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Illegal alien

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  • Illegal alien

    Gentlemen, I have a illegal alien has fiendishly stowed away in one of my stogies by somehow passing itself off as a tobacco leaf during the rolling process and thereby bypassing UK immigration on it's way into the country hidden in the middle of a seemingly ordinary HdM Epicure 2. Upon closer inspection the dastardly fiend appears to be a piece of card that would have been used to make a Montecristo box and could otherwise have made it into the country entirely on its own merits, so one wonders quite why it went to all the trouble.....but my dilemma lies not in the future of the stowaway but in the fate of the poor unsuspecting Epi 2. This is where you, my learned colleagues, come in.

    Should I:

    A) Smoke it as it is and savour the burning paper fumes (not my preferred option).
    B) Try and pull the offending item out with a pair of tweezers, not knowing how deep it is embedded.
    C) Keep making cuts off the end of the cigar until I reach a point where it's free of foreign matter.
    D) Take the whole thing apart out of sheer curiosity.
    E) Chuck it in the bin.

    The fate of this otherwise fine cigar is in your hands.
    Answers on a postcard please....
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Give it a gentle tug (oh er) and see if it frees easily. If not chop a little see how it goes


    • #3
      That's the new "Periodico Tiempo" leaf. A rare leaf that grows in pairs on newspapers and magazines.
      I'd get the tweezers out and have a look.


      • #4
        Ohhh that's not good! Rip it out!


        • #5
          If you bought it locally take it back and complain, or send it back and complain, you never know, for your complaint you may get more than one in return!


          • #6
            Yeah, if you have bought that locally take it back. (Try get something more for compensation!!!!). And if you didn't, or bought it ages ago use tweezers on it. None of the other options are clever. I'm sure you won't have to chop it up to take it out but if the tweezers don't work I would chop into it.


            • #7
              Keep it for posterity
              "Go you good things...geddem int'ya"


              • #8
                Tweezer time I say, but you'll have to be careful that you dont pull most of the filler out with it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cj121 View Post
                  Keep it for posterity
                  I know what you mean CJ, I put it to one side a few months ago and am kinda attached to it because of its unique character and imperfection.

                  As for returning it, the other 24 in the box were absolutely delicious so that would seem churlish

                  The tweezers sound like the most humane choice but I might just be too emotionally involved now


                  • #10
                    That's certainly unique; where was the quality control person on the day that was rolled?

                    Are there collectors in Hong Kong who would pay you a premium because it's so rare?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by stephan View Post
                      Are there collectors in Hong Kong who would pay you a premium because it's so rare?
                      Maybe I should put it up for auction, lol.


                      • #12
                        Ok, for those that care, the novelty value wore off and in the absence of tweezers I took a pair of cuticle scissors(apparently?) and slowly pried out the offending item without creating too much of a mess. The cigar has since gone to the great ashtray in the sky
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          So how was it?
                          Business in the front. Party in the back.
                          UKCF is now mobile friendly!

                          The Mullet Dog is so on fleek!


                          • #14
                            I was a little uneasy about smoking this baby as I've never had a cigar with personality before. I felt a bit like Hannibal Lecter, having an old friend for dinner. So with great trepidation and not a little emotion, I touched the flame to its slightly imperfect flesh, drew the smoke in and guess what?............................................. ..delicious, just like it's 24 recently departed siblings!!

                            P.s. on the off chance that you were asking about the piece of paper, I fired that up too and it tasted like shit


                            • #15
                              Good. Burn the evidence, as I always say.
                              Business in the front. Party in the back.
                              UKCF is now mobile friendly!

                              The Mullet Dog is so on fleek!

