Been crazy busy but here's a quick round up since Wed. Here the pics of Wigan's Punch, see Might Red smoked his yesterday, assume yours was a might fine stick too Red?
On Fri I went to the caf? to do some study instead of fishing & had a ERDM Elegentes, which is a supposedly slightly different version of the Panatela Largos that I bought at auction three yrs ago, from the 70's. Guessing this Elegentes was circa 80's, wonderful flav still present, really fine vintage stick. No real difference noticeable at this age between the two, that may have disappeared with time or might not have existed to start with. Other Habanos have been the same with two different names.

On Fri I went to the caf? to do some study instead of fishing & had a ERDM Elegentes, which is a supposedly slightly different version of the Panatela Largos that I bought at auction three yrs ago, from the 70's. Guessing this Elegentes was circa 80's, wonderful flav still present, really fine vintage stick. No real difference noticeable at this age between the two, that may have disappeared with time or might not have existed to start with. Other Habanos have been the same with two different names.