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Who spends all day planning....

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  • Who spends all day planning....

    ....what they're going to smoke that night?

    This might only apply to the folks who, like me, only smoke at the weekend.

    I find that on a day that I know I'll be smoking that night, I spend a lot of time day-dreaming about what I'll be smoking that night. I've a load of mates coming up from Edinburgh to stay this weekend and I picked out the Cuaba Diademas (9" baby) that l'll be having on Saturday way back on Monday's already sitting clipped in my singles drawer!! I'm having one tonight (the weekend always starts on Thursday for me) and as usual, I'm ruminating

    I think it'll be either an Upmann #2 or an SLR Serie A but things are never set in stone..

    Is it just me? Am I the only saddo here?

  • #2
    The mood.....

    Stevieboy although I do not smoke a cigar everynight I have to say that I never really mull over for any great length of time the cigar that will be chosen. It depends a lot on how my day has unfolded have I been to work, what's the weather doing, to smoke in or outside the house, what drink am I going to have coffee, tea or alcohol will I be smoking alone or with friends these decisions are made almost instantly. Some times I have not made my mind up until I open the humidor! All that said I only smoke what I like so I am never really disappointed.

    I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
    Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
    Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
    Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

    The Dawg.


    • #3
      Stogiedog - sounds like you ruminate quite a lot over the circumstances rather than just the smoke itself. I understand that as well. That's the difference between we brothersoftheleaf (BOTL) and fag smokers. They light up without any thought whereas we deliberate in order to maximise the hour or so of utter bliss


      • #4
        For me it greatly depends on how much time I'll have to smoke it. One thing is for certain, if I'm going on a road trip that is over 30 minutes you can bet your humidor that I'll have one lit up.

        I've been in a bit of a conundrum ever since I moved. The house I'm in now I can't smoke inside and it has really slowed down my cigar consumption this winter. I'm so freakin glad the weather has finally turned over here. Time to get those 2 hour babies out....


        • #5
          I think with me it's a growing sense that the time is approaching, and that the time is right.

          I can say that the moment is never disappointing. I savour the moment, the circumstances. It might be solo. It might be with mates laughing our heads off. It might be a solitary, pensive smoke. It might be a major show-off 'for effect' smoke. It might be a teach-in/conversion smoke 'turning' a cigarette smoker. Many of the best times, for me, are under my Stetson and swelling my chest out like a major statesman.

          I am quite a quiet chap in my real life, but the cigars can whip me up like a good sex promo. I just love the lot of it.

          Oh yes. The best moments, for me, are with the Cubans I adore.


          • #6
            Talkin' Humi!

            Senor Stevieboy,

            I imagine many, if not most, on this fab fore-um (get it) either preplan or think about what they will smoke later. I have a puro everday after work and twice a day on the weekends. During the work week towards the end of the day, I begin thinking about relaxing with a fine puro at the end of the day.

            I don't necessarily pre-select a particular puro, I allow my mood at the time to direct my selection. More often, however, when I open my humidor (cabinet), the puros will speak to me and guide me to the right selection. But that's just me.

            Names TJ, TJCoro, and my humidor speakes to me
            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


            • #7
              Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
              I don't necessarily pre-select a particular puro, I allow my mood at the time to direct my selection. More often, however, when I open my humidor (cabinet), the puros will speak to me and guide me to the right selection. But that's just me.

              Me Too!?!?!?!
              Love Life - Love Cigars

