Not satisfied with pissing away God knows how many Trillions of Euro's on money for no work scams across the fiscally unsuitable nations of the European union, the same people who saddled us with the Human rights bill, are now off to China with a begging bowl, I wonder if they will insist on the regime in Beijing adopting their human rights bill before accepting any money.
No announcement yet.
Is it just me ?
Yeah, its all a bit backwards.
Another thing which is just a bit ridiculous is german's complaining about having to help bail out euro zone countries in need. Fair enough, they shouldnt be made to put in vastly more than other, they should just pull there weight.
They suggest/threatern the dissolution of the euro, saying why should we, a succesfull nation with a strong economy help out others that are less successful [and maybe the shouldnt help out greece because it sounds like the hole place is corrupt and the last time any paid any tax was a century ago] countries???
Well OK then germany, pull out of the euro, go back to the deutsche mark, go from a weak currnecy to a strong currency and then see who buys yours exports... no one.
The main reason their economy is strong is because people can afford there premium goods ie. BMW, merc, audi etc etc.
Makes no sense, its a load of rubbish, they arent going anyway.
I'm very undecided, I do think we should try to become *similar* to Switzerland, i.e. all of the EU trade with none of the drawbacks. I think the EU is quite unfair, countries such as Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania contribute less overall than the likes of the UK, Germany and France.
The issue that the Germans have (afaik) is that as they have money they are expected to give money like a tax, but the ones with none are exempt. And I can't blame them.The new charity auction:
Its an unpopular argument, but I'm of the belief that we should suspend our overseas aid for a year or two to sort out this mess.
The UK recently gave India 1 BILLION of aid, to help it meet "millennium goals"
However, India see's fit to spend 20 Billion on defence, and to top it all, they have a space program!!!!
They are spending Billions on rockets, and are aiming to start a manned space program costing additional Billions.
Perhaps instead of spunking all our money on their space program, India would be better off feeding the approximately one third of their children that are malnourished?
Originally posted by JOAO LA PEZ View PostNot satisfied with pissing away God knows how many Trillions of Euro's on money for no work scams across the fiscally unsuitable nations of the European union, the same people who saddled us with the Human rights bill, are now off to China with a begging bowl, I wonder if they will insist on the regime in Beijing adopting their human rights bill before accepting any money.
Originally posted by NornIron View PostIts an unpopular argument, but I'm of the belief that we should suspend our overseas aid for a year or two to sort out this mess.
The UK recently gave India 1 BILLION of aid, to help it meet "millennium goals"
However, India see's fit to spend 20 Billion on defence, and to top it all, they have a space program!!!!
They are spending Billions on rockets, and are aiming to start a manned space program costing additional Billions.
Perhaps instead of spunking all our money on their space program, India would be better off feeding the approximately one third of their children that are malnourished?
Perhaps - but I know from experience that blindly sending money to a country means that very very little reaches those in need.
Africa in particular doesn't need money - it's awash with natural resources.
Africa needs education and training for it's people and a change of mindset amongst it's people that bribery and corruption are not the norm.
[QUOTE=peanutpete;155985]you don't want any rights? please
We seemed to get along just fine since the Magna Carta, now we have a country full of international dossers, criminals, fake disabled ( 37% give up their claims before re assesment), so yes happy to go back to how it was, the only right you need is the right to behave like a decent human being.
And whilst on my soap box, just seen the conclusion of the Tabak trial, so we lock him up for a minimum of 20 years at a cost of ?1500 per week, ?1,560000 for 20 years incarceration, so hang the bastard I say, and fekk the human rights act.
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