Best value BHK 52, - The Mayfair Hotel - ?35 and a lovely setting to smoke it in.
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How much would you pay for BHK52?
In the end it's all relative to someone's disposable income, for most of us here far too expensive and honestly not worth it. Far better aging your own boxes of regular production cigars and don't get caught up in the hype
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In the end it's all relative to someone's disposable income, for most of us here far too expensive and honestly not worth it. Far better aging your own boxes of regular production cigars and don't get caught up in the hype
I brought 52 for my birthday in May for ?43.99 just as a treat to see what all the hype was about
but I will not be buying anymore unless I can get it cheaper as I did not enjoy it.
dont know if it was the way it had been stored but it tasted a bit to young.
I haven't tried the Behikes yet. The only expensive stick i've bought so far was the Bariay, ?67 for one stickI haven't had chance to smoke it yet (my original plans to smoke this went tits up), hoping to find them a bit cheaper if they are as good as i've heard. Not sure if this was overpriced or average?
Originally posted by Scooby View PostI haven't tried the Behikes yet. The only expensive stick i've bought so far was the Bariay, ?67 for one stickI haven't had chance to smoke it yet (my original plans to smoke this went tits up), hoping to find them a bit cheaper if they are as good as i've heard. Not sure if this was overpriced or average?
'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'
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