hi all
just wondering are monte fours so prone to draw and constructoin problems thta out of a box of five you are lickely 2 only get 2 perfect cigars one averadge one and 2 poor ones my expereince anyway or did i just get a bad box ?
kind of leads to the questoin althougth i like mote fours when you get a good one does the rest of the range suffer from simular problems aprt from the fours i have only tried the petit edmundo but only had one and a good one at that so cant realy comment on constructoin genrally.
as im on quite a limted budget thougth its kinda go me think i do smoke other stuff aprt from montes anyway but would it be better to switch to somthing else as always have in the humi cigars on my budget tbh i would quite like somthing reliable i do like partgas minis so kinda tempted to by a box of partags next what are they like constructoin wise.
or would i be better to just stop buying cubans for a while and get some ncs until my budget increses.
sorry about all the questoins just kind of disapointed
just wondering are monte fours so prone to draw and constructoin problems thta out of a box of five you are lickely 2 only get 2 perfect cigars one averadge one and 2 poor ones my expereince anyway or did i just get a bad box ?
kind of leads to the questoin althougth i like mote fours when you get a good one does the rest of the range suffer from simular problems aprt from the fours i have only tried the petit edmundo but only had one and a good one at that so cant realy comment on constructoin genrally.
as im on quite a limted budget thougth its kinda go me think i do smoke other stuff aprt from montes anyway but would it be better to switch to somthing else as always have in the humi cigars on my budget tbh i would quite like somthing reliable i do like partgas minis so kinda tempted to by a box of partags next what are they like constructoin wise.
or would i be better to just stop buying cubans for a while and get some ncs until my budget increses.
sorry about all the questoins just kind of disapointed