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anyone any good with computer problems

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  • anyone any good with computer problems

    I think its do with loading firefox on laptop, not liking it, then uninstalling and finding I can't open my online golf game, folders, etc.
    Getting a message saying I can't open application, etc.

    Just give us a shout if there is any computer wizards who think they may know what iv'e done.

  • #2
    so what browser were you using before installing Firefox? I reckon is a cookie problem, or maybe a register issue from an incomplete installation. Try deleting the cookies first, and then if that does not work maybe you should look the register. I do not have a PC at home, but might be able to tell you more tomorrow.


    • #3
      cheers mate, iv'e sorted it,


      • #4
        I found that switching to an Apple Mac years ago solved many of my PC problems.

        LOL.... now there's a whole other discussion.



        • #5
          did not want to bring up owning a Mac... Glad you sorted it out!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Drewmidorn View Post
            I found that switching to an Apple Mac years ago solved many of my PC problems.

            LOL.... now there's a whole other discussion.

            One day. One day.


            • #7

              Lo, these many years ago, I decided it was time to get a home computer, what with my dotters in school and all...

              So I embarked on an informal survey of what people had at home in the way of a "personal computer" and validated the published statistics that 90% of home computers were PC's -- that is, some form of a WinTel box. However, when I culled my survey to only those folks who were computer professionals, I found to my surprise that a majority of the informed were using Macs. Hmmm... interesting.

              I took the plunge, got a Mac, and have never looked back.

              There are many arguments surrounding the Mac/PC debate, but what it boiled down to for me was that I work on a computer all day long and when I get home and want to use my home computer, the last thing I want to do is to have to fuck with it to get it to work.

              Over the years, I have heard far too many stories about the Blue Screen of Death, invasive viruses, autoexec.bat, registries, operating system upgrades that scrog old programs, and innumerable other problems that I just don't encounter with the Macs I've had.

              And please don't try to give me the argument about how Macs are so much more expensive. Bull hooey. Ya gets what ya pays for.

              That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

              Originally posted by Robusto View Post
              Originally Posted by Drewmidorn
              I found that switching to an Apple Mac years ago solved many of my PC problems.

              LOL.... now there's a whole other discussion.


              One day. One day.


              • #8
                Macs are built for idiots... and thats me. You plug something is and it works.

                I have a powerbook for day to day stuff and a Mac Pro in the studio. The Mac in the studio was over ?2K and didn't come with a printer, screen or much software... but it is a Rolls Royce.

                I think if you know how to build a windows/linux based PC and understand a lot about them you might be better off with one because you can mess with it, refine it to exactly what you want and save a fortune. If you want it to work straight out of the box and be "invisible" whilst you're working then you need a Mac.... they look sexy too!

                Most of my family and friends have gone over to Macs and they haven't looked back. Of the two friends I have who stuck with PCs one built his but spends so much time talking about fixing technical stuff which i don't understand like BIOS. The other went through three PCs in three years and eventually gave up and bought a Mac book... mind you she still manages to mess that up too. lol

                I'm a massive Mac fan, but I'm not really a "Mac Preacher", each to their own, but I do spend a lot of time listening to people moaning about their non-mac computers.



                • #9
                  One day, one day up there is a statement of intent. If I bought one now, my lads would commandeer it, so I'm hanging on!

                  I love the Macs I use at work, and am pig sick of PCs that die on me. I've had three home PCs that have done that in recent years. It would be a decent investment, given my artistic bent.

                  However, it has to wait in the queue for a while.

                  Our fridge-freezer and our dishwasher have decided to jump off a high bridge at the same time, and I hate having to shelve out for nonsense purchases like these. See - A 'modern' dishwasher gives you maybe two years of satisfactory sex before not being interested any more. And then you have to go out and get yourself another one. Same as the extractor fan.

                  Things fall apart...


                  • #10
                    Priorities Bryan... priorities!

                    Dirty clothes and rotten food are a small price to pay for a Mac! lol



                    • #11


                      • #12
                        I wouldn't mind a Mac if I had any money. Linux on older hardware FTW!

                        [Edited to say I mean money I didn't spend on frivolities like cigars, intoxicants and holidays.]


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Drewmidorn View Post
                          I found that switching to an Apple Mac years ago solved many of my PC problems.

