I was given this by my neighbour the other day when he saw me outside the house with a cigar, The usual story ensued. "I didnt know you smoked " etc.
Anyway he returned 5 mins later and presented me with said cigar in tube, he said he didnt smoke but was given it. After being very grateful but thinking to myself it's probably as dry as Dot Cottons vagina so I didnt think to ask how old it was.
Once in the safety of my own home I set about to examine it. First of all I couldnt unscrew the tub as it felt like it was almost glued on. I had to use a pair of plyars to open it.
Once I got the cigar out the tube I was quite surprised it actually smelt quite good and had a good feel to it, maybe as it had been sealed air tight.
I checked out the band and thought it looked quite old and faded. I started to wonder how old this was if at all? I'm guessing that he was maybe given it when he retired which was 18 years ago??? but that's just a wild guess.
The other thing that made me wonder was that I've had r&j churchill's before and the band was different.
Any ideas anyone? Is it old or am I imagining it?
Anyway he returned 5 mins later and presented me with said cigar in tube, he said he didnt smoke but was given it. After being very grateful but thinking to myself it's probably as dry as Dot Cottons vagina so I didnt think to ask how old it was.
Once in the safety of my own home I set about to examine it. First of all I couldnt unscrew the tub as it felt like it was almost glued on. I had to use a pair of plyars to open it.
Once I got the cigar out the tube I was quite surprised it actually smelt quite good and had a good feel to it, maybe as it had been sealed air tight.
I checked out the band and thought it looked quite old and faded. I started to wonder how old this was if at all? I'm guessing that he was maybe given it when he retired which was 18 years ago??? but that's just a wild guess.
The other thing that made me wonder was that I've had r&j churchill's before and the band was different.
Any ideas anyone? Is it old or am I imagining it?