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H. Upmann Mag 48

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  • H. Upmann Mag 48

    I have seen alot of discussion about the Dukes and the Bolivar LEs, but what about the Mag 48s?

    Are there any opinions on these? I really like the magnum line and have seen many positive reviews on them, but they don't seem to get much attention on the forum. So, what do you guys think?

    Thanks for the input.

  • #2
    i have heard that they are very much like the mag 50 and mag 46.....which should be good news!


    • #3

      Haven`t been lucky enough to try any of the LE 2009 as yet, but i have always liked the 46.
      "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77


      • #4
        i smoked mag 50, mag 48, and the le mag 48.

        all beautiful smokes... although the mag 50 tasted "young"... but box date was mar 2009 so its kinda expected...


        • #5
          I have a cabinet of the Mag 48 doing its month rest, will try them in the new year


          • #6
            Yep lovely little sticks, had a couple now


            • #7
              Originally posted by Deano View Post
              Yep lovely little sticks, had a couple now
              You may think you can fly, but you better not try ..


              • #8
                hey jdawg,
                i've had a couple of magnum 48's, they're lovely little smokes!!! i'm not much of an h upmann fan, but i do love the mag46 &50! the magnum 48 was pretty cheap here in belfast, at ?11.50 a stick, compared to the other 2 2009 EL's (the duke is ?20 and the bolivar petite belicosis is ?17)! well, i've had the duke and the magnum48, i've a single of the bolivar i've yet to try.........but i do believe the 48 is the better of the three, and so do these guys!

                if you're in a position to do so, go get 'em! you'll not be disappointed!!

                all the best,



                • #9
                  i dont think they're anything like the 46 or 50.
                  they're similar to secretos to me. sweet and chocolatey.


                  • #10
                    hey lascaux,
                    you're dead right!!! they are quite like the secretos, which is one of my favourite cuban cigars! in fact, i've just returned from belfast city center with an H Upmann magnum 48, 2 trinidad reyes and a diplomaticos no. 5!!!

                    the review i posted the link to i think perfectly sums up the magnum 48!!!!

                    'it's a pity it wasn't twice as big, so i could enjoy it twice as much'- ken

                    nuff said!

                    all the best,



                    • #11
                      They're decent, especially if you've enjoyed other EL's fresh. I think they're too short and stubby for my tastes, and they taste a bit young, but what you get a decent cigar. For the money, I'd rather have the HU Connie #1's from 08 that's for sure.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by senor_robusto View Post
                        well, i've had the duke and the magnum48, i've a single of the bolivar i've yet to try.........but i do believe the 48 is the better of the three, and so do these guys!

                        The first of the latest range of LEs to be released this yea is the H. Upmann Magnum 48. Ken isn't happy with the length, Rob isn't happy with Ken and the g...

                        if you're in a position to do so, go get 'em! you'll not be disappointed!!

                        all the best,

                        Thank you, Alex! I was hoping that the Mag 48 is the best of all three LEs. It sounds like it very well be. Very nice review from those chaps on youtube. It sounds like a box purchase to me! Thanks for your input.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Lascaux View Post
                          i dont think they're anything like the 46 or 50.
                          they're similar to secretos to me. sweet and chocolatey.
                          This is exactly what I have read about them. So, I am glad you confirmed that!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Deano View Post
                            Yep lovely little sticks, had a couple now
                            Sounds good to me!


                            • #15
                              Thanks everyone for your input! I knew I could count on you guys. It sounds like the Mag 48's are in my future.

