think they were only about ?200 each. They are awesome for the money. They boot up very quickly. Our drummer often boots one of them up in Linux when we're not on stage running on a USB key and it works brilliantly....

                  Its still not a MAC though.


                  • #10
                    Hi TJ
                    I have just bought my daughter one of the new mini Dells for her 11th Birthday. It's OK for checking web mail, MSN and has some low level Works type suite.
                    It's limitations are a slow processor and XP, which many people prefer, no CD drive. But it has Wireless and blue tooth so you gets what you pay for.
                    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                    • #11

                      Thanks for the valuable information lads!

                      Robusto, I have a blackberry, but it get expensive running out of the country and it's not very good, IMO, for surfing the web.

                      Drewmidorm - I think it's very cool that you can use these things with your band. I knocked around with a band ages ago (drummer), but it was well before the computer age. So I find your use of these things facinating!

                      BTW, this is the bad boy I ordered ttp:// it ain't no MAC, but it should be fine for my needs. Just hoping it gets here before I leave for the fantastic puro walk.

                      sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                      • #12
                        I'm afraid TJ that whilst I would quite happily do without computers day to day I can't be doing without them for music...and I'm a "proper" musician who plays "live" instruments (all be it dreadfully) as opposed to a DJ who throws prerecorded loops together.

                        My band line up is 2 vocals, drums, bass and guitar, but we run a track with backing vocals, synths, samples, loops, other guitar parts on. We used to do it all from Mini Disc, but for ease of use these new PCs are top notch and make it much easier to travel with and change setlists.



                        • #13
                          looks like a good-un you got there TJ, Im torn between that model and the Samsung n120 due out soon, let us know how you get on with it.


                          • #14
                            ASUS Vs. Samsung

                            Originally posted by Pantomimehorse View Post
                            looks like a good-un you got there TJ, Im torn between that model and the Samsung n120 due out soon, let us know how you get on with it.
                            Mr. P,

                            I had done quite a bit of research before I settled for the ASUS 1000HE, but admittedly did not know about the Samsung NC110 until after I had made up my mind. I think both model are very similar, with the ASUS have longer batter life and the Samsung being slighter smaller and lighter.

                            So if the Samsung NC120 is upgraded with more bells and whistles (I read that Samsung is claiming the NC120 has a battery life of over 10 hours), it might just tip the scales toward Samsung's favor, depending on the price, however.

                            I will let you know what I think of the ASUS after I have time to play with it. I should receive it on Monday and will definitely take it with me to London on Friday.

                            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                            • #15
                              Nice piece of kit there TJ. A good friend recently got one and has had no complaints.
                              a woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a Smoke. - Rudyard Kipling

