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Apps on apple devices

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  • Apps on apple devices

    Ok guys, after much sole searching I have bitten the bullet and gone digital with my music and purchased an ipod touch and speaker system. I know its not exactly ground breaking but I am now hooked on all the little apps that make you wonder how you ever lived your life without them

    My question is this.......and apologies if its already been done but I could not find it.......what are the apps you just cannot do without and are there any 'must have' cigar based apps out there that you use?

    in addition, is there any way to break my 'Angry Birds' addiction as well



  • #2
    Check this app out, it's pretty cool


    • #3
      I invested in the first generation iPad, probably the best technological item I've ever owned.

      Favourite apps - Bloomberg (financial info), BBC News, Stickman Golf (highly addictive), Simon Says, Flight Control (Again, highly addictive) and iBooks.

      Sadly, there is no way to break the addiction to Angry Birds, it is fun every time I play.

      Glad you've jumped on the Apple bandwagon too , I didn't used to be much of a fan until I actually purchased a few of their products, I'm tempted to invest in an iMac.



      • #4
        Def get an iMac Fred, they are such a great piece of kit. You won't be disappointed and it will work beautifully alongside your iPad.


        • #5
          Must admit I am a convert to the apple brand currently as well Fred, like the cigar app as well Inst4nt, many thanks


          • #6
            Glad you're a fellow convert, Close , I really don't get why there is so much hate for Apple by Microsoft fanboys, their products are unrivalled imo.

            Inst4nt, I've been trying to get my dad to invest in an iMac but he's a massive fan of Acer. I've been saving up for a motorbike for uni (traffic is horrific by car in Bristol), it's a toss up between a motorbike or an iMac :/!


            • #7
              BBC news is good, I read the news every morning before I get out of bed. Much easier than a web browser.

              Dismount is fun if a little sick/twisted (not gory though)
              The new charity auction:


              • #8
                I would definitely recommend getting an iMac. Ive had one for the past 5 or 6 years and its a piece of kit I couldnt live without, even back then. Now however, with way too many iphones, ipods, an ipad and a couple of macbooks between me and the misses, it really is the central hub for our entire house, and lives. Its just perfect, having everything that works and interacts with no hassle, and it really does make my messy life and work schedule so much easier.

                The only problem with grabbing a Mac, is that shortly after you will wish you could take all that awesomeness with you wherever you travel, and you will have no choice but to buy a Macbook Pro too haha.

                As for apps, words with friends is possibly the most addictive game I own, which is a steal at the price, considering I have got more hours out of it than Skyrim currently lol.


                • #9
                  No probs on the app closeemboth
                  I'm lucky enough to have grown up using Macs as my dad is a graphic artist. It really annoys me having to use a PC at work as it just doesn't feel right to me. I can see why PC lovers have the same issues with using Macs. The great thing about a mac though is the fact the software is all optimised for use with the hardware. everthing just feels a lot more fluid IMO.

                  Fred that is a tough call on motorbike or mac. You could just get an iPad, download a motorbike game and pretend you're riding to uni whilst actually using public transport?


                  • #10
                    Thanks guys , I will get an iMac, one day! I just need to conclude to which do I need more, an iMac or getting to uni on time and easily. I have an iPad, again, a fantastic bit of kit (especially during lectures *angry birds*)

