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Amazon kindle

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  • Amazon kindle

    anyone have one of these , how easy is it to download books and are they easy to use? have to get one for the wife as she never throws a book away and have run out of room
    think lucky and you'll be lucky

  • #2
    Swmbo has one and loves it. Great on holiday as it's so light compared to books. Make sure the wifi and 3G are turned off when you don't need it as it drains the battery really quickly.


    • #3
      Brilliant, wife has one and loves it. Mother in law 80+ loves hers, although she still can't work out "how you get all those books into that tiny thin machine". Son just got one for his 10th birthday. It's the future. Not sure why you would need 3G though.

      Just be aware books are more expensive and you have to pay VAT on Kindle books.

      Be aware also that the new AmazonFire just started shipping in the US. It's half way between a reader and a Tab (iPad type)
      Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


      • #4
        3G is only good if you don't have wireless basically, but the easiest way to get books is to at least have internet at home, you associate the kindle with your amazon account, order on amazon, and bingo bango it downloads in minutes to your kindle. You can also search and download directly on the kindle but it doesn't look as easy, my own SWMBO has one, loves it, and lets me get on with gaming etc while she's absorbed in the kindle world of a bazillion books


        • #5
          Yeah I have one, as well as my mother. I dont use mine as much, just because I still buy actual hard copies of books, as a lot of what I read doesnt end up on the kindle anyway. (House of Leaves, anybody?) Its nice to have though. However I will probably be making the most of amazon's exchange deal, and sent it in, and get some money off the new fire.

          My mum however, literally never puts hers down. It took me a little while to show her how to set it up and download books. Now however, she has it linked to her amazon account, and to the wifi, and she just buys books straight from the kindle on a daily basis. Downloads take no more than a couple of minutes. Which is great when you want something quickly last minute.

          I would definitely advise getting one, I would however, get the fire if you can. No point in buying an old piece of equipment, when the new version is only a little bit more expensive.


          • #6
            Love mine, plenty of torrents with books on the net, I have a few gigs worth. Main gadget I couldn't do without.


            • #7
              I think I will stick to my well worn paperbacks for a while longer yet.


              • #8
                No news on the Fire delivery for the UK yet. Indications are ships before Christmas.

                Just read this first
                Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jacobwaits View Post
                  I think I will stick to my well worn paperbacks for a while longer yet.
                  My misses has never thrown a book away I dont think. Which I have learnt to love. There truly isnt much better, then walking along a couple of bookshelves full of a variety of well worn books, picking one or two up, flicking through the pages, and settling on a book, and jumping on the sofa with that and a glass of wine.

                  I never get that feeling with the kindle unfortunately.

                  Does make things a little easier for reading whilst traveling though.


                  • #10
                    Got the new Kindle for the missus for Christmas
                    And yes, she WILL like it..

                    I have the kindle app on my phone so I can read the same books as down loaded on the kindle which is pretty cool..
                    Love Life - Love Cigars


                    • #11
                      I love mine. Great in daylight and a real space saver on holiday.

                      I mix and match - some books you just need the book but for many an ebook is fine.

                      I particularly like the battery life and flexibility of viewing options.

                      Pics aren't great though so I won't be taking periodicals magazines or newspapers.

                      I wouldn't invest in 3G if you have wifi at home, if not then get the 3G.

                      I found some torrent books so have a lot stored on data stick ready to send to "Ken" when I want. There are also lots of free books - some due to the copyright expiring (Classics) and some due to authors offering their books free. I have found that I have read from a much wider range of author this year than any other because of that.

                      They are that good I have bought both my daughters the new littel one for Christmas.


                      • #12
                        I am a book whore. I read constantly and have avoided the kindle because I have a life long relationship with books. However... I travel a lot with work, need to take a carry on bag with a couple of laptops in, cigars and gubbins and if I'm 200 pages from the end of an 800 page novel I need to take another! That can be 1600 pages in a bag! I end up leaving clean pants behind so i can have my books and cigars! One must maintain one's priorities here!

                        My main squeeze is getting me a kindle for christmas (I thin as a hint to stop buying book.... I too can't bare to see a book leave) and apart from not being allowed to read it during take off and landing I think it will change my mind in the same way as I reluctantly embraced the iPod and would now hate to be without it.


                        • #13
                          You recently embraced the iPod? Dear God man, what were you doing before this embrace?


                          • #14
                            I love books. Not just what's in them but the fabric of them themselves. The binding, paper, covers, endpapers....everything. So, I'm resisting the Kindle...but only just. The convenience is too tempting. I'm reading Stephen King's latest and it's like holding a tombstone....


                            • #15
                              thanks for the input guys
                              think lucky and you'll be lucky

