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monte fours and draw problems

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  • monte fours and draw problems

    hi all
    just wondering are monte fours so prone to draw and constructoin problems thta out of a box of five you are lickely 2 only get 2 perfect cigars one averadge one and 2 poor ones my expereince anyway or did i just get a bad box ?

    kind of leads to the questoin althougth i like mote fours when you get a good one does the rest of the range suffer from simular problems aprt from the fours i have only tried the petit edmundo but only had one and a good one at that so cant realy comment on constructoin genrally.

    as im on quite a limted budget thougth its kinda go me think i do smoke other stuff aprt from montes anyway but would it be better to switch to somthing else as always have in the humi cigars on my budget tbh i would quite like somthing reliable i do like partgas minis so kinda tempted to by a box of partags next what are they like constructoin wise.

    or would i be better to just stop buying cubans for a while and get some ncs until my budget increses.

    sorry about all the questoins just kind of disapointed

  • #2
    I've got 5 left out of a full box and tbh they've been great, not had a single problem with them.
    I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve


    • #3
      thinking of investing in a box of these myself, so interested to hear people's opinions...
      you can't outrun death forever, but you sure can make the bastard work for it!!!


      • #4
        Draw probs?

        Montecristo No.4's are, I think, one of the highest selling cigars in the world. Mainly because they're considered as being so reliable, with a good construction and nice balance of oomph and taste. A top quality Cuban and reasonably priced. Well worth a box in MHO.
        If you want to, you can.
        And, if you can, you must!


        • #5
          Re: monte fours and draw problems

          I love a Monte 4. Apparently they account for 50% of ALL Cubans sold. Incredible

          I've never had any draw problems TBH but I've heard they have a bit of a reputation for being plugged


          • #6
            I only smoke recent vintage(fresh) Monte4s.
            Very rarely do I smoke one that is tight or plugged.


            • #7
              Ive had a few boxes of Monte 4's and never had a draw problem


              • #8
                I've tried a fair few of these and had draw problems with them, but that a fair few years ago and have tended to avoid them because of that. Perhaps the more recent production ones have improved?
                Enquiring Minds need to Herf!


                • #9
                  I used to have draw problems when I bought singles way back then. But in the last 4 years, I smoked through 4 to 5 boxes and didn't have a single plugged one. Quite a hand full lacklustre ones though. I seem to prefer them fresh, my 06 have never returned to their original form. Or not yet, hopefully

                  Generally with post-05 vintages, it is almost only in the cheaper range (PLP to Mille Fleurs) that I come across plugged Cubans, except thin ring gauge vitolas (SdC etc) as far as I can remember


                  • #10
                    I have smoked a few of these over time and have had some plugged ones. This is, as mentioned by others, the biggest selling cigar from Cuba - not down to its reputation for draw (I dont believe there is one) but due to the name "Montecristo" being famous and due to it being mild/medium (good for the new/inexperienced smoker), a relatively small format (good for a short smoke or people new to cigars) and a decent price tag. There are production issues due to how many are produced and no two Monte 4s will be the same.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                      Draw probs?

                      Montecristo No.4's are, I think, one of the highest selling cigars in the world. Mainly because they're considered as being so reliable, with a good construction and nice balance of oomph and taste. A top quality Cuban and reasonably priced. Well worth a box in MHO.
                      Yeah I know. They are supposed to be the most reliable.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Habana-Habanos View Post
                        Yeah I know. They are supposed to be the most reliable.
                        Totally disagree.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jimmeh View Post
                          Totally disagree.
                          Sorry .


                          • #14
                            I've had a few boxed of these over the years. Some have been great and some did have draw problems. It's hit or miss when it comes to MC4 in my opinion.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Habana-Habanos View Post
                              Sorry .

                              each to their own opinion my good man.

