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At long last a new review video from Oz

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  • At long last a new review video from Oz

    Those cracking guys from Oz, whom some of us look forward to each review they publish, have just posted a new one.

    Now a while back I asked on here if anybody had a RyJ Monarch they could let me procure (this was after somebody was bombed one) but I never had a response. Sadly these are now discontinued.

    ANYWAY, this is the cigar they review in the latest film but how pissed is Rob.

    Interestingly I was speaking with Simon Chase last Wednesday at the Ten Manchester Street hotel and he said he had a conversation with Rob during the Havana Festival recently and mentioned us UK guys that follow his videos.

    Did I also catch wind he visits the forum? Hello to you if you do, GREAT stuff!

    "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"

  • #2
    I agree completely, the Friends of Habanos video reviews are, by far and away, the best I've found so far. I really enjoy watching them. I've got to say that I started hunting for some Upmann Monarchs after that review! Not much success either...
    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
    My Company:
    Siparium Sporting


    • #3
      Very good review and I like watching them as well My fav is Smithy lol
      Let's be honest life is shite. But the graphics are better than in any computer game!


      • #4
        I had a couple of great nights with Rob and his mates in nightclubs in Havana. The party they had on the final Saturday was a blast, brief clip below.
        Smithy is coming to Ireland in July. Unfortunately, I'll be in Spain (well actually not so unfortunately but you know what I mean)
        I know he was looking to go somewhere else, either in Europe or further afield, for a week or so after that. It could be a good time for you guys to petition him for a trip to London.
        Apologies for the atrocious video quality.


        • #5
          Their reviews are usually a fun watch, I do like watching them.


          • #6
            Love the reviews, find myself checking youtube all the time in the hope a new one has been posted. FOH are living the dream..

