About a week or two ago I was having a clear out, and I have stowed away many tubos. I thought I could put them in a glass frame (see : ant farm) of sorts, but it ended up with me chucking duplicate tubes away. I still have one of each, although I couldn't bring myself to chuck out the cohiba doubles!!
This weeks latest fad in my mind, is candle making! I do like candles, and the past year or so I normally put them on a night, one for a bit of heat (our toilet is like a freezebox in the winter as it is on the corner of the house, 2 external walls. With a few candles SAFELY going, it warms it up very much), and two, for a soothing atmosphere. I normally buy mine, but I decided to melt one down, and have a play. I'm sure you can see where this has lead to.....
I had the great idea of using cigar tubes as a mould. I'm merely a novice candlemaker, with no equipment other than a saucepan, waxed string (dipped myself) and whatever moulds/containers I can find.
Tried a first run with the tubes and I must say I am impressed. It was a bit of a challenge to get them out of the tube. The Monte tube was sacrificed to the candle gods, but I managed to salvage the larger one usuing a different approach. I hope i can re-use, as this could be the start to a fabulous relationship!
Hardened up, stuck fast
Got them out! Looking nice. I've never been much of a PHYSICAL crafter, but I must say, it's nice to see something you MADE.
Not bad at all, if I do say so!
Beats having my tubos stuck in a box somewhere! I wonder if the tubes with moulded text on would come out on the candle. Cigar branded candles. You heard it here first!
This weeks latest fad in my mind, is candle making! I do like candles, and the past year or so I normally put them on a night, one for a bit of heat (our toilet is like a freezebox in the winter as it is on the corner of the house, 2 external walls. With a few candles SAFELY going, it warms it up very much), and two, for a soothing atmosphere. I normally buy mine, but I decided to melt one down, and have a play. I'm sure you can see where this has lead to.....
I had the great idea of using cigar tubes as a mould. I'm merely a novice candlemaker, with no equipment other than a saucepan, waxed string (dipped myself) and whatever moulds/containers I can find.
Tried a first run with the tubes and I must say I am impressed. It was a bit of a challenge to get them out of the tube. The Monte tube was sacrificed to the candle gods, but I managed to salvage the larger one usuing a different approach. I hope i can re-use, as this could be the start to a fabulous relationship!
Hardened up, stuck fast
Got them out! Looking nice. I've never been much of a PHYSICAL crafter, but I must say, it's nice to see something you MADE.
Not bad at all, if I do say so!
Beats having my tubos stuck in a box somewhere! I wonder if the tubes with moulded text on would come out on the candle. Cigar branded candles. You heard it here first!